Commit dd94af4b by Ned Batchelder

More validation of .po files: check message structure

The tests in now examine the messages to see that they
have the right structure.  The English and the translation should have
the same tags, the translation can't be blank, and it can't have any
Astral plane characters.
parent 9011e6e1
import os, sys, logging
from unittest import TestCase
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
"""Tests that validate .po files."""
import codecs
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import polib
from config import LOCALE_DIR
from execute import call
from converter import Converter
def test_po_files(root=LOCALE_DIR):
......@@ -16,10 +24,12 @@ def test_po_files(root=LOCALE_DIR):
for name in filenames:
__, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
if ext.lower() == '.po':
yield validate_po_file, os.path.join(dirpath, name), log
filename = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
yield msgfmt_check_po_file, filename, log
yield check_messages, filename
def validate_po_file(filename, log):
def msgfmt_check_po_file(filename, log):
Call GNU msgfmt -c on each .po file to validate its format.
Any errors caught by msgfmt are logged to log.
......@@ -31,3 +41,91 @@ def validate_po_file(filename, log):'\n' + out)
log.warn('\n' + err)
assert not err
def tags_in_string(msg):
Return the set of tags in a message string.
Tags includes HTML tags, data placeholders, etc.
Skips tags that might change due to translations: HTML entities, <abbr>,
and so on.
def is_linguistic_tag(tag):
"""Is this tag one that can change with the language?"""
if tag.startswith("&"):
return True
if any(x in tag for x in ["<abbr>", "<abbr ", "</abbr>"]):
return True
return False
__, tags = Converter().detag_string(msg)
return set(t for t in tags if not is_linguistic_tag(t))
def astral(msg):
"""Does `msg` have characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane?"""
return any(ord(c) > 0xFFFF for c in msg)
def check_messages(filename):
Checks messages in various ways:
Translations must have the same slots as the English. The translation
must not be empty. Messages can't have astral characters in them.
# Don't check English files.
if "/locale/en/" in filename:
# problems will be a list of tuples. Each is a description, and a msgid,
# and then zero or more translations.
problems = []
pomsgs = polib.pofile(filename)
for msg in pomsgs:
# Check for characters Javascript can't support.
if astral(msg.msgstr):
problems.append(("Non-BMP char", msg.msgid, msg.msgstr))
if msg.msgid_plural:
# Skip plurals, I don't know how the tags relate.
if not msg.msgstr:
problems.append(("Empty translation", msg.msgid))
id_tags = tags_in_string(msg.msgid)
tx_tags = tags_in_string(msg.msgstr)
if id_tags != tx_tags:
id_has = u", ".join(u'"{}"'.format(t) for t in id_tags - tx_tags)
tx_has = u", ".join(u'"{}"'.format(t) for t in tx_tags - id_tags)
if id_has and tx_has:
diff = u"{} vs {}".format(id_has, tx_has)
elif id_has:
diff = u"{} missing".format(id_has)
diff = u"{} added".format(tx_has)
"Different tags in source and translation",
if problems:
problem_file = filename.replace(".po", ".prob")
id_filler = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=79, initial_indent=" msgid: ", subsequent_indent=" " * 9)
tx_filler = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=79, initial_indent=" -----> ", subsequent_indent=" " * 9)
with, "w", encoding="utf8") as prob_file:
for problem in problems:
desc, msgid = problem[:2]
prob_file.write(u"{}\n{}\n".format(desc, id_filler.fill(msgid)))
for translation in problem[2:]:
assert not problems, "Found %d problems in %s, details in .prob file" % (len(problems), filename)
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