Commit e1eb23df by Edward Fagin Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13774 from edx/efagin/auth-logging

Add logging when header permissions in use.
parents cd62fc39 dc4150ca
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from student.roles import CourseStaffRole, CourseInstructorRole
from openedx.core.lib.log_utils import audit_log
class ApiKeyHeaderPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
......@@ -26,10 +28,17 @@ class ApiKeyHeaderPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
present in the request and matches the setting.
api_key = getattr(settings, "EDX_API_KEY", None)
return (
(settings.DEBUG and api_key is None) or
(api_key is not None and request.META.get("HTTP_X_EDX_API_KEY") == api_key)
if settings.DEBUG and api_key is None:
return True
elif api_key is not None and request.META.get("HTTP_X_EDX_API_KEY") == api_key:
audit_log("ApiKeyHeaderPermission used",
return True
return False
class ApiKeyHeaderPermissionIsAuthenticated(ApiKeyHeaderPermission, permissions.IsAuthenticated):
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