Commit df3c3874 by aamir-khan

ECOM-1447: Added the custom message if there is an internal server error on ajax call.

parent 236d251e
......@@ -278,7 +278,25 @@
// Expect that an error is displayed and that auth complete is not triggered
expect(view.$errors.text()).toContain('Please check your internet connection and try again.');
'An error has occurred. Check your Internet connection and try again.'
it('displays an error if there is a server error', function () {
// Submit the form, with successful validation
// Simulate an error from the LMS servers
AjaxHelpers.respondWithError(requests, 500);
// Expect that an error is displayed and that auth complete is not triggered
'An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your Internet connection.'
......@@ -103,12 +103,13 @@
saveError: function( error ) {
var msg = error.responseText;
if (error.status === 0) {
this.errors = ['<li>' + gettext('Please check your internet connection and try again.') + '</li>'];
else {
this.errors = ['<li>' + error.responseText + '</li>'];
msg = gettext('An error has occurred. Check your Internet connection and try again.');
} else if(error.status === 500){
msg = gettext('An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your Internet connection.');
this.errors = ['<li>' + msg + '</li>'];
this.element.hide( this.$resetSuccess );
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