Commit dc42f181 by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

GST: work in progress on refactoring.

parent 488140bf
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
#substitute sliders
slider_div = '<div class="{element_class}_slider" \
id="{element_id}_slider_{var}" \
data-var="{var}" data-el_width="{width}"\
data-var="{var}" data-el_width="{width}">\
for var in variables:
# find $slider var='var' ... $
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
# root added for interface compatibility with xmltodict.parse
self.configuration_json = json.dumps(
xmltodict.parse('<root>' +
xmltodict.parse('<root class="' + self.location.category + '">' +
+ '</root>'))
return self.configuration_json
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
function addFunction(funcString, color, line, dot, label) {
var newFunctionObject, func, constNames;
var newFunctionObject, func, paramNames;
// The main requirement is function string. Without it we can't
// create a function, and the series cannot be calculated.
......@@ -283,19 +283,19 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
'dot': false
// Get all of the constant names defined by the user in the
// Get all of the parameter names defined by the user in the
// XML.
constNames = state.getAllConstantNames();
paramNames = state.getAllParameterNames();
// The 'x' is always one of the function parameters.
// Must make sure that the function body also gets passed to
// the Function constructor.
// Create the function from the function string, and all of the
// available constants + the 'x' variable as it's parameters.
// available parameters AND the 'x' variable as it's parameters.
// For this we will use the built-in Function object
// constructor.
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// likely the user supplied an invalid JavaScript function body
// string. In this case we will not proceed.
try {
func = Function.apply(null, constNames);
func = Function.apply(null, paramNames);
} catch (err) {
// Let's tell the user. He will see a nice red error
// message instead of a graph.
......@@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
function generateData() {
var c0, functionObj, seriesObj, dataPoints, constValues, x, y;
var c0, functionObj, seriesObj, dataPoints, paramValues, x, y;
constValues = state.getAllConstantValues();
paramValues = state.getAllParameterValues();
dataSeries = [];
......@@ -379,16 +379,16 @@ define('Graph', ['logme'], function (logme) {
for (x = xrange.start; x <= xrange.end; x += xrange.step) {
// Push the 'x' variable to the end of the parameter array.
// We call the user defined function, passing all of the
// available constant values. inside this function they
// available parameter values. Inside this function they
// will be accessible by their names.
y = functionObj.func.apply(window, constValues);
y = functionObj.func.apply(window, paramValues);
// Return the constValues array to how it was before we
// Return the paramValues array to how it was before we
// added 'x' variable to the end of it.
// Add the generated point to the data points set.
dataPoints.push([x, y]);
......@@ -8,26 +8,29 @@ define(
// Even though it is not explicitly in this module, we have to specify
// 'GeneralMethods' as a dependency. It expands some of the core JS objects
// with additional useful methods that are used in other modules.
['State', 'GeneralMethods', 'Sliders', 'Inputs', 'Graph'],
function (State, GeneralMethods, Sliders, Inputs, Graph) {
['State', 'GeneralMethods', 'Sliders', 'Inputs', 'Graph', 'logme'],
function (State, GeneralMethods, Sliders, Inputs, Graph, logme) {
return GstMain;
function GstMain(gstId) {
var config, state;
var config, gstClass, state;
// Get the JSON configuration, and parse it, and store as an object.
config = JSON.parse($('#' + gstId + '_json').html()).root;
gstClass = config['@class'];
logme('gstClass: ' + gstClass);
// Parse the configuration settings for sliders and text inputs, and
// extract all of the defined constants (their names along with their
// initial values).
state = State(gstId, config);
state = State(gstId, gstClass, config);
// Create the sliders and the text inputs, attaching them to
// approriate constants.
Sliders(gstId, config, state);
Inputs(gstId, config, state);
Sliders(gstId, gstClass, state);
Inputs(gstId, gstClass, state);
// Configure and display the loop. Attach event for the graph to be
// updated on any change of a slider or a text input.
......@@ -2,108 +2,60 @@
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define('Inputs', [], function () {
define('Inputs', ['logme'], function (logme) {
return Inputs;
function Inputs(gstId, config, state) {
var constNamesUsed;
// There should not be more than one text input per a constant. This
// just does not make sense. However, nothing really prevents the user
// from specifying more than one text input for the same constant name.
// That's why we have to track which constant names already have
// text inputs for them, and prevent adding further text inputs to
// these constants.
