Commit d97e8e5e by Muzaffar yousaf Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13397 from edx/ammar/poc

Making CAPA problems accessible TNL-4971
parents 83e780e4 1b960e3e
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class TemplateTests(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertIn('markdown', dropdown['metadata'])
self.assertIn('data', dropdown)
self.assertRegexpMatches(dropdown['metadata']['markdown'], r'^Dropdown.*')
self.assertRegexpMatches(dropdown['data'], r'<problem>\s*<p>Dropdown.*')
self.assertRegexpMatches(dropdown['metadata']['markdown'], r'.*dropdown problems.*')
self.assertRegexpMatches(dropdown['data'], r'<problem>\s*<optionresponse>\s*<p>.*dropdown problems.*')
def test_get_some_templates(self):
self.assertEqual(len(SequenceDescriptor.templates()), 0)
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
'mustache': 'js/vendor/mustache',
'codemirror': 'js/vendor/codemirror-compressed',
'codemirror/stex': 'js/vendor/CodeMirror/stex',
'pretty-print': 'js/lib/pretty-print',
'jquery': 'common/js/vendor/jquery',
'jquery-migrate': 'common/js/vendor/jquery-migrate',
'jquery.ui': 'js/vendor/jquery-ui.min',
......@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@
## and attach them to the global context manually.
define(["jquery", "underscore", "codemirror", "tinymce",
"jquery.tinymce", "jquery.qtip", "jquery.scrollTo", "jquery.flot",
function($, _, CodeMirror, tinymce) {
"jquery.cookie", "pretty-print", "utility"],
function($, _, CodeMirror) {
window.$ = $;
window._ = _;
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Main module which shows problems (of "capa" type).
This is used by capa_module.
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
import logging
......@@ -35,6 +36,16 @@ from capa.safe_exec import safe_exec
# extra things displayed after "show answers" is pressed
solution_tags = ['solution']
# fully accessible capa input types
# these get captured as student responses
response_properties = ["codeparam", "responseparam", "answer", "openendedparam"]
......@@ -176,7 +187,7 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
# transformations. This also creates the dict (self.responders) of Response
# instances for each question in the problem. The dict has keys = xml subtree of
# Response, values = Response instance
self.problem_data = self._preprocess_problem(self.tree)
if not self.student_answers: # True when student_answers is an empty dict
......@@ -752,7 +763,9 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
if problemtree.tag in inputtypes.registry.registered_tags():
# If this is an inputtype subtree, let it render itself.
status = "unsubmitted"
response_data = self.problem_data[problemid]
status = 'unsubmitted'
msg = ''
hint = ''
hintmode = None
......@@ -766,7 +779,7 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
hintmode = self.correct_map.get_hintmode(pid)
answervariable = self.correct_map.get_property(pid, 'answervariable')
value = ""
value = ''
if self.student_answers and problemid in self.student_answers:
value = self.student_answers[problemid]
......@@ -780,6 +793,7 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
'id': input_id,
'input_state': self.input_state[input_id],
'answervariable': answervariable,
'response_data': response_data,
'feedback': {
'message': msg,
'hint': hint,
......@@ -836,27 +850,30 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
Obtain all responder answers and save as self.responder_answers dict (key = response)
response_id = 1
problem_data = {}
self.responders = {}
for response in tree.xpath('//' + "|//".join(responsetypes.registry.registered_tags())):
response_id_str = self.problem_id + "_" + str(response_id)
responsetype_id = self.problem_id + "_" + str(response_id)
# create and save ID for this response
response.set('id', response_id_str)
response.set('id', responsetype_id)
response_id += 1
answer_id = 1
input_tags = inputtypes.registry.registered_tags()
inputfields = tree.xpath(
"|".join(['//' + response.tag + '[@id=$id]//' + x for x in input_tags + solution_tags]),
"|".join(['//' + response.tag + '[@id=$id]//' + x for x in input_tags]),
# assign one answer_id for each input type or solution type
# assign one answer_id for each input type
for entry in inputfields:
entry.attrib['response_id'] = str(response_id)
entry.attrib['answer_id'] = str(answer_id)
entry.attrib['id'] = "%s_%i_%i" % (self.problem_id, response_id, answer_id)
answer_id = answer_id + 1
self.response_a11y_data(response, inputfields, responsetype_id, problem_data)
# instantiate capa Response
responsetype_cls = responsetypes.registry.get_class_for_tag(response.tag)
responder = responsetype_cls(response, inputfields, self.context, self.capa_system, self.capa_module)
......@@ -881,3 +898,75 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
for solution in tree.findall('.//solution'):
solution.attrib['id'] = "%s_solution_%i" % (self.problem_id, solution_id)
solution_id += 1
return problem_data
def response_a11y_data(self, response, inputfields, responsetype_id, problem_data):
Construct data to be used for a11y.
response (object): xml response object
inputfields (list): list of inputfields in a responsetype
responsetype_id (str): responsetype id
problem_data (dict): dict to be filled with response data
# if there are no inputtypes then don't do anything
if not inputfields:
element_to_be_deleted = None
label = ''
if len(inputfields) > 1:
response.set('multiple_inputtypes', 'true')
group_label_tag = response.find('label')
group_label_tag_text = ''
if group_label_tag is not None:
group_label_tag.tag = 'p'
group_label_tag.set('id', responsetype_id)
group_label_tag.set('class', 'multi-inputs-group-label')
group_label_tag_text = group_label_tag.text
for inputfield in inputfields:
problem_data[inputfield.get('id')] = {
'group_label': group_label_tag_text,
'label': inputfield.attrib.get('label', ''),
'descriptions': {}
# Extract label value from <label> tag or label attribute from inside the responsetype
responsetype_label_tag = response.find('label')
if responsetype_label_tag is not None:
label = responsetype_label_tag.text
# store <label> tag containing question text to delete
# it later otherwise question will be rendered twice
element_to_be_deleted = responsetype_label_tag
elif 'label' not in inputfields[0].attrib:
# In this case the problems don't have tag or label attribute inside the responsetype
# so we will get the first preceding label tag w.r.t to this responsetype.
# This will take care of those multi-question problems that are not using --- in their markdown.
label_tag = response.xpath('preceding-sibling::label[1]')
if label_tag:
label = label_tag[0].text
element_to_be_deleted = label_tag[0]
# delete label or p element only if inputtype is fully accessible
if inputfields[0].tag in ACCESSIBLE_CAPA_INPUT_TYPES and element_to_be_deleted is not None:
# Extract descriptions and set unique id on each description tag
description_tags = response.findall('description')
description_id = 1
descriptions = OrderedDict()
for description in description_tags:
"description_%s_%i" % (responsetype_id, description_id)
] = description.text
description_id += 1
problem_data[inputfields[0].get('id')] = {
'label': label.strip() if label else '',
'descriptions': descriptions
......@@ -96,10 +96,13 @@ class Status(object):
'correct': _('This answer is correct.'),
'incorrect': _('This answer is incorrect.'),
'partially-correct': _('This answer is partially correct.'),
'unanswered': _('This answer is unanswered.'),
'unsubmitted': _('This answer is unanswered.'),
'queued': _('This answer is being processed.'),
['incomplete', 'unanswered', 'unsubmitted'], _('Not yet answered.')
self.display_name = names.get(status, unicode(status))
self.display_tooltip = tooltips.get(status, u'')
self._status = status or ''
......@@ -224,7 +227,8 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
self.hint = feedback.get('hint', '')
self.hintmode = feedback.get('hintmode', None)
self.input_state = state.get('input_state', {})
self.answervariable = state.get("answervariable", None)
self.answervariable = state.get('answervariable', None)
self.response_data = state.get('response_data')
# put hint above msg if it should be displayed
if self.hintmode == 'always':
......@@ -316,8 +320,18 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
'value': self.value,
'status': Status(self.status, self.capa_system.i18n.ugettext),
'msg': self.msg,
'response_data': self.response_data,
'STATIC_URL': self.capa_system.STATIC_URL,
'describedby': '',
# Don't add aria-describedby attribute if there are no descriptions
if self.response_data.get('descriptions'):
description_ids = ' '.join(self.response_data.get('descriptions').keys())
{'describedby': 'aria-describedby="{}"'.format(description_ids)}
(a, v) for (a, v) in self.loaded_attributes.iteritems() if a in self.to_render
......@@ -344,7 +358,7 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
context = self._get_render_context()
html = self.capa_system.render_template(self.template, context)
html = self.capa_system.render_template(self.template, context).strip()
output = etree.XML(html)
......@@ -377,7 +391,7 @@ class OptionInput(InputTypeBase):
<optioninput options="('Up','Down')" label="Where is the sky?" correct="Up"/><text>The location of the sky</text>
<optioninput options="('Up','Down')" correct="Up"/><text>The location of the sky</text>
# TODO: allow ordering to be randomized
......@@ -413,9 +427,15 @@ class OptionInput(InputTypeBase):
Convert options to a convenient format.
return [Attribute('options', transform=cls.parse_options),
Attribute('label', ''),
Attribute('inline', False)]
def _extra_context(self):
Return extra context.
