Commit ddf377cf by Ned Batchelder

Remove unused massemail commands.

parent 51e6d5fb
from import BaseCommand
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from edxmako import lookup_template
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = \
'''Sends an e-mail to all users. Takes a single
parameter -- name of e-mail template -- located
in templates/email. Adds a .txt for the message
body, and an _subject.txt for the subject. '''
def handle(self, *args, **options):
#text = open(args[0]).read()
#subject = open(args[1]).read()
users = User.objects.all()
text = lookup_template('main', 'email/' + args[0] + ".txt").render()
subject = lookup_template('main', 'email/' + args[0] + "_subject.txt").render().strip()
for user in users:
if user.is_active:
user.email_user(subject, text)
import os.path
import time
from import BaseCommand
from django.conf import settings
from edxmako import lookup_template
from django.core.mail import send_mass_mail
import sys
import datetime
def chunks(l, n):
""" Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.
for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = \
'''Sends an e-mail to all users in a text file.
E.g. userlist.txt message logfile.txt rate
userlist.txt -- list of all users
message -- prefix for template with message
logfile.txt -- where to log progress
rate -- messages per second
log_file = None
def hard_log(self, text):
self.log_file.write(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + ' -- ' + text + '\n')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
(user_file, message_base, logfilename, ratestr) = args
users = [u.strip() for u in open(user_file).readlines()]
message = lookup_template('main', 'emails/' + message_base + "_body.txt").render()
subject = lookup_template('main', 'emails/' + message_base + "_subject.txt").render().strip()
rate = int(ratestr)
self.log_file = open(logfilename, "a+", buffering=0)
i = 0
for users in chunks(users, rate):
emails = [(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [u]) for u in users]
self.hard_log(" ".join(users))
send_mass_mail(emails, fail_silently=False)
print datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), i
i = i + len(users)
# Emergency interruptor
if os.path.exists("/tmp/stopemails.txt"):
Test `massemail` and `massemailtxt` commands.
import mock
import pkg_resources
from django.core import mail
from django.test import TestCase
from edxmako import add_lookup
from import massemail
from import massemailtxt
class TestMassEmailCommands(TestCase):
Test `massemail` and `massemailtxt` commands.
@mock.patch('edxmako.LOOKUP', {})
def test_massemailtxt(self):
Test the `massemailtext` command.
add_lookup('main', '', package=__name__)
userfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'test_massemail_users.txt')
command = massemailtxt.Command()
command.handle(userfile, 'test', '/dev/null', 10)
self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 2)
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].to, ["Fred"])
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, "Test subject.")
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].body.strip(), "Test body.")
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[1].to, ["Barney"])
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[1].subject, "Test subject.")
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[1].body.strip(), "Test body.")
@mock.patch('edxmako.LOOKUP', {})
def test_massemail(self, usercls):
Test the `massemail` command.
add_lookup('main', '', package=__name__)
fred = mock.Mock()
barney = mock.Mock()
usercls.objects.all.return_value = [fred, barney]
command = massemail.Command()
fred.email_user.assert_called_once_with('Test subject.', 'Test body.\n')
barney.email_user.assert_called_once_with('Test subject.', 'Test body.\n')
<%namespace file="../main.html" import="stanford_theme_enabled" />
## TODO: fix ugly hack
% if stanford_theme_enabled():
${settings.PLATFORM_NAME} Courses has launched! To log in, visit:
% else:
${settings.PLATFORM_NAME} has launched! To log in, visit:
% endif
% if is_secure:
% else:
% endif
A login button will be at the top right-hand corner of the window.
Please make sure you're using the latest version of Google Chrome or
Firefox. If you've forgotten your password, the log-in form has a
place to reset it.
Thanks for joining us for the ride!
## TODO: fix ugly hack
% if stanford_theme_enabled():
The ${settings.PLATFORM_NAME} Courses team
% else:
The ${settings.PLATFORM_NAME} team
% endif
(Please note that this e-mail address does not receive e-mails --
if you need assistance, please use the help section of the web
<%namespace file="../main.html" import="stanford_theme_enabled" />
## TODO: fix ugly hack
% if stanford_theme_enabled():
Welcome to ${settings.PLATFORM_NAME} Courses!
% else:
Welcome to ${settings.PLATFORM_NAME}!
% endif
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