// constNamesUsed is an object to which we will add properties having
// the name of the constant to which we are adding a text input to.
// When creating a new text input, we must consult with this object, to
// see if the constant name is not defined as it's property.
constNamesUsed = {};
// We will go thorugh all of the inputs, and those that have a valid
// '@var' property will be added to the page as a HTML text input
// element.
if ((typeof config.inputs !== 'undefined') &&
(typeof config.inputs.input !== 'undefined')) {
if ($.isArray(config.inputs.input)) {
// config.inputs.input is an array. For each element, we will
// add a text input.
for (c1 = 0; c1 < config.inputs.input.length; c1++) {
} else if ($.isPlainObject(config.inputs.input)) {
function Inputs(gstId, gstClass, state) {
var c1, paramName, allParamNames;
// config.inputs.input is an object. Add a text input for it.
allParamNames = state.getAllParameterNames();
function createInput(obj) {
var constName, constValue, spanEl, inputEl, readOnly;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < allParamNames.length; c1 += 1) {
$('#' + gstId).children('.' + gstClass + '_input').each(function (index, value) {
var inputDiv, paramName;
// The name of the constant is obj['@var']. If it is not specified,
// we will skip creating a text input for this constant.
if (typeof obj['@var'] !== 'string') {
constName = obj['@var'];
paramName = allParamNames[c1];
// We will not add a text input for a constant which already has a
// text input defined for it.
// We will add the constant name to the 'constNamesUsed' object in
// the end, when everything went successfully.
if (constNamesUsed.hasOwnProperty(constName)) {
inputDiv = $(value);
// Multiple sliders and/or inputs can represent the same constant.
// Therefore we will get the most recent const value from the state
// object. If it is undefined, we will skip creating a text input
// for this constant.
constValue = state.getConstValue(constName);
if (constValue === undefined) {
if (paramName ==='var')) {
createInput(inputDiv, paramName);
// With the constant name, and the constant value being defined,
// lets get the element on the page into which the text input will
// be inserted.
spanEl = $('#' + gstId + '_input_' + constName);
// If a corresponding element for this constant does not exist on
// the page, we will not be making a text input.
if (spanEl.length === 0) {
function createInput(inputDiv, paramName) {
var paramObj, inputWidth, readOnly;
paramObj = state.getParamObj(paramName);
// We will define the width of the slider to a sensible default.
inputWidth = 400;
// See if it was specified by the user.
if (isFinite(parseInt('el_width'))) === true) {
inputWidth = parseInt('el_width'));
// Create the text input element.
inputEl = $('<input type"text" />');
// Set the width of the element.
// Set the current constant to the text input. It will be visible
// to the user.
inputDiv.css('display', 'inline-block');
// Before binding a 'change' event, we will check if this text
// input is specified as 'read only'.
// By default, this setting is false - the user can change the
// value in the text input.
readonly = false;
if (typeof obj['@readonly'] === 'string') {
if (obj['@readonly'] === 'true') {
readonly = true;
readOnly = false;
if (inputDiv.attr('data-el_readonly').toLowerCase() === 'true') {
readOnly = true;
if (readonly === true) {
if (readOnly === true) {
// In the case of a readonly config option, configure the text
// inputit as read-only, and NOT bind an event to it.
inputEl.attr('readonly', 'readonly');
inputDiv.attr('readonly', 'readonly');
} else { // readonly !== true
......@@ -111,14 +63,16 @@ define('Inputs', [], function () {
// the value of this text input, and presses 'enter' (or clicks
// somewhere else on the page), this event will be triggered, and
// our callback will be called.
inputEl.bind('change', inputOnChange);
inputDiv.bind('change', inputOnChange);
// Lets style the input element nicely. We will use the button()
// widget for this since there is no native widget for the text
// input.
'font': 'inherit',
'color': 'inherit',
'text-align': 'left',
......@@ -128,19 +82,22 @@ define('Inputs', [], function () {
// 'width': '50px'
// And finally, publish the text input element to the page.
// Don't forget to add the constant to the list of used constants.
// Next time a slider for this constant will not be created.
constNamesUsed[constName] = true;
// When the user changes the value of this text input, the 'state'
// will be updated, forcing the plot to be redrawn.
// Update the 'state' - i.e. set the value of the parameter this
// input is attached to to a new value.