_ = self.capa_system.i18n.ugettext
return {'default_option_text': _('Select an option')}
......@@ -432,7 +452,7 @@ class ChoiceGroup(InputTypeBase):
<choicegroup label="Which foil?">
<choice correct="false" name="foil1">
<text>This is foil One.</text>
......@@ -475,7 +495,6 @@ class ChoiceGroup(InputTypeBase):
# `django.utils.translation.ugettext_noop` because Django cannot be imported in this file
_ = lambda text: text
return [Attribute("show_correctness", "always"),
Attribute('label', ''),
Attribute("submitted_message", _("Answer received."))]
def _extra_context(self):
......@@ -637,7 +656,7 @@ class TextLine(InputTypeBase):
is used e.g. for embedding simulations turned into questions.
<textline math="1" trailing_text="m/s" label="How fast is a cheetah?" />
<textline math="1" trailing_text="m/s"/>
This example will render out a text line with a math preview and the text 'm/s'
after the end of the text line.
......@@ -653,7 +672,6 @@ class TextLine(InputTypeBase):
return [
Attribute('size', None),
Attribute('label', ''),
Attribute('hidden', False),
Attribute('inline', False),
......@@ -713,7 +731,6 @@ class FileSubmission(InputTypeBase):
Convert the list of allowed files to a convenient format.
return [Attribute('allowed_files', '[]', transform=cls.parse_files),
Attribute('label', ''),
Attribute('required_files', '[]', transform=cls.parse_files), ]
def setup(self):
......@@ -1027,7 +1044,6 @@ class Schematic(InputTypeBase):
Attribute('analyses', None),
Attribute('initial_value', None),
Attribute('submit_analyses', None),
Attribute('label', ''),
def _extra_context(self):
......@@ -1063,7 +1079,6 @@ class ImageInput(InputTypeBase):
return [Attribute('src'),
Attribute('label', ''),
Attribute('width'), ]
def setup(self):
......@@ -1154,8 +1169,7 @@ class ChemicalEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
Can set size of text field.
return [Attribute('size', '20'),
Attribute('label', ''), ]
return [Attribute('size', '20'), ]
def _extra_context(self):
......@@ -1218,7 +1232,7 @@ class FormulaEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
<formulaequationinput size="50" label="Enter the equation for motion" />
<formulaequationinput size="50"/>
options: size -- width of the textbox.
trailing_text -- text to show after the input textbox when
......@@ -1236,7 +1250,6 @@ class FormulaEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
return [
Attribute('size', '20'),
Attribute('inline', False),
Attribute('label', ''),
Attribute('trailing_text', ''),
......@@ -1626,7 +1639,7 @@ class ChoiceTextGroup(InputTypeBase):
select the correct choice and fill in numbers to make it accurate.
<radiotextgroup label="What is the correct choice?">
<choice correct="false">The lowest number rolled was:
<decoy_input/> and the highest number rolled was:
<decoy_input/> .</choice>
......@@ -1649,7 +1662,7 @@ class ChoiceTextGroup(InputTypeBase):
select the correct choices and fill in numbers to make them accurate.
<checkboxtextgroup label="What is the answer?">
<choice correct="true">
The lowest number selected was <numtolerance_input answer="1.4142" tolerance="0.01"/>
......@@ -1715,7 +1728,6 @@ class ChoiceTextGroup(InputTypeBase):
return [
Attribute("show_correctness", "always"),
Attribute("submitted_message", _("Answer received.")),
Attribute("label", ""),
def _extra_context(self):
......@@ -250,8 +250,27 @@ class LoncapaResponse(object):
- renderer : procedure which produces HTML given an ElementTree
- response_msg: a message displayed at the end of the Response
# render ourself as a <span> + our content
tree = etree.Element('span')
_ = self.capa_system.i18n.ugettext
# get responsetype index to make responsetype label
response_index = self.xml.attrib['id'].split('_')[-1]
# Translators: index here could be 1,2,3 and so on
response_label = _(u'Question {index}').format(index=response_index)
# wrap the content inside a section
tree = etree.Element('section')
tree.set('class', 'wrapper-problem-response')
tree.set('tabindex', '-1')
tree.set('aria-label', response_label)
if self.xml.get('multiple_inputtypes'):
# add <div> to wrap all inputtypes
content = etree.SubElement(tree, 'div')
content.set('class', 'multi-inputs-group')
content.set('role', 'group')
content.set('aria-labelledby', self.xml.get('id'))
content = tree
# problem author can make this span display:inline
if self.xml.get('inline', ''):
......@@ -261,12 +280,12 @@ class LoncapaResponse(object):
# call provided procedure to do the rendering
item_xhtml = renderer(item)
if item_xhtml is not None:
tree.tail = self.xml.tail
# Add a <div> for the message at the end of the response
if response_msg:
return tree
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<form class="annotation-input">
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${STATIC_URL}js/capa/annotationinput.js"/>
......@@ -59,6 +60,5 @@
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" aria-label="${label}" aria-describedby="answer_${id}" data-input-id="${id}" value="${value|h}"
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" aria-label="${response_data['label']}" aria-describedby="answer_${id}" data-input-id="${id}" value="${value|h}"
% if size:
% endif
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
def is_radio_input(choice_id):
return input_type == 'radio' and ((isinstance(value, basestring) and (choice_id == value)) or (
not isinstance(value, basestring) and choice_id in value
<form class="choicegroup capa_inputtype" id="inputtype_${id}">
<fieldset role="${input_type}group" aria-label="${label}">
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
<label for="input_${id}_${choice_id}"
## If the student has selected this choice...
% if input_type == 'radio' and ( (isinstance(value, basestring) and (choice_id == value)) or (not isinstance(value, basestring) and choice_id in value) ):
<fieldset ${describedby}>
% if response_data['label']:
<legend id="${id}-legend" class="response-fieldset-legend field-group-hd">${response_data['label']}</legend>
% endif
% for description_id, description_text in response_data['descriptions'].items():
<p class="question-description" id="${description_id}">${description_text}</p>
% endfor
% for choice_id, choice_label in choices:
<div class="field" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true">
if status == 'correct':
correctness = 'correct'
elif status == 'partially-correct':
correctness = 'partially-correct'
elif status == 'incorrect':
correctness = 'incorrect'
correctness = None
label_class = 'response-label field-label label-inline'
% if correctness and not show_correctness=='never':
% endif
% endif
<input type="${input_type}" name="input_${id}${name_array_suffix}" id="input_${id}_${choice_id}" aria-role="radio" aria-describedby="answer_${id}" value="${choice_id}"
## If the student selected this choice...
% if input_type == 'radio' and ( (isinstance(value, basestring) and (choice_id == value)) or (not isinstance(value, basestring) and choice_id in value) ):
% elif input_type != 'radio' and choice_id in value:
% endif
% if input_type != 'radio':
% endif
<label id="${id}-${choice_id}-label"
## If the student has selected this choice...
% if is_radio_input(choice_id):
if status == 'correct':
correctness = 'correct'
elif status == 'partially-correct':
correctness = 'partially-correct'
elif status == 'incorrect':
correctness = 'incorrect'
correctness = None
% if correctness and not show_correctness == 'never':
<% label_class += ' choicegroup_' + correctness %>
% endif
% endif
<input type="${input_type}" name="input_${id}${name_array_suffix}" id="input_${id}_${choice_id}" class="field-input input-${input_type}" value="${choice_id}"
