Commit da828cdf by Sanford Student

MA-2164 cleaning up old lettuce

parent f3d000ec
Feature: Course export
I want to export my course to a tar.gz file to share with others or check into source control
# Disabling due to failure on master. 05/21/2014 TODO: fix
# Scenario: User is directed to problem with & in it when export fails
# Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
# When I add a "Blank Advanced Problem" "Advanced Problem" component
# And I edit and enter an ampersand
# And I export the course
# Then I get an error dialog
# And I can click to go to the unit with the error
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
from lettuce import world, step
from component_settings_editor_helpers import enter_xml_in_advanced_problem
from import assert_true, assert_equal
from contentstore.utils import reverse_usage_url
@step('I go to the export page$')
def i_go_to_the_export_page(step):
link_css = 'li.nav-course-tools-export a'
@step('I export the course$')
def i_export_the_course(step):
step.given('I go to the export page')
@step('I edit and enter bad XML$')
def i_enter_bad_xml(step):
"""<problem><h1>Smallest Canvas</h1>
<p>You want to make the smallest canvas you can.</p>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false"><verbatim><canvas id="myCanvas" width = 10 height = 100> </canvas></verbatim></choice>
<choice correct="true"><code><canvas id="myCanvas" width = 10 height = 10> </canvas></code></choice>
@step('I edit and enter an ampersand$')
def i_enter_an_ampersand(step):
enter_xml_in_advanced_problem(step, "<problem>&</problem>")
@step('I get an error dialog$')
def get_an_error_dialog(step):
@step('I can click to go to the unit with the error$')
def i_click_on_error_dialog(step):
problem_string = unicode(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id.make_usage_key("problem", 'ignore'))
problem_string = u"Problem {}".format(problem_string[:problem_string.rfind('ignore')])
css_selector = "span.inline-error"
u"{} does not start with {}".format(
world.css_html(css_selector), problem_string
# we don't know the actual ID of the vertical. So just check that we did go to a
# vertical page in the course (there should only be one).
vertical_usage_key = world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].id.make_usage_key("vertical", "test")
vertical_url = reverse_usage_url('container_handler', vertical_usage_key)
# Remove the trailing "/None" from the URL - we don't know the course ID, so we just want to
# check that we visited a vertical URL.
if vertical_url.endswith("/test") or vertical_url.endswith("@test"):
vertical_url = vertical_url[:-5]
assert_equal(1, world.browser.url.count(vertical_url))
......@@ -101,27 +101,3 @@ Feature: CMS.Problem Editor
Then I can see Reply to Annotation link
And I see that page has scrolled "down" when I click on "annotatable-reply" link
And I see that page has scrolled "up" when I click on "annotation-return" link
# Disabled 11/13/2013 after failing in master
# The screenshot showed that the LaTeX editor had the text "hi",
# but Selenium timed out waiting for the text to appear.
# It also caused later tests to fail with "UnexpectedAlertPresent"
# This feature will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window
# IE will not interact with the high level source in sauce labs
#Scenario: High Level source is persisted for LaTeX problem (bug STUD-280)
# Given I have created a LaTeX Problem
# When I edit and compile the High Level Source
# Then my change to the High Level Source is persisted
# And when I view the High Level Source I see my changes
# Disabled 10/28/13 due to flakiness observed in master
# Scenario: Exceptions don't cause problem to be uneditable (bug STUD-786)
#Given I have an empty course
#And I go to the import page
#And I import the file "get_html_exception_test.tar.gz"
#When I go to the unit "Probability and BMI"
#And I click on "edit a draft"
#Then I see a message that says "We're having trouble rendering your component"
#And I can edit the problem
@shard_2 @requires_stub_youtube
Feature: CMS Video Component
As a course author, I want to be able to view my created videos in Studio
# 2
# Disabled 2/19/14 after intermittent failures in master
#Scenario: Check that position is stored on page refresh, position within start-end range
# Given I have created a Video component with subtitles
# And Make sure captions are closed
# And I edit the component
# And I open tab "Advanced"
# And I set value "00:00:12" to the field "Video Start Time"
# And I set value "00:00:24" to the field "Video Stop Time"
# And I save changes
# And I click video button "play"
# Then I see a range on slider
# Then I seek video to "16" seconds
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I reload the page
# And I click video button "play"
# Then I see video starts playing from "0:16" position
# 3
# Disabled 2/18/14 after intermittent failures in master
# Scenario: Check that position is stored on page refresh, position before start-end range
# Given I have created a Video component with subtitles
# And Make sure captions are closed
# And I edit the component
# And I open tab "Advanced"
# And I set value "00:00:12" to the field "Video Start Time"
# And I set value "00:00:24" to the field "Video Stop Time"
# And I save changes
# And I click video button "play"
# Then I see a range on slider
# Then I seek video to "5" seconds
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I reload the page
# And I click video button "play"
# Then I see video starts playing from "0:12" position
# 4
# Disabled 2/18/14 after intermittent failures in master
# Scenario: Check that position is stored on page refresh, position after start-end range
# Given I have created a Video component with subtitles
# And Make sure captions are closed
# And I edit the component
# And I open tab "Advanced"
# And I set value "00:00:12" to the field "Video Start Time"
# And I set value "00:00:24" to the field "Video Stop Time"
# And I save changes
# And I click video button "play"
# Then I see a range on slider
# Then I seek video to "30" seconds
# And I click video button "pause"
# And I reload the page
# And I click video button "play"
# Then I see video starts playing from "0:12" position
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# disable missing docstring
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
from lettuce import world, step
from import assert_true
from video_editor import RequestHandlerWithSessionId, success_upload_file
@step('I (?:upload|replace) handout file(?: by)? "([^"]*)"$')
def upload_handout(step, filename):
world.css_click('.wrapper-comp-setting.file-uploader .upload-action')
@step('I can download handout file( in editor)? with mime type "([^"]*)"$')
def i_can_download_handout_with_mime_type(_step, is_editor, mime_type):
if is_editor:
selector = '.wrapper-comp-setting.file-uploader .download-action'
selector = ' a'
button = world.css_find(selector).first
url = button['href']
request = RequestHandlerWithSessionId()
assert_true(request.check_header('content-type', mime_type))
@step('I clear handout$')
def clear_handout(_step):
world.css_click('.wrapper-comp-setting.file-uploader .setting-clear')
@step('I have created a Video component with handout file "([^"]*)"')
def create_video_with_handout(_step, filename):
_step.given('I have created a Video component')
_step.given('I edit the component')
_step.given('I open tab "Advanced"')
_step.given('I upload handout file "{0}"'.format(filename))
......@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ class TestVideoDescriptorStudentViewJson(TestCase):
Tests retrieving a video that is not stored in VAL.
""" = self.TEST_EDX_VIDEO_ID
# The video is not is VAL so in contexts that do and don't allow cache misses we should always get a fallback
# The video is not in VAL so in contexts that do and don't allow cache misses we should always get a fallback
result = self.get_result(allow_cache_miss)
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