// This will cause the plot to be redrawn each time after the user
// changes the value in the input. Note that he has to either press
// 'Enter', or click somewhere else on the page in order for the
// 'change' event to be tiggered.
function inputOnChange(event) {
state.setConstValue(constName, $(this).val());
var inputDiv;
inputDiv = $(this);
state.setParameterValue(paramName, inputDiv.val(), inputDiv);
......@@ -2,222 +2,70 @@
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define('Sliders', [], function () {
define('Sliders', ['logme'], function (logme) {
return Sliders;
function Sliders(gstId, config, state) {
var constNamesUsed;
// There should not be more than one slider per a constant. This just
// does not make sense. However, nothing really prevents the user from
// specifying more than one slider for the same constant name. That's
// why we have to track which constant names already have sliders for
// them, and prevent adding further sliders to these constants.
// constNamesUsed is an object to which we will add properties having
// the name of the constant to which we are adding a slider to. When
// creating a new slider, we must consult with this object, to see if
// the constant name is not defined as it's property.
constNamesUsed = {};
// We will go through all of the sliders. For each one, we will make a
// jQuery UI slider for it, attach "on change" events, and set it's
// state - initial value, max, and min parameters.
if ((typeof config.sliders !== 'undefined') &&
(typeof config.sliders.slider !== 'undefined')) {
if ($.isArray(config.sliders.slider)) {
// config.sliders.slider is an array. For each object in the
// array, create a slider.
for (c1 = 0; c1 < config.sliders.slider.length; c1++) {
} else if ($.isPlainObject(config.sliders.slider)) {
// config.sliders.slider is an object. Create a slider for it.
function Sliders(gstId, gstClass, state) {
var c1, paramName, allParamNames, sliderDiv;
function createSlider(obj) {
var constName, constValue, rangeBlobs, valueMin, valueMax, spanEl,
sliderEl, sliderWidth;
// The name of the constant is obj['@var']. If it is not specified,
// we will skip creating a slider for this constant.
if (typeof obj['@var'] !== 'string') {
constName = obj['@var'];
// We will not add a slider for a constant which already has a
// slider defined for it.
// We will add the constant name to the 'constNamesUsed' object in
// the end, when everything went successfully.
if (constNamesUsed.hasOwnProperty(constName)) {
// Multiple sliders and/or inputs can represent the same constant.
// Therefore we will get the most recent const value from the state
// object. If it is undefined, then something terrible has
// happened! We will skip creating a slider for this constant.
constValue = state.getConstValue(constName);
if (constValue === undefined) {
allParamNames = state.getAllParameterNames();
// The range is a string composed of 3 blobs, separated by commas.
// The first blob is the min value for the slider, the third blob
// is the max value for the slider.
if (typeof obj['@range'] !== 'string') {
for (c1 = 0; c1 < allParamNames.length; c1 += 1) {
paramName = allParamNames[c1];
// If the range is not a string, we will set a default range.
// No promise as to the quality of the data points that this
// range will produce.
valueMin = constValue - 10;
valueMax = constValue + 10;
logme('Looking for slider with ID: ' + gstId + '_slider_' + paramName);
sliderDiv = $('#' + gstId + '_slider_' + paramName);
if (sliderDiv.length === 1) {
logme('Found one slider DIV with such an ID.');
createSlider(sliderDiv, paramName);
} else {
// Separate the range string by commas, and store each blob as
// an element in an array.
rangeBlobs = obj['@range'].split(',');
// We must have gotten exactly 3 blobs (pieces) from the split.
if (rangeBlobs.length !== 3) {
// Set some sensible defaults, if the range string was
// split into more or less than 3 pieces.
} else {
// Get the first blob from the split string. It is the min
// value.
valueMin = parseFloat(rangeBlobs[0]);
// Is it a well-formed float number?
if (isNaN(valueMin) === true) {
// No? Then set a sensible default value.
valueMin = constValue - 10;
// Get the third blob from the split string. It is the max.
valueMax = parseFloat(rangeBlobs[2]);
// Is it a well-formed float number?
if (isNaN(valueMax) === true) {
// No? Then set a sensible default value.
valueMax = constValue + 10;
// Logically, the min, value, and max should make sense.
