Commit e20a7fc5 by Andy Armstrong Committed by cahrens

Fix Jasmine tests

Also, rewrite them to be easier to comprehend, and to not use magic constants (or to use fewer, at least).
parent c6b96f32
define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container", "js/models/xblock_info",
"js/views/feedback_notification", "jquery.simulate",
define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "js/spec_helpers/view_helpers",
"js/views/container", "js/models/xblock_info", "js/views/feedback_notification", "jquery.simulate",
"xmodule", "coffee/src/main", "xblock/cms.runtime.v1"],
function ($, create_sinon, URI, ContainerView, XBlockInfo, Notification) {
function ($, create_sinon, view_helpers, ContainerView, XBlockInfo, Notification) {
describe("Container View", function () {
describe("Supports reordering components", function () {
var model, containerView, mockContainerHTML, respondWithMockXBlockFragment,
init, dragHandleVertically, dragHandleOver, verifyRequest, verifyNumReorderCalls,
var model, containerView, mockContainerHTML, respondWithMockXBlockFragment, init, getComponent,
getDragHandle, dragComponentVertically, dragComponentToY, dragComponentAbove, dragComponentBelow,
verifyRequest, verifyNumReorderCalls, respondToRequest,
rootLocator = 'testCourse/branch/draft/split_test/splitFFF',
containerTestUrl = '/xblock/' + rootLocator,
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="wrapper-xblock level-page" data-locator="' + rootLocator + '"></div>');
appendSetFixtures('<div class="wrapper-xblock level-page" data-locator="' + rootLocator + '"></div>');
model = new XBlockInfo({
id: rootLocator,
display_name: 'Test AB Test',
......@@ -66,22 +67,43 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
return requests;
dragHandleVertically = function (index, dy) {
var handle = containerView.$(".drag-handle:eq(" + index + ")");
handle.simulate("drag", {dy: dy});
getComponent = function(locator) {
return containerView.$('[data-locator="' + locator + '"]');
getDragHandle = function(locator) {
var component = getComponent(locator);
return component.prev();
dragHandleOver = function (index, targetElement) {
var handle = containerView.$(".drag-handle:eq(" + index + ")"),
dy = handle.y - targetElement.y;
dragComponentVertically = function (locator, dy) {
var handle = getDragHandle(locator);
handle.simulate("drag", {dy: dy});
dragComponentToY = function (locator, y) {
var handle = getDragHandle(locator),
handleY = handle.offset().top + (handle.height() / 2),
dy = y - handleY;
handle.simulate("drag", {dy: dy});
dragComponentAbove = function (sourceLocator, targetLocator) {
var targetElement = getComponent(targetLocator);
dragComponentToY(sourceLocator, targetElement.offset().top + 1);
dragComponentBelow = function (sourceLocator, targetLocator) {
var targetElement = containerView.$('[data-locator="' + targetLocator + '"]');
dragComponentToY(sourceLocator, targetElement.offset().top + targetElement.height() - 1);
verifyRequest = function (requests, reorderCallIndex, expectedURL, expectedChildren) {
var request, children, i;
var actualIndex, request, children, i;
// 0th call is the response to the initial render call to get HTML.
request = requests[reorderCallIndex + 1];
actualIndex = reorderCallIndex + 1;
request = requests[actualIndex];
children = (JSON.parse(request.requestBody)).children;
......@@ -96,79 +118,62 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
respondToRequest = function (requests, reorderCallIndex, status) {
var actualIndex;
// Number of calls will be 1 more than expected because of the initial render call to get HTML.
requests[reorderCallIndex + 1].respond(status);
actualIndex = reorderCallIndex + 1;
it('does nothing if item not moved far enough', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag the first thing in Group A (text component) down very slightly, but not past second thing.
dragHandleVertically(2, 5);
// Drag the first component in Group A down very slightly but not enough to move it.
dragComponentVertically(groupAComponent1, 5);
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 0);
it('can reorder within a group', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag the first component in Group A to the end
dragHandleVertically(2, 80);
// Drag the third component in Group A to be the first
dragComponentAbove(groupAComponent3, groupAComponent1);
respondToRequest(requests, 0, 200);
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 1);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, groupAUrl, [groupAComponent2, groupAComponent3, groupAComponent1]);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, groupAUrl, [groupAComponent3, groupAComponent1, groupAComponent2]);
it('can drag from one group to another', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag the first component in Group A into the second group.
dragHandleVertically(2, 300);
// Drag the first component in Group B to the first group.
dragComponentAbove(groupBComponent1, groupAComponent1);
// Respond to the first request which will trigger a request to make the move
respondToRequest(requests, 0, 200);
respondToRequest(requests, 1, 200);
// Will get an event to move into Group B and an event to remove from Group A.
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 2);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, groupBUrl,
[groupBComponent1, groupBComponent2, groupAComponent1, groupBComponent3]);
verifyRequest(requests, 1, groupAUrl, [groupAComponent2, groupAComponent3]);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, groupAUrl,
[groupBComponent1, groupAComponent1, groupAComponent2, groupAComponent3]);
verifyRequest(requests, 1, groupBUrl, [groupBComponent2, groupBComponent3]);
it('does not remove from old group if addition to new group fails', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag the first component in Group A into the second group.
dragHandleVertically(2, 300);
// Drag the first component in Group B to the first group.
dragComponentAbove(groupBComponent1, groupAComponent1);
respondToRequest(requests, 0, 500);
// Send failure for addition to new group-- no removal event should be received.
