Commit e159ff9b by David Baumgold Committed by Christine Lytwynec

Remove unused `verbose` property

parent 4221bf9e
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class I18nTestSuite(TestSuite):
cmd = (
"{pythonpath_prefix} nosetests {repo_root}/i18n/tests "
"--with-xunit --xunit-file={xunit_report} "
......@@ -23,15 +23,6 @@ class TestSuite(object):
self.failed_suites = []
self.verbosity = kwargs.get('verbosity', 1)
def verbose(self):
Boolean version of `self.verbosity`. If `self.verbosity` is greater than
1, `self.verbose` is True. Note that the default value for
`self.verbosity` is 1, so the default value for `self.verbose` is False.
return self.verbosity > 1
def __enter__(self):
This will run before the test suite is run with the run_suite_tests method.
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