// I.e. we will make sure that:
// min <= value <= max
// If this is not the case, we will set some defaults.
if ((valueMin > valueMax) ||
(valueMin > constValue) ||
(valueMax < constValue)) {
// Set some sensible defaults, if min/value/max logic
// is broken.
logme('Did not find such a slider.');
// At this point we have the constant name, the constant value, and
// the min and max values for this slider. Lets get the element on
// the page into which the slider will be inserted.
spanEl = $('#' + gstId + '_slider_' + constName);
function createSlider(sliderDiv, paramName) {
var paramObj, sliderWidth;
// If a corresponding element for this constant does not exist on
// the page, we will not be making a slider.
if (spanEl.length === 0) {
// Create the slider DIV.
sliderEl = $('<div>');
paramObj = state.getParamObj(paramName);
// We will define the width of the slider to a sensible default.
sliderWidth = 400;
// Then we will see if one is provided in the config for this
// slider. If we find it, and it is a well-formed integer, we will
// use it, instead of the default width.
if (typeof obj['@width'] === 'string') {
if (isNaN(parseInt(obj['@width'], 10)) === false) {
sliderWidth = parseInt(obj['@width'], 10);
// See if it was specified by the user.
if (isFinite(parseInt('el_width'))) === true) {
sliderWidth = parseInt('el_width'));
// Set the defined width to the slider.
// sliderEl.width(sliderWidth);
console.log('sliderEl.width: ' + sliderEl.width());
console.log('sliderEl.width: ' + sliderEl.width());
// Set the width of the element.
// And make sure that it gets added to the page as an
// 'inline-block' element. This will allow for the insertion of the
// slider into a paragraph, without the browser forcing it out of
// the paragraph onto a new line, separate line.
sliderEl.css('display', 'inline-block');
sliderDiv.css('display', 'inline-block');
// Create a jQuery UI slider from the slider DIV. We will set
// starting parameters, and will also attach a handler to update
// the 'state' on the 'change' event.
'min': valueMin,
'max': valueMax,
'value': constValue,
'step': (valueMax - valueMin) / 50.0,
'min': paramObj.min,
'max': paramObj.max,
'value': paramObj.value,
'step': paramObj.step,
// 'change': sliderOnChange,
'slide': sliderOnChange
'slide': sliderOnSlide
// Append the slider DIV to the element on the page where the user
// wants to see it.
// OK! So we made it this far...
// Adding the constant to the list of used constants. Next time a
// slider for this constant will not be created.
constNamesUsed[constName] = true;
paramObj.sliderDiv = sliderDiv;
// Update the 'state' - i.e. set the value of the constant this
// Update the 'state' - i.e. set the value of the parameter this
// slider is attached to to a new value.
// This will cause the plot to be redrawn each time after the user
// drags the slider handle and releases it.
function sliderOnChange(event, ui) {
state.setConstValue(constName, ui.value);
// The sensible defaults for the slider's range.
function setDefaultMinMax() {
valueMin = constValue - 10;
valueMax = constValue + 10;
function sliderOnSlide(event, ui) {
state.setParameterValue(paramName, ui.value, sliderDiv);
......@@ -13,11 +13,22 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
return State;
// function: State
function State(gstId, config) {
var parameters, allParameterNames, allParameterValues, plotDiv;
function State(gstId, gstClass, config) {
var parameters, allParameterNames, allParameterValues,
// Initially, there are no parameters to track. So, we will instantiate
// an empty object.
// As we parse the JSON config object, we will add parameters as
// named properties (for example
// parameters.a = {...};
// for the parameter 'a'.
parameters = {};
// Check that the required object is available.
if (
(typeof config.parameters !== 'undefined') &&
(typeof config.parameters.param !== 'undefined')
......@@ -28,7 +39,7 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
if ($.isArray(config.parameters.param) === true) {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < config.parameters.param.length) {
c1 += 1;
......@@ -37,44 +48,53 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// If config.parameters.param is an object, pass this object to the
// processor directly.
else if ($.isPlainObject(config.inputs.input) === true) {
// Instead of building these arrays every time when some component
// requests them, we will create them in the beginning, and then update
// by element when some parameter's value changes.
