Commit dc570859 by zubiar-arbi

enable tests depending on assert is_css_present(css_selector)

parent 6c0ac477
......@@ -61,20 +61,19 @@ Feature: CMS.Course Team
And he cannot add users
And he cannot delete users
# Disabled 1/13/14 due to flakiness observed in master
#Scenario: Admins should be able to give course ownership to someone else
# Given I have opened a new course in Studio
# And the user "gina" exists
# And I am viewing the course team settings
# When I add "gina" to the course team
# And I make "gina" a course team admin
# And I remove admin rights from myself
# And "gina" logs in
# And she selects the new course
# And she views the course team settings
# And she deletes me from the course team
# And I am logged into studio
# Then I do not see the course on my page
Scenario: Admins should be able to give course ownership to someone else
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And the user "gina" exists
And I am viewing the course team settings
When I add "gina" to the course team
And I make "gina" a course team admin
And I remove admin rights from myself
And "gina" logs in
And she selects the new course
And she views the course team settings
And she deletes me from the course team
And I am logged into studio
Then I do not see the course on my page
Scenario: Admins should be able to remove their own admin rights
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
......@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ Feature: CMS.Static Pages
Scenario: Users can add static pages
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I go to the static pages page
Then I should not see any static pages
When I add a new page
Then I should see a static page named "Empty"
# Disabled 1/13/14 due to flakiness observed in master
#Scenario: Users can delete static pages
# Given I have created a static page
# When I "delete" the static page
# Then I am shown a prompt
# When I confirm the prompt
# Then I should not see any static pages
Scenario: Users can delete static pages
Given I have created a static page
When I "delete" the static page
Then I am shown a prompt
When I confirm the prompt
Then I should not see any static pages
# Safari won't update the name properly
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ def url_equals(url):
def is_css_present(css_selector, wait_time=10):
def is_css_present(css_selector, wait_time=30):
return world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
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