## If the student selected this choice...
% if is_radio_input(choice_id):
% elif input_type != 'radio' and choice_id in value:
% endif
/> ${choice_label}
/> ${choice_description}
% if input_type == 'radio' and ( (isinstance(value, basestring) and (choice_id == value)) or (not isinstance(value, basestring) and choice_id in value) ):
% if status in ('correct', 'partially-correct', 'incorrect') and not show_correctness=='never':
<span class="sr status">${choice_description|h} - ${status.display_name}</span>
% endif
% endif
% if is_radio_input(choice_id):
% if status in ('correct', 'partially-correct', 'incorrect') and not show_correctness == 'never':
<span class="sr status" id="${id}-${choice_id}-labeltext">${status.display_name}</span>
% endif
% endif
% endfor
<span id="answer_${id}"></span>
<div class="indicator-container">
% if input_type == 'checkbox' or not value:
<span class="status ${status.classname if show_correctness != 'never' else 'unanswered'}" id="status_${id}" aria-describedby="inputtype_${id}" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">
%for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
% if choice_id in value:
<span class="status ${status.classname if show_correctness != 'never' else 'unanswered'}" id="status_${id}" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">${status.display_tooltip}</span>
% endif
......@@ -60,6 +68,6 @@
<div class="capa_alert">${submitted_message}</div>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<% element_checked = False %>
% for choice_id, _ in choices:
<%choice_id = choice_id %>
<% choice_id = choice_id %>
%if choice_id in value:
<% element_checked = True %>
% endfor
<section id="choicetextinput_${id}" class="choicetextinput">
<form class="choicetextgroup capa_inputtype" id="inputtype_${id}">
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${STATIC_URL}js/capa/choicetextinput.js"/>
<fieldset aria-label="${label}">
<fieldset aria-label="${response_data['label']}">
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
<%choice_id= choice_id %>
<% choice_id = choice_id %>
<section id="forinput${choice_id}"
% if input_type == 'radio' and choice_id in value :
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<span id="answer_${id}"></span>
<input class= "choicetextvalue" type="hidden" name="input_${id}{}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}" />
<div class="indicator-container">
% if input_type == 'checkbox' or not element_checked:
<span class="status ${status.classname}" id="status_${id}"></span>
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<div id="inputtype_${id}" class="capa_inputtype">
<div class="drag_and_drop_problem_div" id="drag_and_drop_div_${id}"
......@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<section id="filesubmission_${id}" class="filesubmission">
<div class="grader-status file">
......@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
% endif
<p class="debug">${status}</p>
<input type="file" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value}" multiple="multiple" data-required_files="${required_files|h}" data-allowed_files="${allowed_files|h}" aria-label="${label}" />
<input type="file" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value}" multiple="multiple" data-required_files="${required_files|h}" data-allowed_files="${allowed_files|h}" aria-label="${response_data['label']}"/>
<div class="message">${msg|n}</div>
<div class="message">${HTML(msg)}</div>
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<% doinline = 'style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top"' if inline else "" %>
<section id="formulaequationinput_${id}" class="inputtype formulaequationinput" ${doinline | n}>
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}"
data-input-id="${id}" value="${value}"
% if size:
% endif
<span class="trailing_text">${trailing_text}</span>
<div id="formulaequationinput_${id}" class="inputtype formulaequationinput" ${doinline | n, decode.utf8}>
<div class="${status.classname}" id="status_${id}">
% if response_data['label']:
<label class="problem-group-label" for="input_${id}">${response_data['label']}</label>
% endif
% for description_id, description_text in response_data['descriptions'].items():
<p class="question-description" id="${description_id}">${description_text}</p>
% endfor
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}"
data-input-id="${id}" value="${value}"
${describedby | n, decode.utf8}
% if size:
% endif
<span class="trailing_text">${trailing_text}</span>
<span class="status" id="${id}_status" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">
<span class="status" id="${id}_status" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">${status.display_tooltip}</span>
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
<div id="input_${id}_preview" class="equation">
<img src="${STATIC_URL}images/spinner.gif" class="loading" alt="Loading"/>
<div id="input_${id}_preview" class="equation">
<img src="${STATIC_URL}images/spinner.gif" class="loading" alt="Loading"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${previewer}"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${previewer}"/>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<% doinline = "inline" if inline else "" %>
<form class="inputtype option-input ${doinline}">
<select name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" aria-label="${label}" aria-describedby="answer_${id}">
<option value="option_${id}_dummy_default"> </option>
% if response_data['label']:
<label class="problem-group-label" for="input_${id}">${response_data['label']}</label>
% endif
% for description_id, description_text in response_data['descriptions'].items():
<p class="question-description" id="${description_id}">${description_text}</p>
% endfor
<select name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" ${describedby}>
<option value="option_${id}_dummy_default">${default_option_text}</option>
% for option_id, option_description in options:
<option value="${option_id}"
% if (option_id==value or option_id==answervariable):
% if (option_id == value or option_id == answervariable):
% endif
> ${option_description}</option>
......@@ -13,15 +22,12 @@
<div class="indicator-container">
<span class="status ${status.classname}"
aria-describedby="input_${id}" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">${value|h} - ${status.display_tooltip}</span>
<span class="status ${status.classname}" id="status_${id}" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">${status.display_tooltip}</span>
<p class="answer" id="answer_${id}"></p>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<section class="solution-span">
<div class="solution-span">
<span id="solution_${id}"></span>
......@@ -2,62 +2,57 @@
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<% doinline = "inline" if inline else "" %>
<div id="inputtype_${id}" class="${'text-input-dynamath' if do_math else ''} capa_inputtype ${doinline} textline" >
% if preprocessor is not None:
<div id="inputtype_${id}" class="${'text-input-dynamath' if do_math else ''} capa_inputtype ${doinline} textline">
% if preprocessor is not None:
<div class="text-input-dynamath_data ${doinline}" data-preprocessor="${preprocessor['class_name']}"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="${preprocessor['script_src']}"/>
% endif
% endif
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete'):
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete'):
<div class="${status.classname} ${doinline}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
% if hidden:
<div style="display:none;" name="${hidden}" inputid="input_${id}" />
% endif
% if response_data['label']:
<label class="problem-group-label" for="input_${id}">${response_data['label']}</label>
% endif
% for description_id, description_text in response_data['descriptions'].items():
<p class="question-description" id="${description_id}">${description_text}</p>
% endfor
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" ${describedby | n, decode.utf8} value="${value}"
% if do_math:
% endif
% if size:
% endif
% if hidden:
<div style="display:none;" name="${hidden}" inputid="input_${id}" />
% endif
<span class="trailing_text">${trailing_text}</span>
<span class="status" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">${status.display_tooltip}</span>
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" aria-label="${label}" aria-describedby="answer_${id}" value="${value}"
% if do_math:
% endif
% if size:
% endif
% if hidden:
% endif
<span class="trailing_text">${trailing_text}</span>
<span class="status"
%if status != 'unsubmitted':
aria-describedby="input_${id}" data-tooltip="${status.display_tooltip}">
<span class="sr">
%if value:
% else:
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if do_math:
<div id="display_${id}" class="equation">`{::}`</div>
<textarea style="display:none" id="input_${id}_dynamath" name="input_${id}_dynamath"></textarea>
% endif
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if do_math:
<div id="display_${id}" class="equation">`{::}`</div>
<textarea style="display:none" id="input_${id}_dynamath" name="input_${id}_dynamath"></textarea>
% endif
% if status in ('unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete'):
% endif
% if msg:
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
% if msg:
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
<%! from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML %>
<section id="inputtype_${id}" class="capa_inputtype" >
<table><tr><td height='600'>
<div id="vsepr_div_${id}" style="position:relative;" data-molecules="${molecules}" data-geometries="${geometries}">
......@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
<span class="message">${HTML(msg)}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partially-correct', 'incomplete']:
"""Tools for helping with testing capa."""
import gettext
from path import path # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import os
import os.path
......@@ -9,12 +10,29 @@ import fs.osfs
from capa.capa_problem import LoncapaProblem, LoncapaSystem
from capa.inputtypes import Status
from mock import Mock, MagicMock
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def get_template(template_name):
Return template for a capa inputtype.
return TemplateLookup(
directories=[path(__file__).dirname().dirname() / 'templates']
def capa_render_template(template, context):
Render template for a capa inputtype.
return get_template(template).render_unicode(**context)
def tst_render_template(template, context):
A test version of render to template. Renders to the repr of the context, completely ignoring
......@@ -30,7 +48,7 @@ xqueue_interface = MagicMock()
xqueue_interface.send_to_queue.return_value = (0, 'Success!')
def test_capa_system():
def test_capa_system(render_template=None):
Construct a mock LoncapaSystem instance.
