Commit d9ec9cec by polesye Committed by Adam Palay

BLD-837: Fix download transcript behavior.

parent 227197ec
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def correct_video_settings(_step):
['HTML5 Transcript', '', False],
['Show Transcript', 'True', False],
['Start Time', '00:00:00', False],
# ['Transcript Download Allowed', 'False', False],
['Transcript Download Allowed', 'False', False],
['Video Download Allowed', 'False', False],
['Video Sources', '', False],
['Youtube ID', 'OEoXaMPEzfM', False],
......@@ -277,6 +277,36 @@ class VideoDescriptorImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
'data': ''
def test_from_xml_missing_download_track(self):
Ensure that attributes have the right values if they aren't
explicitly set in XML.
module_system = DummySystem(load_error_modules=True)
xml_data = '''
<video display_name="Test Video"
<source src=""/>
<track src=""/>
output = VideoDescriptor.from_xml(xml_data, module_system, Mock())
self.assert_attributes_equal(output, {
'youtube_id_0_75': '',
'youtube_id_1_0': 'p2Q6BrNhdh8',
'youtube_id_1_25': '1EeWXzPdhSA',
'youtube_id_1_5': '',
'show_captions': True,
'start_time': datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0),
'end_time': datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0),
'track': '',
'download_track': True,
'download_video': True,
'html5_sources': [''],
'data': ''
def test_from_xml_no_attributes(self):
Make sure settings are correct if none are explicitly set in XML.
......@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ in XML.
import json
import logging
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string
import datetime
import copy
from webob import Response
from pysrt import SubRipTime, SubRipItem
from django.conf import settings
......@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ class VideoFields(object):
display_name="Video Sources",
# `track` is deprecated field and should not be used in future.
# `download_track` is used instead.
track = String(
help="The external URL to download the timed transcript track. This appears as a link beneath the video.",
display_name="Download Transcript",
......@@ -215,14 +213,11 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
elif self.html5_sources:
sources['main'] = self.html5_sources[0]
# Commented due to the reason described in BLD-811.
# if self.download_track:
# if self.track:
# track_url = self.track
# elif self.sub:
# track_url = self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'download_transcript')
track_url = self.track
if self.download_track:
if self.track:
track_url = self.track
elif self.sub:
track_url = self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'download_transcript')
return self.system.render_template('video.html', {
'ajax_url': self.system.ajax_url + '/save_user_state',
......@@ -250,14 +245,14 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
def get_transcript(self, subs_id):
Returns transcript without timecodes.
Returns transcript in *.srt format.
`subs_id`: str, subtitles id
- NotFoundError if cannot find transcript file in storage.
- ValueError if transcript file is incorrect JSON.
- ValueError if transcript file is empty or incorrect JSON.
- KeyError if transcript file has incorrect format.
......@@ -265,11 +260,13 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
content_location = StaticContent.compute_location(, self.location.course, filename
sjson_transcripts = contentstore().find(content_location)
str_subs = _generate_srt_from_sjson(json.loads(, speed=1.0)
if not str_subs:
log.debug('generate_srt_from_sjson produces no subtitles')
raise ValueError
data = contentstore().find(content_location).data
text = json.loads(data)['text']
return HTMLParser().unescape("\n".join(text))
return str_subs
......@@ -289,9 +286,9 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
response = Response(
('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{0}.txt"'.format(self.sub)),
('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{0}.srt"'.format(self.sub)),
response.content_type="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
return response
......@@ -317,15 +314,6 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, TabsEditingDescriptor, EmptyDataRawDescriptor
Mostly handles backward compatibility issues.
Track was deprecated field, but functionality was reverted,
this is commented out because might be used in future.
`track` is deprecated field.
