Commit ddfbe598 by Don Mitchell Committed by Calen Pennington

Make DraftModuleStore mongo only

DraftModuleStore was originally designed as a mixin, but never used that
way, and with the upcoming changes to use the versioned module store,
never will be. This changes removes a circular dependency between and
parent 7892fd74
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ MODULESTORE_OPTIONS = {
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.draft.DraftModuleStore',
'direct': {
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ MODULESTORE = {
'draft': {
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.draft.DraftModuleStore',
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ modulestore_options = {
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.draft.DraftModuleStore',
'OPTIONS': modulestore_options
'direct': {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ MODULESTORE_OPTIONS = {
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.draft.DraftModuleStore',
'direct': {
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ MODULESTORE = {
'draft': {
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.draft.DraftModuleStore',
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ from pymongo import Connection
import gridfs
from gridfs.errors import NoFile
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import location_to_query, Location
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo.base import location_to_query
from xmodule.contentstore.content import XASSET_LOCATION_TAG
import logging
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo.base import MongoModuleStore, MongoKeyValueStore, MongoUsage
# Backwards compatibility for prod systems that refererence
# xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo.draft import DraftModuleStore as DraftMongoModuleStore
......@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor
from xblock.runtime import DbModel, KeyValueStore, InvalidScopeError
from xblock.core import Scope
from . import ModuleStoreBase, Location, namedtuple_to_son
from .draft import DraftModuleStore
from .exceptions import (ItemNotFoundError,
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreBase, Location, namedtuple_to_son
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import (ItemNotFoundError,
from .inheritance import own_metadata, INHERITABLE_METADATA, inherit_metadata
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata, INHERITABLE_METADATA, inherit_metadata
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -761,12 +760,3 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
return {}
# DraftModuleStore is first, because it needs to intercept calls to MongoModuleStore
class DraftMongoModuleStore(DraftModuleStore, MongoModuleStore):
Version of MongoModuleStore with draft capability mixed in
Version of MongoModuleStore with draft capability mixed in
from datetime import datetime
from xmodule.modulestore import Location, namedtuple_to_son
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata
from xmodule.exceptions import InvalidVersionError
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo.base import MongoModuleStore
from pytz import UTC
DRAFT = 'draft'
# Things w/ these categories should never be marked as version='draft'
DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES = ['course', 'chapter', 'sequential', 'about', 'static_tab', 'course_info']
def as_draft(location):
Returns the Location that is the draft for `location`
return Location(location).replace(revision=DRAFT)
def as_published(location):
Returns the Location that is the published version for `location`
return Location(location).replace(revision=None)
def wrap_draft(item):
Sets `item.is_draft` to `True` if the item is a
draft, and `False` otherwise. Sets the item's location to the
non-draft location in either case
setattr(item, 'is_draft', item.location.revision == DRAFT)
item.location = item.location.replace(revision=None)
return item
class DraftModuleStore(MongoModuleStore):
This mixin modifies a modulestore to give it draft semantics.
That is, edits made to units are stored to locations that have the revision DRAFT,
and when reads are made, they first read with revision DRAFT, and then fall back
to the baseline revision only if DRAFT doesn't exist.
This module also includes functionality to promote DRAFT modules (and optionally
their children) to published modules.
def get_item(self, location, depth=0):
Returns an XModuleDescriptor instance for the item at location.
If location.revision is None, returns the item with the most
recent revision
If any segment of the location is None except revision, raises
If no object is found at that location, raises
location: Something that can be passed to Location
depth (int): An argument that some module stores may use to prefetch
descendents of the queried modules for more efficient results later
in the request. The depth is counted in the number of calls to
get_children() to cache. None indicates to cache all descendents
return wrap_draft(super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_item(as_draft(location), depth=depth))
except ItemNotFoundError:
return wrap_draft(super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_item(location, depth=depth))
def get_instance(self, course_id, location, depth=0):
Get an instance of this location, with policy for course_id applied.