......@@ -46,7 +64,7 @@ def test_capa_system():
filestore=fs.osfs.OSFS(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "test_files")),
node_path=os.environ.get("NODE_PATH", "/usr/local/lib/node_modules"),
render_template=render_template or tst_render_template,
......@@ -66,9 +84,10 @@ def mock_capa_module():
return capa_module
def new_loncapa_problem(xml, capa_system=None, seed=723):
def new_loncapa_problem(xml, capa_system=None, seed=723, use_capa_render_template=False):
"""Construct a `LoncapaProblem` suitable for unit tests."""
return LoncapaProblem(xml, id='1', seed=seed, capa_system=capa_system or test_capa_system(),
render_template = capa_render_template if use_capa_render_template else None
return LoncapaProblem(xml, id='1', seed=seed, capa_system=capa_system or test_capa_system(render_template),
......@@ -267,6 +267,9 @@ class CustomResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
*answer_attr*: The "answer" attribute on the tag itself (treated as an
alias to "expect", though "expect" takes priority if both are given)
*group_label*: Text to represent group of inputs when there are
multiple inputs.
# Retrieve **kwargs
......@@ -276,6 +279,7 @@ class CustomResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
answer = kwargs.get('answer', None)
options = kwargs.get('options', None)
cfn_extra_args = kwargs.get('cfn_extra_args', None)
group_label = kwargs.get('group_label', None)
# Create the response element
response_element = etree.Element("customresponse")
......@@ -293,6 +297,10 @@ class CustomResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
answer_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, "answer")
answer_element.text = str(answer)
if group_label:
group_label_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, "label")
group_label_element.text = group_label
if options:
response_element.set('options', str(options))
<p>Select all the fruits from the list. In retrospect, the wordiness of these tests increases the dizziness!</p>
<p>In retrospect, the wordiness of these tests increases the dizziness!</p>
<checkboxgroup label="Select all the fruits from the list">
<label>Select all the fruits from the list</label>
<choice correct="true" id="alpha">Apple
<choicehint selected="TrUe">You are right that apple is a fruit.
......@@ -33,9 +34,10 @@
<p>Select all the vegetables from the list</p>
<checkboxgroup label="Select all the vegetables from the list">
<label>Select all the vegetables from the list</label>
<choice correct="false">Banana
<choicehint selected="true">No, sorry, a banana is a fruit.
......@@ -52,11 +54,11 @@
<choice correct="true">
Brussel Sprout
<choicehint selected="true">
Brussel sprouts are vegetables.
<choicehint selected="false">
Brussel sprout is the only vegetable in this list.
......@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@
<p>Compoundhint vs. correctness</p>
......@@ -80,17 +83,17 @@
<choice correct="true">
<choicehint selected="true" label="AA">
<choice correct="true">
B <choicehint selected="false" label="BB">
......@@ -114,4 +117,3 @@
<p>(note the blank line before mushroom -- be sure to include this test case)</p>
<p>Select the fruit from the list</p>
<choicegroup label="Select the fruit from the list" type="MultipleChoice">
<label>Select the fruit from the list</label>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false">Mushroom
<choicehint label="">Mushroom is a fungus, not a fruit.
......@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
<p>Select the vegetables from the list</p>
<choicegroup label="Select the vegetables from the list" type="MultipleChoice">
<label>Select the vegetables from the list</label>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false">Mushroom
<choicehint>Mushroom is a fungus, not a vegetable.
<p>Select the fruit from the list</p>
<choicegroup label="Select the fruit from the list" type="MultipleChoice">
<label>Select the fruit from the list</label>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false">Mushroom
<choicehint>Mushroom <img src="#" ale="#"/>is a fungus, not a fruit.</choicehint>
<numericalresponse answer="1.141">
<label>What value when squared is approximately equal to 2 (give your answer to 2 decimal places)?</label>
<responseparam default=".01" type="tolerance"/>
<formulaequationinput label="What value when squared is approximately equal to 2 (give your answer to 2 decimal places)?"/>
<correcthint label="Nice">
The square root of two turns up in the strangest places.
......@@ -11,8 +12,9 @@
<numericalresponse answer="4">
<label>What is 2 + 2?</label>
<responseparam default=".01" type="tolerance"/>
<formulaequationinput label="What is 2 + 2?"/>
Pretty easy, uh?.
......@@ -34,4 +36,3 @@ also not multiple correcthint
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
<p>In which country would you find the city of Paris?</p>
<stringresponse answer="FranceΩ" type="ci" >
<textline label="In which country would you find the city of Paris?" size="20"/>
<label>In which country would you find the city of Paris?</label>
<textline size="20"/>
Viva la France!Ω
......@@ -22,16 +23,18 @@
<p>What color is the sky? A minimal example, case sensitive, not regex.</p>
<stringresponse answer="Blue">
<label>What color is the sky?</label>
<correcthint >The red light is scattered by water molecules leaving only blue light.
<textline label="What color is the sky?" size="20"/>
<textline size="20"/>
<p>(This question will cause an illegal regular expression exception)</p>
<stringresponse answer="Bonk">
<label>Why not?</label>
<correcthint >This hint should never appear.
<textline label="Why not?" size="20"/>
<textline size="20"/>
<regexphint answer="[">
This hint should never appear either because the regex is illegal.
......@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@
<regexphint answer="FG+"> hint6 </regexphint>
<textline size="20"/>
<!-- backward compatibility for additional_answer: old and new format together in
a problem, scored correclty and new style has a hint -->
<stringresponse answer="A">
<checkboxgroup label="Select all the vegetables from the list">
<label>Select all the vegetables from the list</label>
<choice correct="false">Banana
<choicehint selected="true">No, sorry, a banana is a fruit.
......@@ -155,11 +155,12 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
question_element = rendered_html.find("p")
self.assertEqual(question_element.text, "Test question")
# Expect that the response has been turned into a <span>
response_element = rendered_html.find("span")
self.assertEqual(response_element.tag, "span")
# Expect that the response has been turned into a <section> with correct attributes
response_element = rendered_html.find("section")
self.assertEqual(response_element.tag, "section")
self.assertEqual(response_element.attrib["aria-label"], "Question 1")
# Expect that the response <span>
# Expect that the response <section>
# that contains a <div> for the textline
textline_element = response_element.find("div")
self.assertEqual(textline_element.text, 'Input Template Render')
......@@ -175,7 +176,6 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
expected_textline_context = {
'STATIC_URL': '/dummy-static/',
'status': the_system.STATUS_CLASS('unsubmitted'),
'label': '',
'value': '',
'preprocessor': None,
'msg': '',
......@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
'id': '1_2_1',
'trailing_text': '',
'size': None,
'response_data': {'label': '', 'descriptions': {}},
'describedby': ''
expected_solution_context = {'id': '1_solution_1'}
......@@ -201,6 +203,29 @@ class CapaHtmlRenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_correct_aria_label(self):
xml = """
<choice correct="true">over-suspicious</choice>
<choice correct="false">funny</choice>
<choice correct="true">Urdu</choice>
<choice correct="false">Finnish</choice>
problem = new_loncapa_problem(xml)
rendered_html = etree.XML(problem.get_html())
sections = rendered_html.findall('section')
self.assertEqual(sections[0].attrib['aria-label'], 'Question 1')
self.assertEqual(sections[1].attrib['aria-label'], 'Question 2')
def test_render_response_with_overall_msg(self):
# CustomResponse script that sets an overall_message
script = textwrap.dedent("""
......@@ -1256,7 +1256,6 @@ class CapaMixin(CapaFields):
of the problem. If problem related metadata cannot be located it should be replaced with empty
strings ''.
