Commit dea0d28a by Calen Pennington

Url encode memcache keys, rather than writing a new encoding scheme. Also use…

Url encode memcache keys, rather than writing a new encoding scheme. Also use fasthash, rather than md5
parent 88ff84dd
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Does some caching (to be explained).
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
......@@ -16,6 +15,7 @@ import urllib
from datetime import timedelta
from lxml import etree
from util.memcache import fasthash
try: # This lets us do __name__ == ='__main__'
from django.conf import settings
......@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ def parse_timedelta(time_str):
time_params[name] = int(param)
return timedelta(**time_params)
def fasthash(string):
m ="md4")
return "id"+m.hexdigest()
def xpath(xml, query_string, **args):
''' Safe xpath query into an xml tree:
......@@ -160,11 +156,11 @@ def user_groups(user):
cache_expiration = 60 * 60 # one hour
# Kill caching on dev machines -- we switch groups a lot
group_names = cache.get(fasthash(key))
group_names = cache.get(key)
if group_names is None:
group_names = [ for u in UserTestGroup.objects.filter(users=user)]
cache.set(fasthash(key), group_names, cache_expiration)
cache.set(key, group_names, cache_expiration)
return group_names
......@@ -203,7 +199,7 @@ def course_file(user,coursename=None):
cache_key = filename + "_processed?dev_content:" + str(options['dev_content']) + "&groups:" + str(sorted(groups))
if "dev" not in settings.DEFAULT_GROUPS:
tree_string = cache.get(fasthash(cache_key))
tree_string = cache.get(cache_key)
tree_string = None
......@@ -211,7 +207,7 @@ def course_file(user,coursename=None):
tree = course_xml_process(etree.XML(render_to_string(filename, options, namespace = 'course')))
tree_string = etree.tostring(tree)
cache.set(fasthash(cache_key), tree_string, 60)
cache.set(cache_key, tree_string, 60)
tree = etree.XML(tree_string)
......@@ -2,17 +2,19 @@
This module provides a KEY_FUNCTION suitable for use with a memcache backend
so that we can cache any keys, not just ones that memcache would ordinarily accept
from django.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
import string
import hashlib
import urllib
def fasthash(string):
m ="md4")
return "id"+m.hexdigest()
def safe_key(key, key_prefix, version):
safe_key = smart_str(key)
for char in safe_key:
if ord(char) < 33 or ord(char) == 127:
safe_key = safe_key.replace(char, '_')
safe_key = urllib.quote_plus(smart_str(key))
if len(safe_key) > 250:
safe_key = md5_constructor(safe_key)
safe_key = fasthash(safe_key)
return ":".join([key_prefix, str(version), safe_key])
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