Commit e2872441 by Steve Strassmann

rm test dir (replaced by tests dir)

parent d63a37c2
from test_extract import TestExtract
from test_generate import TestGenerate
from test_converter import TestConverter
from test_dummy import TestDummy
import os
from unittest import TestCase
import converter
class UpcaseConverter (converter.Converter):
Converts a string to uppercase. Just used for testing.
def inner_convert_string(self, string):
return string.upper()
class TestConverter(TestCase):
Tests functionality of i18n/
def test_converter(self):
Tests with a simple converter (converts strings to uppercase).
Assert that embedded HTML and python tags are not converted.
c = UpcaseConverter()
test_cases = (
# no tags
('big bad wolf', 'BIG BAD WOLF'),
# one html tag
('big <strong>bad</strong> wolf', 'BIG <strong>BAD</strong> WOLF'),
# two html tags
('big <b>bad</b> <i>wolf</i>', 'BIG <b>BAD</b> <i>WOLF</i>'),
# one python tag
('big %(adjective)s wolf', 'BIG %(adjective)s WOLF'),
# two python tags
('big %(adjective)s %(noun)s', 'BIG %(adjective)s %(noun)s'),
# both kinds of tags
('<strong>big</strong> %(adjective)s %(noun)s',
'<strong>BIG</strong> %(adjective)s %(noun)s'),
for (source, expected) in test_cases:
result = c.convert(source)
self.assertEquals(result, expected)
import os, string, random
from unittest import TestCase
from polib import POEntry
import dummy
class TestDummy(TestCase):
Tests functionality of i18n/
def setUp(self):
self.converter = dummy.Dummy()
def test_dummy(self):
Tests with a dummy converter (adds spurious accents to strings).
Assert that embedded HTML and python tags are not converted.
test_cases = (("hello my name is Bond, James Bond",
u'h\xe9ll\xf6 my n\xe4m\xe9 \xefs B\xf6nd, J\xe4m\xe9s B\xf6nd Lorem i#'),
('don\'t convert <a href="href">tag ids</a>',
u'd\xf6n\'t \xe7\xf6nv\xe9rt <a href="href">t\xe4g \xefds</a> Lorem ipsu#'),
('don\'t convert %(name)s tags on %(date)s',
u"d\xf6n't \xe7\xf6nv\xe9rt %(name)s t\xe4gs \xf6n %(date)s Lorem ips#")
for (source, expected) in test_cases:
result = self.converter.convert(source)
self.assertEquals(result, expected)
def test_singular(self):
entry = POEntry()
entry.msgid = 'A lovely day for a cup of tea.'
expected = u'\xc0 l\xf6v\xe9ly d\xe4y f\xf6r \xe4 \xe7\xfcp \xf6f t\xe9\xe4. Lorem i#'
self.assertEquals(entry.msgstr, expected)
def test_plural(self):
entry = POEntry()
entry.msgid = 'A lovely day for a cup of tea.'
entry.msgid_plural = 'A lovely day for some cups of tea.'
expected_s = u'\xc0 l\xf6v\xe9ly d\xe4y f\xf6r \xe4 \xe7\xfcp \xf6f t\xe9\xe4. Lorem i#'
expected_p = u'\xc0 l\xf6v\xe9ly d\xe4y f\xf6r s\xf6m\xe9 \xe7\xfcps \xf6f t\xe9\xe4. Lorem ip#'
result = entry.msgstr_plural
self.assertEquals(result['0'], expected_s)
self.assertEquals(result['1'], expected_p)
import os, polib
from unittest import TestCase
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import extract
from execute import SOURCE_MSGS_DIR
# Make sure setup runs only once
class TestExtract(TestCase):
Tests functionality of i18n/
generated_files = ('django-partial.po', 'djangojs.po', 'mako.po')
def setUp(self):
# Subtract 1 second to help comparisons with file-modify time succeed,
# since os.path.getmtime() is not millisecond-accurate
self.start_time = - timedelta(seconds=1)
super(TestExtract, self).setUp()
# Run extraction script. Warning, this takes 1 minute or more
def get_files (self):
This is a generator.
Returns the fully expanded filenames for all extracted files
Fails assertion if one of the files doesn't exist.
for filename in self.generated_files:
path = os.path.join(SOURCE_MSGS_DIR, filename)
exists = os.path.exists(path)
self.assertTrue(exists, msg='Missing file: %s' % filename)
if exists:
yield path
def test_files(self):
Asserts that each auto-generated file has been modified since 'extract' was launched.
Intended to show that the file has been touched by 'extract'.
for path in self.get_files():
self.assertTrue(datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)) > self.start_time,
msg='File not recently modified: %s' % os.path.basename(path))
def test_is_keystring(self):
Verifies is_keystring predicate
entry1 = polib.POEntry()
entry2 = polib.POEntry()
entry1.msgid = "_.lms.admin.warning.keystring"
entry2.msgid = "This is not a keystring"
def test_headers(self):
"""Verify all headers have been modified"""
for path in self.get_files():
po = polib.pofile(path)
header = po.header
self.assertEqual(header.find('edX translation file'), 0,
msg='Missing header in %s:\n"%s"' % \
(os.path.basename(path), header))
def test_metadata(self):
"""Verify all metadata has been modified"""
for path in self.get_files():
po = polib.pofile(path)
metadata = po.metadata
value = metadata['Report-Msgid-Bugs-To']
expected = ''
self.assertEquals(expected, value)
import os, string, random
from unittest import TestCase
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import generate
from execute import get_config, messages_dir, SOURCE_MSGS_DIR, SOURCE_LOCALE
class TestGenerate(TestCase):
Tests functionality of i18n/
generated_files = ('django-partial.po', 'djangojs.po', 'mako.po')
def setUp(self):
self.configuration = get_config()
# Subtract 1 second to help comparisons with file-modify time succeed,
# since os.path.getmtime() is not millisecond-accurate
self.start_time = - timedelta(seconds=1)
def test_configuration(self):
Make sure we have a valid configuration file,
and that it contains an 'en' locale.
locales = self.configuration['locales']
self.assertIsInstance(locales, list)
self.assertIn('en', locales)
def test_merge(self):
Tests merge script on English source files.
filename = os.path.join(SOURCE_MSGS_DIR, random_name())
generate.merge(SOURCE_LOCALE, target=filename)
def test_main(self):
Runs generate.main() which should merge source files,
then compile all sources in all configured languages.
Validates output by checking all .mo files in all configured languages.
.mo files should exist, and be recently created (modified
after start of test suite)
for locale in self.configuration['locales']:
for filename in ('', ''):
path = os.path.join(messages_dir(locale), filename)
exists = os.path.exists(path)
self.assertTrue(exists, msg='Missing file in locale %s: %s' % (locale, filename))
self.assertTrue(datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)) >= self.start_time,
msg='File not recently modified: %s' % path)
def random_name(size=6):
"""Returns random filename as string, like test-4BZ81W"""
chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
return 'test-' + ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size))
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