input_metadata = {}
for input_id, internal_answer in answers.iteritems():
answer_input = self.lcp.inputs.get(input_id)
......@@ -1290,13 +1289,16 @@ class CapaMixin(CapaFields):
is_correct = ''
input_metadata[input_id] = {
'question': getattr(answer_input, 'loaded_attributes', {}).get('label', ''),
'question': answer_input.response_data.get('label', ''),
'answer': user_visible_answer,
'response_type': getattr(getattr(answer_response, 'xml', None), 'tag', ''),
'input_type': getattr(answer_input, 'tag', ''),
'correct': is_correct,
'variant': variant,
# Add group_label in event data only if the responsetype contains multiple inputtypes
if answer_input.response_data.get('group_label'):
input_metadata[input_id]['group_label'] = answer_input.response_data.get('group_label')
return input_metadata
......@@ -152,6 +152,21 @@ div.problem {
margin-top: $baseline;
.question-description {
@include margin(($baseline*0.75), 0);
form > label, .problem-group-label {
display: block;
margin-bottom: $baseline;
font: inherit;
color: inherit;
.wrapper-problem-response:not(:last-child) {
margin-bottom: $baseline;
// Choice Group - silent class
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ var options = {
{pattern: 'common_static/coffee/src/ajax_prefix.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/common/js/vendor/underscore.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/common/js/vendor/backbone.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/js/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/js/vendor/codemirror-compressed.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/js/lib/pretty-print.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/js/vendor/draggabilly.js'},
{pattern: 'common_static/common/js/vendor/jquery.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common_static/common/js/vendor/jquery-migrate.js', included: true},
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
html = '''
<div id="problem_sel">
<option value="val0"></option>
<option value="val0">Select an option</option>
<option value="val1">1</option>
<option value="val2">2</option>
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class @Problem
detail ='progress_detail')
status ='progress_status')
# Render 'x/y point(s)' if student has attempted question
# Render 'x/y point(s)' if student has attempted question
if status != 'none' and detail? and (jQuery.type(detail) == "string") and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
a = detail.split('/')
earned = parseFloat(a[0])
......@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ class @Problem
@el.find("select").each (i, select_field) =>
selected_option = $(select_field).find("option:selected").text().trim()
if selected_option is ''
if selected_option is 'Select an option'
answered = false
if bind
$(select_field).on 'change', (e) =>
......@@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ class @Problem
choicegroup: (element, display, answers) =>
element = $(element)
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/,'')
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '')
answer = answers[input_id]
for choice in answer
element.find("label[for='input_#{input_id}_#{choice}']").addClass 'choicegroup_correct'
element.find("#input_#{input_id}_#{choice}").parent("label").addClass 'choicegroup_correct'
javascriptinput: (element, display, answers) =>
answer_id = $(element).attr('id').split("_")[1...].join("_")
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ class @Problem
choicetextgroup: (element, display, answers) =>
element = $(element)
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/,'')
input_id = element.attr('id').replace(/inputtype_/, '')
answer = answers[input_id]
for choice in answer
element.find("section#forinput#{choice}").addClass 'choicetextgroup_show_correct'
......@@ -821,4 +821,3 @@ class @Problem
hint_container.attr('hint_index', response.hint_index)
@$('.hint-button').focus() # a11y focus on click, like the Check button
......@@ -192,11 +192,15 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
return template
@markdownToXml: (markdown)->
# it will contain <hint>...</hint> tags
demandHintTags = [];
toXml = `function (markdown) {
var xml = markdown,
i, splits, scriptFlag;
i, splits, makeParagraph;
var responseTypes = [
'optionresponse', 'multiplechoiceresponse', 'stringresponse', 'numericalresponse', 'choiceresponse'
// fix DOS \r\n line endings to look like \n
xml = xml.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
......@@ -205,6 +209,20 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
xml = xml.replace(/(^.*?$)(?=\n\=\=+$)/gm, '<h3 class="hd hd-2 problem-header">$1</h3>');
xml = xml.replace(/\n^\=\=+$/gm, '');
// extract question and description(optional)
// >>question||description<< converts to
// <label>question</label> <description>description</description>
xml = xml.replace(/>>([^]+?)<</gm, function(match, questionText) {
var result = questionText.split('||'),
label = '<label>' + result[0] + '</label>' + '\n';
// don't add empty <description> tag
if (result.length === 1 || !result[1]) {
return label;
return label + '<description>' + result[1] + '</description>\n'
// Pull out demand hints, || a hint ||
var demandhints = '';
xml = xml.replace(/(^\s*\|\|.*?\|\|\s*$\n?)+/gm, function(match) { // $\n
......@@ -212,6 +230,7 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
for (i = 0; i < options.length; i += 1) {
var inner = /\s*\|\|(.*?)\|\|/.exec(options[i]);
if (inner) {
//safe-lint: disable=javascript-concat-html
demandhints += ' <hint>' + inner[1].trim() + '</hint>\n';
......@@ -510,56 +529,31 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
return selectString;
// replace labels
// looks for >>arbitrary text<< and inserts it into the label attribute of the input type directly below the text.
var split = xml.split('\n');
var new_xml = [];
var line, i, curlabel, prevlabel = '';
var didinput = false;
for (i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
line = split[i];
if (match = line.match(/>>(.*)<</)) {
curlabel = match[1].replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&apos;');
line = line.replace(/>>|<</g, '');
} else if (line.match(/<\w+response/) && didinput && curlabel == prevlabel) {
// reset label to prevent gobbling up previous one (if multiple questions)
curlabel = '';
didinput = false;
} else if (line.match(/<(textline|optioninput|formulaequationinput|choicegroup|checkboxgroup)/) && curlabel != '' && curlabel != undefined) {
line = line.replace(/<(textline|optioninput|formulaequationinput|choicegroup|checkboxgroup)/, '<$1 label="' + curlabel + '"');
didinput = true;
prevlabel = curlabel;
xml = new_xml.join('\n');
// replace code blocks
xml = xml.replace(/\[code\]\n?([^\]]*)\[\/?code\]/gmi, function(match, p1) {
var selectString = '<pre><code>\n' + p1 + '</code></pre>';
var selectString = '<pre><code>' + p1 + '</code></pre>';
return selectString;
// split scripts and preformatted sections, and wrap paragraphs
splits = xml.split(/(\<\/?(?:script|pre).*?\>)/g);
scriptFlag = false;
splits = xml.split(/(\<\/?(?:script|pre|label|description).*?\>)/g);
// Wrap a string by <p> tag when line is not already wrapped by another tag
// true when line is not already wrapped by another tag false otherwise
makeParagraph = true;
for (i = 0; i < splits.length; i += 1) {
if(/\<(script|pre)/.test(splits[i])) {
scriptFlag = true;
if (/\<(script|pre|label|description)/.test(splits[i])) {
makeParagraph = false;
if(!scriptFlag) {
if (makeParagraph) {
splits[i] = splits[i].replace(/(^(?!\s*\<|$).*$)/gm, '<p>$1</p>');
if(/\<\/(script|pre)/.test(splits[i])) {
scriptFlag = false;
if (/\<\/(script|pre|label|description)/.test(splits[i])) {
makeParagraph = true;
......@@ -570,12 +564,68 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
// if we've come across demand hints, wrap in <demandhint> at the end
if (demandhints) {
demandhints = '\n<demandhint>\n' + demandhints + '</demandhint>';
// make all elements descendants of a single problem element
xml = '<problem>\n' + xml + demandhints + '\n</problem>';
// make selector to search responsetypes in xml
var responseTypesSelector = responseTypes.join(', ');
// make temporary xml
// safe-lint: disable=javascript-concat-html
var $xml = $($.parseXML('<prob>' + xml + '</prob>'));
responseType = $xml.find(responseTypesSelector);
// convert if there is only one responsetype
if (responseType.length === 1) {
var inputtype = responseType[0].firstElementChild
// used to decide whether an element should be placed before or after an inputtype
var beforeInputtype = true;
_.each($xml.find('prob').children(), function(child, index){
// we don't want to add the responsetype again into new xml
if (responseType[0].nodeName === child.nodeName) {
beforeInputtype = false;
if (beforeInputtype) {
// safe-lint: disable=javascript-jquery-insert-into-target
responseType[0].insertBefore(child, inputtype);
} else {
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
xml = serializer.serializeToString(responseType[0]);
// remove xmlns attribute added by the serializer
xml = xml.replace(/\sxmlns=['"].*?['"]/gi, '');
// XMLSerializer messes the indentation of XML so add newline
// at the end of each ending tag to make the xml looks better
xml = xml.replace(/(\<\/.*?\>)(\<.*?\>)/gi, '$1\n$2');
// remove class attribute added on <p> tag for question title
xml = xml.replace(/\sclass=\'qtitle\'/gi, '');
return xml;
return toXml markdown
responseTypesXML = []
responseTypesMarkdown = markdown.split(/\n\s*---\s*\n/g)
_.each responseTypesMarkdown, (responseTypeMarkdown, index) ->
if responseTypeMarkdown.trim().length > 0
responseTypesXML.push toXml(responseTypeMarkdown)
# combine demandhints
demandHints = ''
if demandHintTags.length
## safe-lint: disable=javascript-concat-html
demandHints = '\n<demandhint>\n' + demandHintTags.join('') + '</demandhint>'
# make all responsetypes descendants of a single problem element
## safe-lint: disable=javascript-concat-html
# format and return xml
finalXml = '<problem>' + responseTypesXML.join('\n\n') + demandHints + '</problem>'
return PrettyPrint.xml(finalXml);
......@@ -2,46 +2,27 @@
display_name: Checkboxes
markdown: |
Checkbox problems allow learners to select multiple options. Learners can see all the options along with the problem text.