If `track` field exists show `track` field on front-end as not-editable
but clearable. Dropdown `download_track` is a new field and it has value
`source` is deprecated field.
a) If `source` exists and `source` is not `html5_sources`: show `source`
field on front-end as not-editable but clearable. Dropdown is a new
......@@ -344,14 +332,6 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, TabsEditingDescriptor, EmptyDataRawDescriptor
editable_fields = self.editable_metadata_fields
# Commented due to the reason described in BLD-811.
# self.track_visible = False
# if self.track:
# self.track_visible = True
# download_track = editable_fields['download_track']
# if not download_track['explicitly_set']:
# self.download_track = True
self.source_visible = False
if self.source:
# If `source` field value exist in the `html5_sources` field values,
......@@ -369,16 +349,6 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, TabsEditingDescriptor, EmptyDataRawDescriptor
def editable_metadata_fields(self):
editable_fields = super(VideoDescriptor, self).editable_metadata_fields
# Commented due to the reason described in BLD-811.
# if hasattr(self, 'track_visible'):
# if self.track_visible:
# editable_fields['track']['non_editable'] = True
# else:
# editable_fields.pop('track')
if 'download_track' in editable_fields:
if hasattr(self, 'source_visible'):
if self.source_visible:
editable_fields['source']['non_editable'] = True
......@@ -577,10 +547,17 @@ class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, TabsEditingDescriptor, EmptyDataRawDescriptor
value = deserialize_field(cls.fields[attr], value)
field_data[attr] = value
# Add `source` for backwards compatibility if xml doesn't have `download_video`.
# For backwards compatibility: Add `source` if XML doesn't have `download_video`
# attribute.
if 'download_video' not in field_data and sources:
field_data['source'] = field_data['html5_sources'][0]
# For backwards compatibility: if XML doesn't have `download_track` attribute,
# it means that it is an old format. So, if `track` has some value,
# `download_track` needs to have value `True`.
if 'download_track' not in field_data and track is not None:
field_data['download_track'] = True
return field_data
......@@ -602,3 +579,60 @@ def _create_youtube_string(module):
for pair
in zip(youtube_speeds, youtube_ids)
if pair[1]])
def _generate_subs(speed, source_speed, source_subs):
Generate transcripts from one speed to another speed.
`speed`: float, for this speed subtitles will be generated,
`source_speed`: float, speed of source_subs
`soource_subs`: dict, existing subtitles for speed `source_speed`.
`subs`: dict, actual subtitles.
if speed == source_speed:
return source_subs
coefficient = 1.0 * speed / source_speed
subs = {
'start': [
int(round(timestamp * coefficient)) for
timestamp in source_subs['start']
'end': [
int(round(timestamp * coefficient)) for
timestamp in source_subs['end']
'text': source_subs['text']}
return subs
def _generate_srt_from_sjson(sjson_subs, speed):
"""Generate transcripts with speed = 1.0 from sjson to SubRip (*.srt).
:param sjson_subs: "sjson" subs.
:param speed: speed of `sjson_subs`.
:returns: "srt" subs.
output = ''
equal_len = len(sjson_subs['start']) == len(sjson_subs['end']) == len(sjson_subs['text'])
if not equal_len:
return output
sjson_speed_1 = _generate_subs(speed, 1, sjson_subs)
for i in range(len(sjson_speed_1['start'])):
item = SubRipItem(
output += (unicode(item))
output += '\n'
return output
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ from mock import patch, PropertyMock
import os
import tempfile
import textwrap
import unittest
from functools import partial
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
......@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ from xmodule.exceptions import NotFoundError
class TestVideo(BaseTestXmodule):
"""Integration tests: web client + mongo."""
