Commit e2104820 by Alexander Kryklia

comments and refactoring

parent bdcf94dd
......@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ class PositionsCompare(list):
elif (isinstance(self[0], (unicode, str)) and
isinstance(other[0], (unicode, str))):
return ''.join(self) == ''.join(other)
else: # improper argument types
# Now we have no (float / int or lists of list and float / int pair)
# or two string / unicode lists pair
else: # improper argument types: no (float / int or lists of list
#and float / int pair) or two string / unicode lists pair
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
......@@ -103,18 +102,14 @@ class PositionsCompare(list):
class DragAndDrop(object):
""" Grader for drag and drop inputtype.
""" Grader class for drag and drop inputtype.
def __init__(self):
self.correct_groups = OrderedDict() # correct groups from xml
self.correct_positions = OrderedDict() # correct positions for comparing
self.user_groups = OrderedDict() # will be populated from user answer
self.user_positions = OrderedDict() # will be populated from user answer
# flag to check if user answer has more draggables than correct answer
self.incorrect = False
def grade(self):
''' Grader user answer.
......@@ -126,39 +121,30 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
Returns: bool.
for draggable in self.excess_draggables:
if not self.excess_draggables[draggable]:
return False # user answer has more draggables than correct answer
if self.incorrect: # user answer has more draggables than correct answer
return False
# checks if we have same groups of draggables
if sorted(self.correct_groups.keys()) != sorted(self.user_groups.keys()):
return False
# checks if for every groups draggables names are same
# Number of draggables in user_groups may be smaller that in
# correct_groups, that is incorrect.
for groupname, draggable_ids in self.correct_groups.items():
if sorted(draggable_ids) != sorted(self.user_groups[groupname]):
return False
# from now self.correct_groups and self.user_groups are equal if
# order is ignored
# Next check in every group that user positions of every element are equal
# with correct positions for every rule
passed_rules = dict()
for rule in ('exact', 'anyof'):
passed_rules[rule] = 0
for groupname in self.correct_groups:
# Check that in every group, for rule of that group, user positions of
#every element are equal with correct positions
for groupname in self.correct_groups:
rules_executed = 0
for rule in ('exact', 'anyof'): # every group has only one rule
if self.correct_positions[groupname].get(rule, []):
rules_executed += 1
if not self.compare_positions(
self.user_positions[groupname]['user'], flag=rule):
return False
passed_rules[rule] += 1
# if no rule was executed for all groups
if sum(passed_rules.values()) == 0:
return False
if not rules_executed: # no correct rules for current group
# probably xml content mistake - wrong rules names
return False
return True
......@@ -199,7 +185,7 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
'5': 't2',
It is draggable_name: dragable_position mapping
It is draggable_name: dragable_position mapping.
Correct answer in list form is designed for complex cases::
......@@ -215,6 +201,7 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
'rule': 'anyof'
Correct answer in list form is list of dicts, and every dict must have
3 keys: 'draggables', 'targets' and 'rule'. 'Draggables' value is
list of draggables ids, 'targes' values are list of targets ids, 'rule'
......@@ -241,7 +228,7 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
self.use_targets = user_answer.get('use_targets')
# check if we have draggables that are not in correct answer:
check_extra_draggables = {}
self.excess_draggables = {}
# create identical data structures from user answer and correct answer
for i in xrange(0, len(correct_answer)):
......@@ -258,30 +245,56 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
check_extra_draggables[draggable_name] = True
self.excess_draggables[draggable_name] = True
check_extra_draggables[draggable_name] = \
check_extra_draggables.get(draggable_name, False)
for draggable in check_extra_draggables:
if not check_extra_draggables[draggable]:
self.incorrect = True
self.excess_draggables[draggable_name] = \
self.excess_draggables.get(draggable_name, False)
def grade(user_input, correct_answer):
user_input, correct_answer: json. Format:
""" Populates DragAndDrop instance from user_input and correct_answer and
calls DragAndDrop.drade for grading.
user_input: see module docstring
Supports two interfaces for correct_answer: dict and list.
if use_targets is True:
{'1': 't1', 'name_with_icon': 't2'}
{'1': '[10, 10]', 'name_with_icon': '[[10, 10], 20]'}
Support 2 interfaces"""
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
user_input: json. Format::
{"use_targets": false, "draggables":
[{"1": [10, 10]}, {"name_with_icon": [20, 20]}]}'
{"use_targets": true, "draggables": [{"1": "t1"}, \
{"name_with_icon": "t2"}]}
correct_answer: dict or list.
Dict form::
{'1': 't1', 'name_with_icon': 't2'}
{'1': '[10, 10]', 'name_with_icon': '[[10, 10], 20]'}
List form::
correct_answer = [
'draggables': ['l3_o', 'l10_o'],
'targets': ['t1_o', 't9_o'],
'rule': 'anyof'
'draggables': ['l1_c','l8_c'],
'targets': ['t5_c','t6_c'],
'rule': 'anyof'
Returns: bool
dnd = DragAndDrop()
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
dnd.populate(correct_answer=correct_answer, user_answer=user_input)
return dnd.grade()
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