When you add the problem, be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for checkboxes problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
You can use the following example problem as a model.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
>>The following languages are in the Indo-European family:<<
[x] Urdu
[ ] Finnish
[x] Marathi
[x] French
[ ] Hungarian
[x] a correct answer
[ ] an incorrect answer
[ ] an incorrect answer
[x] a correct answer
Note: Make sure you select all of the correct options—there may be more than one!
data: |
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for checkboxes problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<choice correct="true">a correct answer</choice>
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer</choice>
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer</choice>
<choice correct="true">a correct answer</choice>
Urdu, Marathi, and French are all Indo-European languages, while Finnish and Hungarian are in the Uralic family.
data: |
<p>Checkbox problems allow learners to select multiple options. Learners can see all the options along with the problem text.</p>
<p>When you add the component, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>The following languages are in the Indo-European family:</p>
<choice correct="true" name="urdu">Urdu</choice>
<choice correct="false" name="finnish">Finnish</choice>
<choice correct="true" name="marathi">Marathi</choice>
<choice correct="true" name="french">French</choice>
<choice correct="false" name="hungarian">Hungarian</choice>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: Make sure you select all of the correct options—there may be more than one!</p>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Urdu, Marathi, and French are all Indo-European languages, while Finnish and Hungarian are in the Uralic family.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,68 +2,51 @@
display_name: Checkboxes with Hints and Feedback
markdown: |
You can provide feedback for each option in a checkbox problem, with distinct feedback depending on whether or not the learner selects that option.
You can also provide compound feedback for a specific combination of answers. For example, if you have three possible answers in the problem, you can configure specific feedback for when a learner selects each combination of possible answers.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for checkboxes with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
You can also add hints for learners.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.<<
Be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
[x] a correct answer {{ selected: You can specify optional feedback that appears after the learner selects and submits this answer. }, { unselected: You can specify optional feedback that appears after the learner clears and submits this answer.}}
[ ] an incorrect answer
[ ] an incorrect answer {{ selected: You can specify optional feedback for none, all, or a subset of the answers. }, { unselected: You can specify optional feedback for selected answers, cleared answers, or both.}}
[x] a correct answer
Use the following example problem as a model.
>>Which of the following is a fruit? Check all that apply.<<
{{ ((A B D)) You can specify optional feedback for a combination of answers which appears after the specified set of answers is submitted. }}
{{ ((A B C D)) You can specify optional feedback for one, several, or all answer combinations. }}
[x] apple {{ selected: You are correct that an apple is a fruit because it is the fertilized ovary that comes from an apple tree and contains seeds. }, { unselected: Remember that an apple is also a fruit.}}
[x] pumpkin {{ selected: You are correct that a pumpkin is a fruit because it is the fertilized ovary of a squash plant and contains seeds. }, { unselected: Remember that a pumpkin is also a fruit.}}
[ ] potato {{ U: You are correct that a potato is a vegetable because it is an edible part of a plant in tuber form.}, { S: A potato is a vegetable, not a fruit, because it does not come from a flower and does not contain seeds.}}
[x] tomato {{ S: You are correct that a tomato is a fruit because it is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds. }, { U: Many people mistakenly think a tomato is a vegetable. However, because a tomato is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds, it is a fruit.}}
||You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.||
||If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.||
{{ ((A B D)) An apple, pumpkin, and tomato are all fruits as they all are fertilized ovaries of a plant and contain seeds. }}
{{ ((A B C D)) You are correct that an apple, pumpkin, and tomato are all fruits as they all are fertilized ovaries of a plant and contain seeds. However, a potato is not a fruit as it is an edible part of a plant in tuber form and is a vegetable. }}
||A fruit is the fertilized ovary from a flower.||
||A fruit contains seeds of the plant.||
hinted: true
data: |
<p>You can provide feedback for each option in a checkbox problem, with distinct feedback depending on whether or not the learner selects that option.</p>
<p>You can also provide compound feedback for a specific combination of answers. For example, if you have three possible answers in the problem, you can configure specific feedback for when a learner selects each combination of possible answers.</p>
<p>You can also add hints for learners.</p>
<p>Use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>Which of the following is a fruit? Check all that apply.</p>
<choice correct="true">apple
<choicehint selected="true">You are correct that an apple is a fruit because it is the fertilized ovary that comes from an apple tree and contains seeds.</choicehint>
<choicehint selected="false">Remember that an apple is also a fruit.</choicehint>
<choice correct="true">pumpkin
<choicehint selected="true">You are correct that a pumpkin is a fruit because it is the fertilized ovary of a squash plant and contains seeds.</choicehint>
<choicehint selected="false">Remember that a pumpkin is also a fruit.</choicehint>
<choice correct="false">potato
<choicehint selected="true">A potato is a vegetable, not a fruit, because it does not come from a flower and does not contain seeds.</choicehint>
<choicehint selected="false">You are correct that a potato is a vegetable because it is an edible part of a plant in tuber form.</choicehint>
<choice correct="true">tomato
<choicehint selected="true">You are correct that a tomato is a fruit because it is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds.</choicehint>
<choicehint selected="false">Many people mistakenly think a tomato is a vegetable. However, because a tomato is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds, it a fruit.</choicehint>
<compoundhint value="A B D">An apple, pumpkin, and tomato are all fruits as they all are fertilized ovaries of a plant and contain seeds.</compoundhint>
<compoundhint value="A B C D">You are correct that an apple, pumpkin, and tomato are all fruits as they all are fertilized ovaries of a plant and contain seeds. However, a potato is not a fruit as it is an edible part of a plant in tuber form and is classified as a vegetable.</compoundhint>
<hint>A fruit is the fertilized ovary from a flower.</hint>
<hint>A fruit contains seeds of the plant.</hint>
data: |
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for checkboxes with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<choice correct="true">a correct answer
<choicehint selected="true">You can specify optional feedback that appears after the learner selects and submits this answer.</choicehint>
<choicehint selected="false">You can specify optional feedback that appears after the learner clears and submits this answer.</choicehint>
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer
<choicehint selected="true">You can specify optional feedback for none, all, or a subset of the answers.</choicehint>
<choicehint selected="false">You can specify optional feedback for selected answers, cleared answers, or both.</choicehint>
<choice correct="true">a correct answer
<compoundhint value="A B D">You can specify optional feedback for a combination of answers which appears after the specified set of answers is submitted.</compoundhint>
<compoundhint value="A B C D">You can specify optional feedback for one, several, or all answer combinations.</compoundhint>
<hint>You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.</hint>
<hint>If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.</hint>
......@@ -5,27 +5,28 @@ metadata:
data: |
Circuit schematic problems allow students to create virtual circuits by
arranging elements such as voltage sources, capacitors, resistors, and
MOSFETs on an interactive grid. The system evaluates a DC, AC, or
transient analysis of the circuit.
Circuit schematic problems allow students to create virtual circuits by
arranging elements such as voltage sources, capacitors, resistors, and
MOSFETs on an interactive grid. The system evaluates a DC, AC, or
transient analysis of the circuit.
For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Circuit Schematic Builder Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Circuit Schematic Builder Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.
When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.