// Send failure for addition to new group -- no removal event should be received.
verifyRequest(requests, 0, groupAUrl,
[groupBComponent1, groupAComponent1, groupAComponent2, groupAComponent3]);
// Verify that a second request was not issued
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 1);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, groupBUrl,
[groupBComponent1, groupBComponent2, groupAComponent1, groupBComponent3]);
it('can swap group A and group B', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag Group B before group A.
dragHandleVertically(5, -300);
dragComponentAbove(groupB, groupA);
respondToRequest(requests, 0, 200);
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 1);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, containerTestUrl, [groupB, groupA]);
it('can drag a component to the top level, and nest one group in another', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag text item in Group A to the top level (in first position).
dragHandleVertically(2, -40);
respondToRequest(requests, 0, 200);
respondToRequest(requests, 1, 200);
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 2);
verifyRequest(requests, 0, containerTestUrl, [groupAComponent1, groupA, groupB]);
verifyRequest(requests, 1, groupAUrl, [groupAComponent2, groupAComponent3]);
// Drag Group A into Group B.
dragHandleVertically(1, 150);
respondToRequest(requests, 2, 200);
respondToRequest(requests, 3, 200);
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 4);
verifyRequest(requests, 2, groupBUrl, [groupBComponent1, groupA, groupBComponent2]);
verifyRequest(requests, 3, containerTestUrl, [groupAComponent1, groupB]);
describe("Shows a saving message", function () {
var savingSpies;
......@@ -182,8 +187,8 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
var requests, savingOptions;
requests = init(this);
// Drag the first component in Group A into the second group.
dragHandleVertically(2, 200);
// Drag the first component in Group B to the first group.
dragComponentAbove(groupBComponent1, groupAComponent1);
......@@ -195,14 +200,13 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
respondToRequest(requests, 1, 200);
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 2);
it('does not hide saving message if failure', function () {
var requests = init(this);
// Drag the first component in Group A into the second group.
dragHandleVertically(2, 200);
// Drag the first component in Group B to the first group.
dragComponentAbove(groupBComponent1, groupAComponent1);
......@@ -210,6 +214,7 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
respondToRequest(requests, 0, 500);
// Since the first reorder call failed, the removal will not be called.
verifyNumReorderCalls(requests, 1);
......@@ -217,4 +222,3 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI", "js/views/container",
\ No newline at end of file
* Provides helper methods for invoking Studio modal windows in Jasmine tests.
function($) {
define(["jquery", "js/spec_helpers/view_helpers"],
function($, view_helpers) {
var basicModalTemplate = readFixtures('basic-modal.underscore'),
modalButtonTemplate = readFixtures('modal-button.underscore'),
feedbackTemplate = readFixtures('system-feedback.underscore'),
......@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@ define(["jquery"],
installModalTemplates = function(append) {
if (append) {
appendSetFixtures($("<script>", { id: "system-feedback-tpl", type: "text/template" }).text(feedbackTemplate));
} else {
setFixtures($("<script>", { id: "system-feedback-tpl", type: "text/template" }).text(feedbackTemplate));
appendSetFixtures($("<script>", { id: "basic-modal-tpl", type: "text/template" }).text(basicModalTemplate));
appendSetFixtures($("<script>", { id: "modal-button-tpl", type: "text/template" }).text(modalButtonTemplate));
......@@ -58,11 +54,11 @@ define(["jquery"],
return {
return $.extend(view_helpers, {
'installModalTemplates': installModalTemplates,
'isShowingModal': isShowingModal,
'hideModalIfShowing': hideModalIfShowing,
'cancelModal': cancelModal,
'cancelModalIfShowing': cancelModalIfShowing
* Provides helper methods for invoking Studio modal windows in Jasmine tests.
function($) {
var feedbackTemplate = readFixtures('system-feedback.underscore'),
installViewTemplates = function(append) {
if (append) {
appendSetFixtures($("<script>", { id: "system-feedback-tpl", type: "text/template" }).text(feedbackTemplate));
} else {
setFixtures($("<script>", { id: "system-feedback-tpl", type: "text/template" }).text(feedbackTemplate));
return {
'installViewTemplates': installViewTemplates
......@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/xblock", "js/utils/module", "gettext",
stop: function (event, ui) {
var saving, hideSaving, removeFromParent;
if (oldParent === undefined) {
// If no actual change occurred,
// oldParent will never have been set.
......@@ -81,8 +79,6 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/xblock", "js/utils/module", "gettext",
reorder: function (targetParent, successCallback) {
var children, childLocators;
console.log('calling reorder for ' +'locator'));
// Find descendants with class "wrapper-xblock" whose parent == targetParent.
// This is necessary to filter our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.
children = targetParent.find('.wrapper-xblock').filter(function () {
......@@ -106,7 +102,6 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/xblock", "js/utils/module", "gettext",
success: function () {
// change data-parent on the element moved.
console.log('SAVED! ' +'locator') + " with " + childLocators.length + " children");
if (successCallback) {
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