Commit dd5a7e7b by Vasyl Nakvasiuk

initialize JS for word_cloud

parent 4b3fe54d
window.Poll = function (el) { (function (requirejs, require, define) {
RequireJS.require(['PollMain'], function (PollMain) { define('WordCloudMain', ['logme'], function (logme) {
new PollMain(el);
}); WordCloudMain.prototype = {
'submitAnswer': function (answer, answerObj) {
var _this;
_this = this;
console.log('submit answer');
// Send the data to the server as an AJAX request. Attach a callback that will
// be fired on server's response.
_this.ajax_url + '/' + answer, {},
function (response) {
console.log('success! response = ');
}, // End-of: 'submitAnswer': function (answer, answerEl) {
'showWordCloud': function(){
}; // End-of: WordCloudMain.prototype = {
return WordCloudMain;
function WordCloudMain(el) {
var _this;
this.questionEl = $(el).find('.poll_question');
if (this.questionEl.length !== 1) {
// We require one question DOM element.
logme('ERROR: WordCloudMain constructor requires one question DOM element.');
// Access this object inside inner functions.
_this = this;
} // End-of: function WordCloudMain(el) {
}); // End-of: define('WordCloudMain', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define) {
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define));
<section <section
id="poll_${element_id}" id="word_cloud_${element_id}"
class="${element_class}" class="${element_class}"
data-ajax-url="${ajax_url}" data-ajax-url="${ajax_url}"
> >
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