<p>You can use the following example problems as models.</p>
<p>Make a voltage divider that splits the provided voltage evenly.</p>
<schematic height="500" width="600" parts="g,r" analyses="dc"
<p>Make a voltage divider that splits the provided voltage evenly.</p>
<schematic height="500" width="600" parts="g,r" analyses="dc"
<answer type="loncapa/python">
dc_value = "dc analysis not found"
for response in submission[0]:
......@@ -38,14 +39,26 @@ data: |
correct = ['incorrect']
<p>Make a high-pass filter.</p>
<schematic height="500" width="600" parts="g,r,s,c" analyses="ac"
<div class="detailed-solution">
You can form a voltage divider that evenly divides the input
voltage with two identically valued resistors, with the sampled
voltage taken in between the two.
<p><img src="/static/images/voltage_divider.png" alt=""/></p>
<p>Make a high-pass filter.</p>
<schematic height="500" width="600" parts="g,r,s,c" analyses="ac"
<answer type="loncapa/python">
ac_values = None
for response in submission[0]:
......@@ -60,24 +73,17 @@ data: |
correct = ['incorrect']
<div class="detailed-solution">
You can form a voltage divider that evenly divides the input
voltage with two identically valued resistors, with the sampled
voltage taken in between the two.
<p><img src="/static/images/voltage_divider.png" alt=""/></p>
You can form a simple high-pass filter without any further
constraints by simply putting a resistor in series with a
capacitor. The actual values of the components do not really
matter in this problem.
<p><img src="/static/images/high_pass_filter.png" alt=""/></p>
<div class="detailed-solution">
You can form a simple high-pass filter without any further
constraints by simply putting a resistor in series with a
capacitor. The actual values of the components do not really
matter in this problem.
<p><img src="/static/images/high_pass_filter.png" alt=""/></p>
......@@ -4,33 +4,54 @@ metadata:
markdown: !!null
data: |
In custom Python-evaluated input (also called "write-your-own-grader"
problems), the grader uses a Python script that you create and embed in
the problem to evaluate a learner's response or provide hints. These
problems can be any type. Numerical input and text input problems are
the most common write-your-own-grader problems.
You can use script tag format or answer tag format to create these problems.
You can create custom Python-evaluated input problems that provide
partial credit or that randomize variables in the Python code. You can
also add images to the solution by using an HTML "img" tag. Note that
the "img" tag must be between the "div" tags that are inside the
"solution" tags, and that learners do not see these images until they
click the "Show Answer" button.
<p> For more information, see <a
href="" target="_blank">
Write-Your-Own-Grader Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<hr />
In custom Python-evaluated input (also called "write-your-own-grader"
problems), the grader uses a Python script that you create and embed in
the problem to evaluate a learner's response or provide hints. These
problems can be any type. Numerical input and text input problems are
the most common write-your-own-grader problems.
You can use script tag format or answer tag format to create these problems.
You can create custom Python-evaluated input problems that provide
partial credit or that randomize variables in the Python code. You can
also add images to the solution by using an HTML "img" tag. Note that
the "img" tag must be between the "div" tags that are inside the
"solution" tags, and that learners do not see these images until they
click the "Show Answer" button.
For more information, see <a href="" target="_blank">
Write-Your-Own-Grader Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<customresponse cfn="test_add_to_ten">
<script type="loncapa/python">
def test_add_to_ten(expect, ans):
return test_add(10, ans)
<label>Enter two integers that sum to 10.</label>
<textline size="40" correct_answer="3" label="Enter first number" /><br/>
<textline size="40" correct_answer="7" label="Enter second number" />
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Any set of integers on the line \(y = 10 - x\) satisfy these constraints.</p>
<customresponse cfn="test_add" expect="20">
<script type="loncapa/python">
def test_add(expect, ans):
......@@ -41,29 +62,20 @@ data: |
except ValueError:
return False
def test_add_to_ten(expect, ans):
return test_add(10, ans)
<p>Enter two integers that sum to 10.</p>
<customresponse cfn="test_add_to_ten">
<textline size="40" correct_answer="3" label="Integer #1"/><br/>
<textline size="40" correct_answer="7" label="Integer #2"/>
<p>Enter two integers that sum to 20.</p>
<customresponse cfn="test_add" expect="20">
<textline size="40" correct_answer="11" label="Integer #1"/><br/>
<textline size="40" correct_answer="9" label="Integer #2"/>
<label>Enter two integers that sum to 20.</label>
<textline size="40" correct_answer="11" label="Enter first number" /><br/>
<textline size="40" correct_answer="9" label="Enter second number" />
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Any set of integers on the line \(y = 20 - x\) satisfy these constraints.</p>
<p>To add an image to the solution, use an HTML "img" tag. Make sure to include alt text.</p>
<img src="/static/images/placeholder-image.png" width="400"
alt="Description of image, with a primary goal of explaining its
relevance to the problem or concept being illustrated for someone
who is unable to see the image."/>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Any set of integers on the line \(y = 10 - x\) and \(y = 20 - x\) satisfy these constraints.</p>
<p>To add an image to the solution, use an HTML "img" tag. Make sure to include alt text.</p>
<img src="/static/images/placeholder-image.png" width="400"
alt="Description of image, with a primary goal of explaining its
relevance to the problem or concept being illustrated for someone
who is unable to see the image."/>
......@@ -5,21 +5,22 @@ metadata:
showanswer: never
data: |
<p>In drag and drop problems, students respond to a question by dragging text or objects to a specific location on an image.</p>
In drag and drop problems, students respond to a question by dragging text or objects to a specific location on an image.
For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Drag and Drop Problem (Deprecated)</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Drag and Drop Problem (Deprecated)</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.</p>
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.
<p>You can use the following example problems as models.</p>
<hr />
<h3>Simple Drag and Drop</h3>
<p>Drag each word in the scrollbar to the bucket that matches the number of letters in the word.</p>
<drag_and_drop_input img="">
<h3>Simple Drag and Drop</h3>
<p>Drag each word in the scrollbar to the bucket that matches the number of letters in the word.</p>
<drag_and_drop_input img="">
<draggable id="1" label="a"/>
<draggable id="2" label="bog"/>
<draggable id="3" label="droll"/>
......@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ data: |
<draggable id="9" label="tap"/>
<draggable id="10" label="strop"/>
<draggable id="11" label="few"/>
<answer type="loncapa/python">
correct_answer = {
'1': [[70, 150], 121],
......@@ -50,14 +51,14 @@ data: |
correct = ['incorrect']
<h3>Drag and Drop with Outline</h3>
<p>Label the hydrogen atoms connected with the left carbon atom.</p>
<h3>Drag and Drop with Outline</h3>
<p>Label the hydrogen atoms connected with the left carbon atom.</p>
<drag_and_drop_input img="" target_outline="true" one_per_target="true" no_labels="true" label_bg_color="rgb(222, 139, 238)">
<draggable id="1" label="Hydrogen" />
<draggable id="2" label="Hydrogen" />
<target id="t1_o" x="10" y="67" w="100" h="100"/>
<target id="t2" x="133" y="3" w="70" h="70"/>
<target id="t3" x="2" y="384" w="70" h="70"/>
......@@ -3,54 +3,12 @@ metadata:
display_name: Math Expression Input
markdown: !!null
data: |
In math expression input problems, learners enter text that represents a
mathematical expression into a field, and text is converted to a symbolic
expression that appears below that field. You can refer learners to
<a href="" target="_blank">
Entering Mathematical and Scientific Expressions</a> in the <i>EdX Learner's
Guide</i> for information about how to enter text into the field.
Math expression problems can include unknown variables and relatively
complicated symbolic expressions. The grader uses a numerical sampling to
determine whether the student’s response matches your math expression, to a
specified numerical tolerance. You must specify the allowed variables in the
expression as well as the range of values for each variable.
To create these problems, you use MathJax to change your plain text into
"beautiful math." For more information about how to use MathJax in Studio,
see <a href="" target="_blank">
A Brief Introduction to MathJax in Studio</a> in <i>Building and Running an edx
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problems as models.</p>
<p>Write an expression for the product of \( R_1\), \( R_2\), and
the inverse of \( R_3\) .</p>
<formularesponse type="ci" samples="R_1,R_2,R_3@1,2,3:3,4,5#10" answer="$VoVi">
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="0.00001"/>
<formulaequationinput size="40" label="Enter the equation"/>
<script type="loncapa/python">
VoVi = "(R_1*R_2)/R_3"
<p>Let \( x\) be a variable, and let \( n\) be an arbitrary constant.
