Commit da2fda10 by Jason Bau

Fix for broken forums due to forum entry with no start_date

modification of @jrbl's version to handle a dict with value None
parent 1ef29053
import pytz
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import urllib
from datetime import datetime
from courseware.module_render import get_module
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import connection
......@@ -169,7 +169,9 @@ def initialize_discussion_info(course):
category = " / ".join([x.strip() for x in category.split("/")])
last_category = category.split("/")[-1]
discussion_id_map[id] = {"location": module.location, "title": last_category + " / " + title}
unexpanded_category_map[category].append({"title": title, "id": id, "sort_key": sort_key, "start_date": module.lms.start})
#Handle case where module.lms.start is None
entry_start_date = module.lms.start if module.lms.start else pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.max)
unexpanded_category_map[category].append({"title": title, "id": id, "sort_key": sort_key, "start_date": entry_start_date})
category_map = {"entries": defaultdict(dict), "subcategories": defaultdict(dict)}
for category_path, entries in unexpanded_category_map.items():
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