Commit dc983cb9 by Chris Dodge

add checking for metadata that we can't support editing for in Studio. This is…

add checking for metadata that we can't support editing for in Studio. This is now an error and will have to be addressed by course authors
parent 25ceea17
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.contentstore.django import contentstore
from xmodule.templates import update_templates
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter import export_to_xml
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml, perform_xlint
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata
from xmodule.capa_module import CapaDescriptor
......@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ class ContentStoreToyCourseTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# check that there's actually content in the 'question' field
def test_xlint_fails(self):
err_cnt = perform_xlint('common/test/data', ['full'])
self.assertGreater(err_cnt, 0)
def test_delete(self):
import_from_xml(modulestore(), 'common/test/data/', ['full'])
......@@ -356,6 +356,24 @@ def remap_namespace(module, target_location_namespace):
return module
def validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, category):
Assert that there is no metadata within a particular category that we can't support editing
err_cnt = 0
for module_loc in module_store.modules[course_id]:
module = module_store.modules[course_id][module_loc]
if module.location.category == category:
my_metadata = dict(own_metadata(module))
for key in my_metadata.keys():
if key != 'xml_attributes' and key != 'display_name':
err_cnt = err_cnt + 1
print 'ERROR: found metadata on {0}. Metadata: {1} = {2}'.format(
module.location.url(), key, my_metadata[key])
return err_cnt
def validate_category_hierarchy(module_store, course_id, parent_category, expected_child_category):
err_cnt = 0
......@@ -440,6 +458,8 @@ def perform_xlint(data_dir, course_dirs,
err_cnt += validate_category_hierarchy(module_store, course_id, "chapter", "sequential")
# constrain that sequentials only have 'verticals'
err_cnt += validate_category_hierarchy(module_store, course_id, "sequential", "vertical")
# don't allow metadata on verticals, since we can't edit them in studio
err_cnt += validate_no_non_editable_metadata(module_store, course_id, "vertical")
# check for a presence of a course marketing video
location_elements = course_id.split('/')
......@@ -456,3 +476,5 @@ def perform_xlint(data_dir, course_dirs,
print "This course can be imported, but some errors may occur during the run of the course. It is recommend that you fix your courseware before importing"
print "This course can be imported successfully."
return err_cnt
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