Commit db16ec2a by Robert Raposa Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #15577 from edx/robrap/LEARNER-1896-fix-waffle-flag-cache

Fix course override caching bug.
parents a45ae04e 7e8566b4
......@@ -193,24 +193,29 @@ class WaffleFlagNamespace(WaffleNamespace):
If check_before_waffle_callback returns None, or if it is not supplied,
then waffle is used to check the flag.
Important: Caching for the check_before_waffle_callback must be handled
by the callback itself.
flag_name (String): The name of the flag to check.
check_before_waffle_callback (function): (Optional) A function that
will be checked before continuing on to waffle. If
check_before_waffle_callback(namespaced_flag_name) returns True
or False, it is cached and returned. If it returns None, then
waffle is used.
or False, it is returned. If it returns None, then waffle is
flag_undefined_default (Boolean): A default value to be returned if
the waffle flag is to be checked, but doesn't exist.
# validate arguments
namespaced_flag_name = self._namespaced_name(flag_name)
value = self._cached_flags.get(namespaced_flag_name)
if value is None:
if check_before_waffle_callback:
value = check_before_waffle_callback(namespaced_flag_name)
if check_before_waffle_callback:
value = check_before_waffle_callback(namespaced_flag_name)
if value is None:
# Do not get cached value for the callback, because the key might be different.
# The callback needs to handle its own caching if it wants it.
value = self._cached_flags.get(namespaced_flag_name)
if value is None:
if flag_undefined_default is not None:
......@@ -223,7 +228,7 @@ class WaffleFlagNamespace(WaffleNamespace):
if value is None:
value = flag_is_active(get_request(), namespaced_flag_name)
self._cached_flags[namespaced_flag_name] = value
self._cached_flags[namespaced_flag_name] = value
return value
......@@ -271,12 +276,12 @@ class CourseWaffleFlag(WaffleFlag):
Uses a cached waffle namespace.
def _get_course_override_callback(self, course_id):
def _get_course_override_callback(self, course_key):
Returns a function to use as the check_before_waffle_callback.
course_id (CourseKey): The course to check for override before
course_key (CourseKey): The course to check for override before
checking waffle.
def course_override_callback(namespaced_flag_name):
......@@ -284,17 +289,25 @@ class CourseWaffleFlag(WaffleFlag):
Returns True/False if the flag was forced on or off for the provided
course. Returns None if the flag was not overridden.
Note: Has side effect of caching the override value.
namespaced_flag_name (String): A namespaced version of the flag
to check.
force_override = WaffleFlagCourseOverrideModel.override_value(namespaced_flag_name, course_id)
cache_key = u'{}.{}'.format(namespaced_flag_name, unicode(course_key))
force_override = self.waffle_namespace._cached_flags.get(cache_key)
if force_override is None:
force_override = WaffleFlagCourseOverrideModel.override_value(namespaced_flag_name, course_key)
self.waffle_namespace._cached_flags[cache_key] = force_override
if force_override == WaffleFlagCourseOverrideModel.ALL_CHOICES.on:
return True
if force_override ==
return False
return None
return course_override_callback
def is_enabled(self, course_key=None):
......@@ -306,7 +319,7 @@ class CourseWaffleFlag(WaffleFlag):
checking waffle.
# validate arguments
assert issubclass(type(course_key), CourseKey), "The course_id '{}' must be a CourseKey.".format(
assert issubclass(type(course_key), CourseKey), "The course_key '{}' must be a CourseKey.".format(
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class TestCourseWaffleFlag(TestCase):
TEST_COURSE_KEY = CourseKey.from_string("edX/DemoX/Demo_Course")
TEST_COURSE_2_KEY = CourseKey.from_string("edX/DemoX/Demo_Course_2")
......@@ -50,6 +51,16 @@ class TestCourseWaffleFlag(TestCase):
# check flag for a second course
if data['course_override'] == WaffleFlagCourseOverrideModel.ALL_CHOICES.unset:
# When course override wasn't set for the first course, the second course will get the same
# cached value from waffle.
self.assertEqual(self.TEST_COURSE_FLAG.is_enabled(self.TEST_COURSE_2_KEY), data['waffle_enabled'])
# When course override was set for the first course, it should not apply to the second
# course which should get the default value of False.
self.assertEqual(self.TEST_COURSE_FLAG.is_enabled(self.TEST_COURSE_2_KEY), False)
{'flag_undefined_default': None, 'result': False},
{'flag_undefined_default': False, 'result': False},
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