Commit e1e0cba0 by Valera Rozuvan

Added acceptance tests.

parent 2a6418ec
......@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
Feature: CMS.Video Component
As a course author, I want to be able to view my created videos in Studio.
# 1
# Video Alpha Features will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window
Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in Studio
Given I have created a Video component
Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled
# 2
Scenario: Creating a video takes a single click
Given I have clicked the new unit button
Then creating a video takes a single click
# 3
# Sauce Labs cannot delete cookies
Scenario: Captions are hidden correctly
......@@ -18,12 +21,14 @@ Feature: CMS.Video Component
And I have hidden captions
Then when I view the video it does not show the captions
# 4
# Sauce Labs cannot delete cookies
Scenario: Captions are shown correctly
Given I have created a Video component with subtitles
Then when I view the video it does show the captions
# 5
# Sauce Labs cannot delete cookies
Scenario: Captions are toggled correctly
......@@ -31,6 +36,23 @@ Feature: CMS.Video Component
And I have toggled captions
Then when I view the video it does show the captions
# 6
Scenario: Video data is shown correctly
Given I have created a video with only XML data
Then the correct Youtube video is shown
# 7
Scenario: Closed captions become visible when the mouse hovers over CC button
Given I have created a Video component with subtitles
And Make sure captions are closed
Then Captions become invisible
And Hover over CC button
Then Captions become visible
# 8
Scenario: Open captions never become invisible
Given I have created a Video component with subtitles
And Make sure captions are open
Then Captions become visible
And Hover over CC button
Then Captions become visible
......@@ -108,3 +108,29 @@ def the_youtube_video_is_shown(_step):
ele = world.css_find('.video').first
assert ele['data-streams'].split(':')[1] == world.scenario_dict['YOUTUBE_ID']
@step('Make sure captions are (.+)$')
def make_sure_captions_are_closed(_step, captions_state):
if captions_state == 'closed':
if world.css_visible('.subtitles'):
if not world.css_visible('.subtitles'):
@step('Hover over CC button$')
def hover_over_cc_button(_step):
@step('Captions become (.+)$')
def captions_become_visible(_step, visibility_state):
# Captions become invisible by fading out. We must wait.
if visibility_state == 'visible':
assert world.css_visible('.subtitles')
assert not world.css_visible('.subtitles')
......@@ -2,38 +2,45 @@
Feature: LMS.Video component
As a student, I want to view course videos in LMS.
# 1
Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode
Given the course has a Video component in HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in HTML5 mode
And all sources are correct
# 2
# Firefox doesn't have HTML5 (only mp4 - fix here)
Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in LMS for a Video component
Given the course has a Video component in HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled
# 3
# Youtube testing
Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 0.4 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode
# 4
Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in HTML5 mode
# 5
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode without HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode
# 6
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5_Unsupported_Video mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode
# 7
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser
Given the course has a Video component in HTML5_Unsupported_Video mode
Then error message is shown
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