Commit ddc979d3 by Matt Drayer Committed by Jonathan Piacenti

mattdrayer/api-courses-list-fix: Add course_id to resource urls

parent 6aeb6d47
......@@ -359,6 +359,8 @@ def _get_course_data(request, course_key, course_descriptor, depth=0):
base_uri_without_qs = generate_base_uri(request, True)
if unicode(course_key) not in base_uri_without_qs:
base_uri_without_qs = '{}/{}'.format(base_uri_without_qs, unicode(course_key))
data['course_image_url'] = course_image_url(course_descriptor)
data['resources'] = []
resource_uri = '{}/content/'.format(base_uri_without_qs)
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