Commit 488140bf by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

Work in progress on rewriting GST.

parent 29b42990
......@@ -83,19 +83,48 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
plotDiv.bind('update_plot', callback);
function getParameterValue(constName) {
function getParameterValue(paramName) {
if (constants.hasOwnProperty(constName) === false) {
// If the name of the constant is not tracked by state, return an
// 'undefined' value.
// If the name of the constant is not tracked by state, return an
// 'undefined' value.
if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(paramName) === false) {
return constants[constName];
return parameters[paramname].value;
function setConstValue(constName, constValue) {
// ####################################################################
// Function: setParameterValue(paramName, paramValue, element)
// --------------------------------------------------
// This function can be called from a callback, registered by a slider
// or a text input, when specific events ('slide' or 'change') are
// triggered.
// The 'paramName' is the name of the parameter in 'parameters' object
// whose value must be updated to the new value of 'paramValue'.
// Before we update the value, we must check that:
// 1.) the parameter named as 'paramName' actually exists in the
// 'parameters' object;
// 2.) the value 'paramValue' is a valid floating-point number, and
// it lies within the range specified by the 'min' and 'max'
// properties of the stored parameter object.
// If 'paramName' and 'paramValue' turn out to be valid, we will update
// the stored value in the parameter with the new value, and also
// update all of the text inputs and the slider that correspond to this
// parameter (if any), so that they reflect the new parameter's value.
// If something went wrong (for example the new value is outside the
// allowed range), then we will reset the 'element' to display the
// original value.
// ####################################################################
function setParameterValue(paramName, paramValue, element) {
var inputDiv;
if (constants.hasOwnProperty(constName) === false) {
......@@ -119,7 +148,7 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
if (inputDiv.length !== 0) {
} // End-of: function setParameterValue
// ####################################################################
......@@ -154,28 +183,31 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
// ####################################################################
function processParameter(obj) {
var newParamObj;
var paramName, newParamObj;
if (typeof obj['@var'] !== 'string') {
'[ERROR] state.processParameter(obj): obj["' + attrName + '"] is not a string.'
'[ERROR] State.processParameter(obj): obj["@var"] is not a string.',
'---> Not adding a parameter.'
paramName = obj['@var'];
newParamObj = {};
processString('@var', 'name');
if (
(processFloat('@min', 'min') === false) ||
(processFloat('@max', 'max') === false) ||
(processFloat('@initial', 'value') === false)
) {
logme('---> Not adding a parameter named "' + paramName + '".');
processFloat('@min', 'min');
processFloat('@max', 'max');
processFloat('@initial', 'value');
if (checkRequired('name', 'min', 'max', 'value') === false) {
logme('Not creating a parameter.');
constants[constName] = constValue;
......@@ -185,10 +217,11 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
if (typeof obj[attrName] !== 'string') {
'[ERROR] state.processParameter(obj): obj["' + attrName + '"] is not a string.'
'[ERROR] state.processParameter(obj): obj["' + attrName + '"] is not a string.',
return false;
} else {
attrValue = parseFloat(obj[attrName]);
......@@ -197,62 +230,15 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
'[ERROR] state.processParameter(obj): for attrName = "' + attrName + '" attrValue is NaN.'
return false;
newParamObj[newAttrName] = paramValue;
function processString(attrName, newAttrName) {
if (typeof obj[attrName] !== 'string') {
'[ERROR] state.processParameter(obj): obj["' + attrName + '"] is not a string.'
newParamObj[newAttrName] = obj[attrName];
function addConstFromSlider(obj) {
var constName, constValue, rangeBlobs;
// The name of the constant is obj['@var']. The value (initial) of
// the constant is the second blob of the 'range' parameter of the
// slider which is obj['@range']. Multiple sliders and/or inputs
// can represent the same constant - therefore 'initial' is in
// brackets. The range is a string composed of 3 blobs, separated
// by commas.
if (typeof obj['@var'] === 'undefined') {
constName = obj['@var'];
if (typeof obj['@range'] !== 'string') {
constValue = 0;
} else {
rangeBlobs = obj['@range'].split(',');
// We must have gotten exactly 3 blobs (pieces) from the split.
if (rangeBlobs.length !== 3) {
constValue = 0;
} else {
// Get the second blob from the split string.
constValue = parseFloat(rangeBlobs[1]);
if (isNaN(constValue) === true) {
constValue = 0;
constants[constName] = constValue;
return true;
} // End-of: function processFloat
} // End-of: function processParameter
} // End-of: function State
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