Commit dfff435a by chrisndodge

Merge pull request #968 from MITx/bug/lyla/typo

typo fix
parents 44bc1a06 957a72ae
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<article class="user-overview">
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<p>The following list of users have been designated as course staff. This means that these users will have permissions to modify course content. You may add additional source staff below, if you are the course instructor. Please note that they must have already registered and verified their account.</p>
<p>The following list of users have been designated as course staff. This means that these users will have permissions to modify course content. You may add additional course staff below, if you are the course instructor. Please note that they must have already registered and verified their account.</p>
<div class="list-header">
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