Commit dcadf73a by Robert Raposa

Update safe template thresholds.

parent f1f4f2e2
"rules": {
"javascript-concat-html": 181,
"javascript-concat-html": 176,
"javascript-escape": 7,
"javascript-interpolate": 37,
"javascript-jquery-append": 92,
"javascript-jquery-html": 225,
"javascript-jquery-append": 91,
"javascript-jquery-html": 222,
"javascript-jquery-insert-into-target": 26,
"javascript-jquery-insertion": 22,
"javascript-jquery-prepend": 9,
"mako-html-entities": 0,
"mako-invalid-html-filter": 26,
"mako-invalid-js-filter": 199,
"mako-invalid-html-filter": 19,
"mako-invalid-js-filter": 197,
"mako-js-html-string": 0,
"mako-js-missing-quotes": 0,
"mako-missing-default": 201,
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"python-interpolate-html": 66,
"python-parse-error": 0,
"python-requires-html-or-text": 0,
"python-wrap-html": 260,
"underscore-not-escaped": 621
"python-wrap-html": 256,
"underscore-not-escaped": 617
"total": 2050
"total": 2032
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