// Then we can just return the required array, instead of iterating
// over all of the properties of the 'parameters' object, and
// extracting their names/values one by one.
allParameterNames = [];
allParameterValues = [];
logme(parameters, allParameterNames, allParameterValues);
// The constructor will return an object with methods to operate on
// it's private properties.
return {
'getParameterValue': getParameterValue,
'setParameterValue': setParameterValue,
'getParamObj': getParamObj,
'getAllParameterNames': getAllParameterNames,
'getAllParameterValues': getAllParameterValues,
'bindUpdatePlotEvent': bindUpdatePlotEvent
// ####################################################################
// To get all parameter names, you would do:
// allParamNames = getAllParameterProperties('name');
// To get all parameter values, you would do:
// allParamValues = getAllParameterProperties('value');
// ####################################################################
function getAllParameterProperties(propertyName) {
var paramName, allParamProperties;
function getAllParameterNames() {
return allParameterNames;
allParamProperties = [];
function getAllParameterValues() {
return allParameterValues;
for (paramName in parameters) {
function getParamObj(paramName) {
if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(paramName) === false) {
return allParamProperties;
return parameters[paramName];
function bindUpdatePlotEvent(newPlotDiv, callback) {
......@@ -118,6 +138,8 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// the stored value in the parameter with the new value, and also
// update all of the text inputs and the slider that correspond to this
// parameter (if any), so that they reflect the new parameter's value.
// Finally, the helper array 'allParameterValues' will also be updated
// to reflect the change.
// If something went wrong (for example the new value is outside the
// allowed range), then we will reset the 'element' to display the
......@@ -125,29 +147,50 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// ####################################################################
function setParameterValue(paramName, paramValue, element) {
var inputDiv;
var paramValueNum, c1;
if (constants.hasOwnProperty(constName) === false) {
// If the name of the constant is not tracked by state, return an
// 'undefined' value.
// If a parameter with the name specified by the 'paramName'
// parameter is not tracked by state, do not do anything.
if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(paramName) === false) {
if (isNaN(parseFloat(constValue)) === true) {
// We are interested only in valid float values.
// Try to convert the passed value to a valid floating-point
// number.
paramValueNum = parseFloat(paramValue);
if (
// We are interested only in valid float values. NaN, -INF,
// +INF we will disregard.
(isFinite(paramValueNum) === false) ||
// If the new parameter's value is valid, but lies outised of
// the parameter's allowed range, we will also disregard it.
(paramValueNum < parameters[paramName].min) ||
(paramValueNum > parameters[paramName].max)
) {
// We will also change the element's value back to the current
// parameter's value.
constants[constName] = parseFloat(constValue);
parameters[paramName].value = paramValueNum;
if (plotDiv !== undefined) {
inputDiv = $('#' + gstId + '_input_' + constName).children('input');
if (inputDiv.length !== 0) {
for (c1 = 0; c1 < parameters[paramName].inputDivs.length; c1 += 1) {
if (parameters[paramName].sliderDiv !== null) {
parameters[paramName].sliderDiv.slider('value', paramValueNum);
allParameterValues[parameters[paramName].helperArrayIndex] = paramValueNum;
} // End-of: function setParameterValue
// ####################################################################
......@@ -156,7 +199,8 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// -------------------------------
// This function will be run once for each instance of a GST.
// This function will be run once for each instance of a GST when
// parsing the JSON config object.
// 'newParamObj' must be empty from the start for each invocation of
// this function, that's why we will declare it locally.
......@@ -201,6 +245,7 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
if (
(processFloat('@min', 'min') === false) ||
(processFloat('@max', 'max') === false) ||
(processFloat('@step', 'step') === false) ||
(processFloat('@initial', 'value') === false)
) {
logme('---> Not adding a parameter named "' + paramName + '".');
......@@ -208,7 +253,10 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
constants[constName] = constValue;
newParamObj.inputDivs = [];
newParamObj.sliderDiv = null;
parameters[paramName] = newParamObj;
......@@ -234,11 +282,29 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
newParamObj[newAttrName] = paramValue;
newParamObj[newAttrName] = attrValue;
return true;
} // End-of: function processFloat
} // End-of: function processParameter
// Populate 'allParameterNames' and 'allParameterValues' with data.
// Link each parameter object with the corresponding helper array via
// an index ('helperArrayIndex'). It will be the same for both of the
// arrays.
function generateHelperArrays() {
var paramName, c1;
c1 = 0;
for (paramName in parameters) {
parameters[paramName].helperArrayIndex = c1;
c1 += 1;
} // End-of: function State
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