TODO (vshnayder): this may want to live outside the modulestore eventually
return wrap_draft(super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_instance(course_id, as_draft(location), depth=depth))
except ItemNotFoundError:
return wrap_draft(super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_instance(course_id, location, depth=depth))
def get_items(self, location, course_id=None, depth=0):
Returns a list of XModuleDescriptor instances for the items
that match location. Any element of location that is None is treated
as a wildcard that matches any value
location: Something that can be passed to Location
depth: An argument that some module stores may use to prefetch
descendents of the queried modules for more efficient results later
in the request. The depth is counted in the number of calls to
get_children() to cache. None indicates to cache all descendents
draft_loc = as_draft(location)
draft_items = super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_items(draft_loc, course_id=course_id, depth=depth)
items = super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_items(location, course_id=course_id, depth=depth)
draft_locs_found = set(item.location.replace(revision=None) for item in draft_items)
non_draft_items = [
for item in items
if (item.location.revision != DRAFT
and item.location.replace(revision=None) not in draft_locs_found)
return [wrap_draft(item) for item in draft_items + non_draft_items]
def clone_item(self, source, location):
Clone a new item that is a copy of the item at the location `source`
and writes it to `location`
if Location(location).category in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
raise InvalidVersionError(location)
return wrap_draft(super(DraftModuleStore, self).clone_item(source, as_draft(location)))
def update_item(self, location, data, allow_not_found=False):
Set the data in the item specified by the location to
location: Something that can be passed to Location
data: A nested dictionary of problem data
draft_loc = as_draft(location)
draft_item = self.get_item(location)
if not getattr(draft_item, 'is_draft', False):
self.clone_item(location, draft_loc)
except ItemNotFoundError, e:
if not allow_not_found:
raise e
return super(DraftModuleStore, self).update_item(draft_loc, data)
def update_children(self, location, children):
Set the children for the item specified by the location to
location: Something that can be passed to Location
children: A list of child item identifiers
draft_loc = as_draft(location)
draft_item = self.get_item(location)
if not getattr(draft_item, 'is_draft', False):
self.clone_item(location, draft_loc)
return super(DraftModuleStore, self).update_children(draft_loc, children)
def update_metadata(self, location, metadata):
Set the metadata for the item specified by the location to
location: Something that can be passed to Location
metadata: A nested dictionary of module metadata
draft_loc = as_draft(location)
draft_item = self.get_item(location)
if not getattr(draft_item, 'is_draft', False):
self.clone_item(location, draft_loc)
if 'is_draft' in metadata:
del metadata['is_draft']
return super(DraftModuleStore, self).update_metadata(draft_loc, metadata)
def delete_item(self, location, delete_all_versions=False):
Delete an item from this modulestore
location: Something that can be passed to Location
super(DraftModuleStore, self).delete_item(as_draft(location))
if delete_all_versions:
super(DraftModuleStore, self).delete_item(as_published(location))
def get_parent_locations(self, location, course_id):
'''Find all locations that are the parents of this location. Needed
for path_to_location().
returns an iterable of things that can be passed to Location.
return super(DraftModuleStore, self).get_parent_locations(location, course_id)
def publish(self, location, published_by_id):
Save a current draft to the underlying modulestore
draft = self.get_item(location)
draft.cms.published_date =
draft.cms.published_by = published_by_id
super(DraftModuleStore, self).update_item(location, draft._model_data._kvs._data)
super(DraftModuleStore, self).update_children(location, draft._model_data._kvs._children)
super(DraftModuleStore, self).update_metadata(location, own_metadata(draft))
def unpublish(self, location):
Turn the published version into a draft, removing the published version
if Location(location).category in DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
raise InvalidVersionError(location)
super(DraftModuleStore, self).clone_item(location, as_draft(location))
super(DraftModuleStore, self).delete_item(location)
def _query_children_for_cache_children(self, items):
# first get non-draft in a round-trip
queried_children = []
to_process_non_drafts = super(DraftModuleStore, self)._query_children_for_cache_children(items)
to_process_dict = {}
for non_draft in to_process_non_drafts:
to_process_dict[Location(non_draft["_id"])] = non_draft
# now query all draft content in another round-trip
query = {
'_id': {'$in': [namedtuple_to_son(as_draft(Location(item))) for item in items]}
to_process_drafts = list(self.collection.find(query))
# now we have to go through all drafts and replace the non-draft
# with the draft. This is because the semantics of the DraftStore is to
# always return the draft - if available
for draft in to_process_drafts:
draft_loc = Location(draft["_id"])
draft_as_non_draft_loc = draft_loc.replace(revision=None)
# does non-draft exist in the collection
# if so, replace it
if draft_as_non_draft_loc in to_process_dict:
to_process_dict[draft_as_non_draft_loc] = draft
# convert the dict - which is used for look ups - back into a list
for key, value in to_process_dict.iteritems():
return queried_children
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from .dev import *
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.draft.DraftModuleStore',
'OPTIONS': modulestore_options
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