Commit dffbc69a by Calen Pennington

Merge pull request #11329 from cpennington/fix-cert-type-names

Fix the help text for cert_name_short and cert_name_long
parents 97955251 4191ea00
A single-use management command that provides an interactive way to remove
erroneous certificate names.
from collections import namedtuple
from import BaseCommand
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
Result = namedtuple("Result", ["course_key", "cert_name_short", "cert_name_long", "should_clean"])
class Command(BaseCommand):
A management command that provides an interactive way to remove erroneous cert_name_long and
cert_name_short course attributes across both the Split and Mongo modulestores.
help = 'Allows manual clean-up of invalid cert_name_short and cert_name_long entries on CourseModules'
def _mongo_results(self):
Return Result objects for any mongo-modulestore backend course that has
cert_name_short or cert_name_long set.
# N.B. This code breaks many abstraction barriers. That's ok, because
# it's a one-time cleanup command.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
mongo_modulestore = modulestore()._get_modulestore_by_type(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo)
old_mongo_courses = mongo_modulestore.collection.find({
"_id.category": "course",
"$or": [
{"metadata.cert_name_short": {"$exists": 1}},
{"metadata.cert_name_long": {"$exists": 1}},
}, {
"_id": True,
"metadata.cert_name_short": True,
"metadata.cert_name_long": True,
return [
) for course in old_mongo_courses
def _split_results(self):
Return Result objects for any split-modulestore backend course that has
cert_name_short or cert_name_long set.
# N.B. This code breaks many abstraction barriers. That's ok, because
# it's a one-time cleanup command.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
split_modulestore = modulestore()._get_modulestore_by_type(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split)
active_version_collection = split_modulestore.db_connection.course_index
structure_collection = split_modulestore.db_connection.structures
branches = active_version_collection.aggregate([{
'$group': {
'_id': 1,
'draft': {'$push': '$versions.draft-branch'},
'published': {'$push': '$versions.published-branch'}
}, {
'$project': {
'_id': 1,
'branches': {'$setUnion': ['$draft', '$published']}
structures = list(
'_id': {'$in': branches},
'blocks': {'$elemMatch': {
'$and': [
{"block_type": "course"},
{'$or': [
{'fields.cert_name_long': {'$exists': True}},
{'fields.cert_name_short': {'$exists': True}}
}, {
'_id': True,
'blocks.fields.cert_name_long': True,
'blocks.fields.cert_name_short': True,
structure_map = {struct['_id']: struct for struct in structures}
structure_ids = [struct['_id'] for struct in structures]
split_mongo_courses = list(active_version_collection.find({
'$or': [
{"versions.draft-branch": {'$in': structure_ids}},
{"versions.published": {'$in': structure_ids}},
}, {
'org': True,
'course': True,
'run': True,
'versions': True,
for course in split_mongo_courses:
draft = course['versions'].get('draft-branch')
if draft in structure_map:
draft_fields = structure_map[draft]['blocks'][0].get('fields', {})
draft_fields = {}
published = course['versions'].get('published')
if published in structure_map:
published_fields = structure_map[published]['blocks'][0].get('fields', {})
published_fields = {}
for fields in (draft_fields, published_fields):
for field in ('cert_name_short', 'cert_name_long'):
if field in fields:
course[field] = fields[field]
return [
) for course in split_mongo_courses
def _display(self, results):
Render a list of Result objects as a nicely formatted table.
headers = ["Course Key", "cert_name_short", "cert_name_short", "Should clean?"]
col_widths = [
max(len(unicode(result[col])) for result in results + [headers])
for col in range(len(results[0]))
id_format = "{{:>{}}} |".format(len(unicode(len(results))))
col_format = "| {{:>{}}} |"
self.stdout.write(id_format.format(""), ending='')
for header, width in zip(headers, col_widths):
self.stdout.write(col_format.format(width).format(header), ending='')
for idx, result in enumerate(results):
self.stdout.write(id_format.format(idx), ending='')
for col, width in zip(result, col_widths):
self.stdout.write(col_format.format(width).format(unicode(col)), ending='')
def _commit(self, results):
For each Result in ``results``, if ``should_clean`` is True, remove cert_name_long
and cert_name_short from the course and save in the backing modulestore.
for result in results:
if not result.should_clean:
course = modulestore().get_course(result.course_key)
del course.cert_name_short
del course.cert_name_long
modulestore().update_item(course, ModuleStoreEnum.UserID.mgmt_command)
def handle(self, *args, **options):
results = self._mongo_results() + self._split_results()
self.stdout.write("Type the index of a row to toggle whether it will be cleaned, "
"'commit' to remove all cert_name_short and cert_name_long values "
"from any rows marked for cleaning, or 'quit' to quit.")
while True:
command = raw_input("<index>|commit|quit: ").strip()
if command == 'quit':
elif command == 'commit':
elif command == '':
index = int(command)
results[index] = results[index]._replace(should_clean=not results[index].should_clean)
...@@ -495,9 +495,9 @@ class CourseFields(object): ...@@ -495,9 +495,9 @@ class CourseFields(object):
## Course level Certificate Name overrides. ## Course level Certificate Name overrides.
cert_name_short = String( cert_name_short = String(
help=_( help=_(
"Use this setting only when generating PDF certificates. " 'Use this setting only when generating PDF certificates. '
"Between quotation marks, enter the short name of the course to use on the certificate that " 'Between quotation marks, enter the short name of the type of certificate that '
"students receive when they complete the course." 'students receive when they complete the course. For instance, "Certificate".'
), ),
display_name=_("Certificate Name (Short)"), display_name=_("Certificate Name (Short)"),
scope=Scope.settings, scope=Scope.settings,
...@@ -505,9 +505,9 @@ class CourseFields(object): ...@@ -505,9 +505,9 @@ class CourseFields(object):
) )
cert_name_long = String( cert_name_long = String(
help=_( help=_(
"Use this setting only when generating PDF certificates. " 'Use this setting only when generating PDF certificates. '
"Between quotation marks, enter the long name of the course to use on the certificate that students " 'Between quotation marks, enter the long name of the type of certificate that students '
"receive when they complete the course." 'receive when they complete the course. For instance, "Certificate of Achievement".'
), ),
display_name=_("Certificate Name (Long)"), display_name=_("Certificate Name (Long)"),
scope=Scope.settings, scope=Scope.settings,
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