CATEGORY = "video"
......@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ class TestVideoYouTube(TestVideo):
'general_speed': 1.0,
'start': 3603.0,
'sub': u'',
'track': '',
'track': None,
'youtube_streams': _create_youtube_string(self.item_module),
'autoplay': settings.FEATURES.get('AUTOPLAY_VIDEOS', False),
'yt_test_timeout': 1500,
......@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ class TestVideoNonYouTube(TestVideo):
'general_speed': 1.0,
'start': 3603.0,
'sub': u'',
'track': '',
'track': None,
'youtube_streams': '1.00:OEoXaMPEzfM',
'autoplay': settings.FEATURES.get('AUTOPLAY_VIDEOS', True),
'yt_test_timeout': 1500,
......@@ -145,7 +143,6 @@ class TestGetHtmlMethod(BaseTestXmodule):
CATEGORY = "video"
maxDiff = None
def setUp(self):
......@@ -222,14 +219,13 @@ class TestGetHtmlMethod(BaseTestXmodule):
# track_url = self.item_descriptor.xmodule_runtime.handler_url(self.item_module, 'download_transcript')
track_url = self.item_descriptor.xmodule_runtime.handler_url(self.item_module, 'download_transcript')
context = self.item_module.render('student_view').content
'ajax_url': self.item_descriptor.xmodule_runtime.ajax_url + '/save_user_state',
# 'track': track_url if data['expected_track_url'] == u'' else data['expected_track_url'],
'track': u'' if data['track'] else '',
'track': track_url if data['expected_track_url'] == u'' else data['expected_track_url'],
'sub': data['sub'],
'id': self.item_module.location.html_id(),
......@@ -312,7 +308,7 @@ class TestGetHtmlMethod(BaseTestXmodule):
'general_speed': 1.0,
'start': 3603.0,
'sub': u'',
'track': '',
'track': None,
'youtube_streams': '1.00:OEoXaMPEzfM',
'autoplay': settings.FEATURES.get('AUTOPLAY_VIDEOS', True),
'yt_test_timeout': 1500,
......@@ -426,7 +422,7 @@ class TestVideoDescriptorInitialization(BaseTestXmodule):
metadata = {
'track': '',
'track': None,
'source': '',
'html5_sources': [''],
......@@ -450,85 +446,6 @@ class TestVideoDescriptorInitialization(BaseTestXmodule):
self.assertNotIn('source', fields)
@unittest.skip('Skipped due to the reason described in BLD-811')
def test_track_is_not_empty(self):
metatdata = {
'track': '',
fields = self.item_descriptor.editable_metadata_fields
self.assertIn('track', fields)
self.assertEqual(self.item_module.track, '')
@unittest.skip('Skipped due to the reason described in BLD-811')
@patch('xmodule.x_module.XModuleDescriptor.editable_metadata_fields', new_callable=PropertyMock)
def test_download_track_is_explicitly_set(self, mock_editable_fields):
mock_editable_fields.return_value = {
'download_track': {
'default_value': False,
'explicitly_set': True,
'display_name': 'Transcript Download Allowed',
'help': 'Show a link beneath the video to allow students to download the transcript.',
'type': 'Boolean',
'value': False,
'field_name': 'download_track',
'options': [
{'display_name': "True", "value": True},
{'display_name': "False", "value": False}
'track': {
'default_value': '',
'explicitly_set': False,
'display_name': 'Download Transcript',
'help': 'The external URL to download the timed transcript track.',
'type': 'Generic',
'value': u'',
'field_name': 'track',
'options': [],
'source': {
'default_value': '',
'explicitly_set': False,
'display_name': 'Download Video',
'help': 'The external URL to download the video.',
'type': 'Generic',
'value': u'',
'field_name': 'source',
'options': [],
metadata = {
'source': '',
'track': '',
fields = self.item_descriptor.editable_metadata_fields
self.assertIn('track', fields)
self.assertEqual(self.item_module.track, '')
@unittest.skip('Skipped due to the reason described in BLD-811')
def test_track_is_empty(self):
metatdata = {
'track': '',
fields = self.item_descriptor.editable_metadata_fields
self.assertNotIn('track', fields)
self.assertEqual(self.item_module.track, '')
class TestVideoGetTranscriptsMethod(TestVideo):
......@@ -552,7 +469,7 @@ class TestVideoGetTranscriptsMethod(TestVideo):
item = self.item_descriptor.xmodule_runtime.xmodule_instance
good_sjson = _create_file(content="""
good_sjson = _create_file(content=textwrap.dedent("""\
"start": [
......@@ -567,13 +484,22 @@ class TestVideoGetTranscriptsMethod(TestVideo):
"Let&#39;s start with what is on your screen right now."
_upload_file(good_sjson, self.item_module.location)
subs_id = _get_subs_id(
text = item.get_transcript(subs_id)
expected_text = "Hi, welcome to Edx.\nLet's start with what is on your screen right now."
expected_text = textwrap.dedent("""\
00:00:00,270 --> 00:00:02,720
Hi, welcome to Edx.
00:00:02,720 --> 00:00:05,430
Let&#39;s start with what is on your screen right now.
self.assertEqual(text, expected_text)
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