Commit df76994e by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #9415 from edx/christina/insensitive-check

Do a case insensitive check for conflicts to improve performance.
parents 3c400783 41ac90fa
......@@ -165,30 +165,3 @@ def slugify(value):
value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
value = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower()
return mark_safe(re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', value))
def generate_unique_readable_id(name, queryset, lookup_field):
"""Generates a unique readable id from name by appending a numeric suffix.
name (string): Name to generate the id from. May include spaces.
queryset (QuerySet): QuerySet to check for uniqueness within.
lookup_field (string): Field name on the model that corresponds to the
unique identifier.
string: generated unique identifier
candidate = slugify(name)
conflicts = queryset.filter(**{lookup_field + '__startswith': candidate}).values_list(lookup_field, flat=True)
if conflicts and candidate in conflicts:
suffix = 2
while True:
new_id = candidate + '-' + str(suffix)
if new_id not in conflicts:
candidate = new_id
suffix += 1
return candidate
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
from django_countries.fields import CountryField
from xmodule_django.models import CourseKeyField
from util.model_utils import generate_unique_readable_id
from util.model_utils import slugify
from student.models import LanguageField, CourseEnrollment
from .errors import AlreadyOnTeamInCourse, NotEnrolledInCourseForTeam
......@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ class CourseTeam(models.Model):
team uses, as ISO 639-1 code.
team_id = generate_unique_readable_id(name, cls.objects.all(), 'team_id')
discussion_topic_id = uuid4().hex
unique_id = uuid4().hex
team_id = slugify(name)[0:20] + '-' + unique_id
discussion_topic_id = unique_id
course_team = cls(
......@@ -533,20 +533,28 @@ class TestCreateTeamAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
def test_access(self, user, status):
team = self.post_create_team(status, self.build_team_data(name="New Team"), user=user)
if status == 200:
self.assertEqual(team['id'], 'new-team')
self.assertIn('discussion_topic_id', team)
self.verify_expected_team_id(team, 'new-team')
teams = self.get_teams_list(user=user)
self.assertIn("New Team", [team['name'] for team in teams['results']])
def verify_expected_team_id(self, team, expected_prefix):
""" Verifies that the team id starts with the specified prefix and ends with the discussion_topic_id """
self.assertIn('id', team)
self.assertIn('discussion_topic_id', team)
self.assertEqual(team['id'], expected_prefix + '-' + team['discussion_topic_id'])
def test_naming(self):
new_teams = [
self.post_create_team(data=self.build_team_data(name=name), user=self.create_and_enroll_student())
for name in ["The Best Team", "The Best Team", "The Best Team", "The Best Team 2"]
for name in ["The Best Team", "The Best Team", "A really long team name"]
[team['id'] for team in new_teams],
['the-best-team', 'the-best-team-2', 'the-best-team-3', 'the-best-team-2-2']
# Check that teams with the same name have unique IDs.
self.verify_expected_team_id(new_teams[0], 'the-best-team')
self.verify_expected_team_id(new_teams[1], 'the-best-team')
self.assertNotEqual(new_teams[0]['id'], new_teams[1]['id'])
# Verify expected truncation behavior with names > 20 characters.
self.verify_expected_team_id(new_teams[2], 'a-really-long-team-n'), {
'name': 'Bad Course ID',
......@@ -616,6 +624,10 @@ class TestCreateTeamAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
), user=creator)
# Verify the id (it ends with a unique hash, which is the same as the discussion_id).
self.verify_expected_team_id(team, 'fully-specified-team')
del team['id']
# Remove date_created and discussion_topic_id because they change between test runs
del team['date_created']
del team['discussion_topic_id']
......@@ -643,7 +655,6 @@ class TestCreateTeamAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
'is_active': True,
'topic_id': 'great-topic',
'course_id': str(,
'id': 'fully-specified-team',
'description': 'Another fantastic team'
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