Unverified Commit dd9dfb06 by Jeremy Bowman Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #16738 from edx/jmbowman/PLAT-1762

PLAT-1762 Remove obsolete mentoring XBlock
parents 085de50d e0ece337
......@@ -1194,7 +1194,6 @@ MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_LOCKOUT_PERIOD_SECS = 15 * 60
# The order of INSTALLED_APPS matters, so this tuple is the app name and the item in INSTALLED_APPS
# that this app should be inserted *before*. A None here means it should be appended to the list.
('mentoring', None),
('problem_builder', 'openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.apps.CourseOverviewsConfig'),
('edx_sga', None),
......@@ -2878,7 +2878,6 @@ ALL_LANGUAGES = [
# The order of INSTALLED_APPS matters, so this tuple is the app name and the item in INSTALLED_APPS
# that this app should be inserted *before*. A None here means it should be appended to the list.
('mentoring', None),
('problem_builder', 'openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.apps.CourseOverviewsConfig'),
('edx_sga', None),
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
# For Harvard courses:
-e git+https://github.com/gsehub/xblock-mentoring.git@4d1cce78dc232d5da6ffd73817b5c490e87a6eee#egg=xblock-mentoring
# Oppia XBlock
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