What is the derivative of \( x^n\)?</p>
<script type="loncapa/python">
derivative = "n*x^(n-1)"
<formularesponse type="ci" samples="x,n@1,2:3,4#10" answer="$derivative">
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="0.00001"/>
<formulaequationinput size="40" label="Enter the equation"/>
<formularesponse type="ci" samples="R_1,R_2,R_3@1,2,3:3,4,5#10" answer="R_1*R_2/R_3">
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the OLX markup to use for math expression problems. Edit this component to replace the example with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required. Example: Write an expression for the product of R_1, R_2, and the inverse of R_3.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. Example: To test this example, the correct answer is R_1*R_2/R_3</description>
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="0.00001"/>
<formulaequationinput size="40"/>
......@@ -2,34 +2,29 @@
display_name: Image Mapped Input
markdown: !!null
data: |
In an image mapped input problem, also known as a "pointing on a picture"
problem, students click inside a defined region in an image. You define this
region by including coordinates in the body of the problem. You can define
one rectangular region, multiple rectangular regions, or one non-rectangular
region. For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">Image Mapped Input
Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edx Course</i>.
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>What country is home to the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as the cities
of Cairo and Memphis? Click the country on the map below.</p>
<imageinput src=""
width="600" height="638" rectangle="(338,98)-(412,168)" alt="Map of
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Egypt is home to not only the Pyramids, Cairo, and Memphis, but also
the Sphinx and the ancient Royal Library of Alexandria.</p>
data: |
In an image mapped input problem, also known as a "pointing on a picture" problem, students click inside a defined region in an image. You define this region by including coordinates in the body of the problem. You can define one rectangular region,
multiple rectangular regions, or one non-rectangular region. For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">Image Mapped Input Problem</a>
<i>Building and Running an edx Course</i>.
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select
to specify a
<strong>Display Name</strong>
and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>What country is home to the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as the cities of Cairo and Memphis? Click the country on the map below.</p>
<imageinput src="" width="600" height="638" rectangle="(338,98)-(412,168)" alt="Map of Africa"/>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Egypt is home to not only the Pyramids, Cairo, and Memphis, but also the Sphinx and the ancient Royal Library of Alexandria.</p>
......@@ -5,31 +5,36 @@ metadata:
showanswer: never
data: |
In these problems (also called custom JavaScript problems or JS Input
problems), you add a problem or tool that uses JavaScript in Studio.
Studio embeds the problem in an IFrame so that your students can
interact with it in the LMS. You can grade your students' work using
JavaScript and some basic Python, and the grading is integrated into the
edX grading system.
The JS Input problem that you create must use HTML, JavaScript, and
cascading style sheets (CSS). You can use any application creation tool,
such as the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), to create your JS Input problem.
For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Custom JavaScript Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
<p>JavaScript developers can also see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Custom JavaScript Applications</a> in the <i>EdX Developer's Guide</i>.</p>
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
In these problems (also called custom JavaScript problems or JS Input
problems), you add a problem or tool that uses JavaScript in Studio.
Studio embeds the problem in an IFrame so that your students can
interact with it in the LMS. You can grade your students' work using
JavaScript and some basic Python, and the grading is integrated into the
edX grading system.
The JS Input problem that you create must use HTML, JavaScript, and
cascading style sheets (CSS). You can use any application creation tool,
such as the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), to create your JS Input problem.
For more information, see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Custom JavaScript Problem</a> in <i>Building and Running an edX Course</i>.
JavaScript developers can also see
<a href="" target="_blank">
Custom JavaScript Applications</a> in the <i>EdX Developer's Guide</i>.
When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
<script type="loncapa/python">
import json
......@@ -53,16 +58,14 @@ data: |
<p>In the following image, click the objects until the cone is yellow
and the cube is blue.</p>
<customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
<jsinput gradefn="WebGLDemo.getGrade"
<p>In the following image, click the objects until the cone is yellow and the cube is blue.</p>
<jsinput gradefn="WebGLDemo.getGrade"
......@@ -2,52 +2,26 @@
display_name: Multiple Choice
markdown: |
Multiple choice problems allow learners to select only one option. Learners can see all the options along with the problem text.
When you add the problem, be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for multiple choice problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
You can use the following example problem as a model.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
>>Which of the following countries has the largest population?<<
( ) Brazil {{ timely feedback -- explain why an almost correct answer is wrong }}
( ) Germany
(x) Indonesia
( ) Russia
( ) an incorrect answer
(x) the correct answer
( ) an incorrect answer
According to September 2014 estimates:
The population of Indonesia is approximately 250 million.
The population of Brazil is approximately 200 million.
The population of Russia is approximately 146 million.
The population of Germany is approximately 81 million.
data: |
<p>Multiple choice problems allow learners to select only one option.
Learners can see all the options along with the problem text.</p>
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>Which of the following countries has the largest population?</p>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false" name="brazil">Brazil
<choicehint>timely feedback -- explain why an almost correct answer is wrong</choicehint>
<choice correct="false" name="germany">Germany</choice>
<choice correct="true" name="indonesia">Indonesia</choice>
<choice correct="false" name="russia">Russia</choice>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>According to September 2014 estimates:</p>
<p>The population of Indonesia is approximately 250 million.</p>
<p>The population of Brazil is approximately 200 million.</p>
<p>The population of Russia is approximately 146 million.</p>
<p>The population of Germany is approximately 81 million.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
data: |
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for multiple choice problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer</choice>
<choice correct="true">the correct answer</choice>
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer</choice>
......@@ -3,44 +3,38 @@ metadata:
display_name: Multiple Choice with Hints and Feedback
markdown: |
You can provide feedback for each option in a multiple choice problem.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for multiple choice with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
You can also add hints for learners.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
Be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
( ) an incorrect answer {{You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.}}
(x) the correct answer
( ) an incorrect answer {{You can specify optional feedback for none, a subset, or all of the answers.}}
Use the following example problem as a model.
>>Which of the following is a vegetable?<<
( ) apple {{An apple is the fertilized ovary that comes from an apple tree and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.}}
( ) pumpkin {{A pumpkin is the fertilized ovary of a squash plant and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.}}
(x) potato {{A potato is an edible part of a plant in tuber form and is a vegetable.}}
( ) tomato {{Many people mistakenly think a tomato is a vegetable. However, because a tomato is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds, it is a fruit.}}
||A fruit is the fertilized ovary from a flower.||
||A fruit contains seeds of the plant.||
||You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.||
||If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.||
hinted: true
data: |
<p>You can provide feedback for each option in a multiple choice problem.</p>
<p>You can also add hints for learners.</p>
<p>Use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>Which of the following is a vegetable?</p>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false">apple <choicehint>An apple is the fertilized ovary that comes from an apple tree and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.</choicehint></choice>
<choice correct="false">pumpkin <choicehint>A pumpkin is the fertilized ovary of a squash plant and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.</choicehint></choice>
<choice correct="true">potato <choicehint>A potato is an edible part of a plant in tuber form and is a vegetable.</choicehint></choice>
<choice correct="false">tomato <choicehint>Many people mistakenly think a tomato is a vegetable. However, because a tomato is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds, it is a fruit.</choicehint></choice>
<hint>A fruit is the fertilized ovary from a flower.</hint>
<hint>A fruit contains seeds of the plant.</hint>
data: |
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for multiple choice with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer
<choicehint>You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.</choicehint>
<choice correct="true">the correct answer
<choice correct="false">an incorrect answer
<choicehint>You can specify optional feedback for none, a subset, or all of the answers.</choicehint>
<hint>You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.</hint>
<hint>If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.</hint>
......@@ -2,57 +2,19 @@
display_name: Numerical Input
markdown: |
In a numerical input problem, learners enter numbers or a specific and relatively simple mathematical expression. Learners enter the response in plain text, and the system then converts the text to a symbolic expression that learners can see below the response field.
The system can handle several types of characters, including basic operators, fractions, exponents, and common constants such as "i". You can refer learners to "Entering Mathematical and Scientific Expressions" in the edX Guide for Students for more information.
When you add the problem, be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
You can use the following example problems as models.
>>How many miles away from Earth is the sun? Use scientific notation to answer.<<
= 9.3*10^7
or= 9.296*10^7
>>The square of what number is -100?<<
= 10*i
The sun is 93,000,000, or 9.3*10^7, miles away from Earth.
-100 is the square of 10 times the imaginary number, i.
data: |
<p>In a numerical input problem, learners enter numbers or a specific and
relatively simple mathematical expression. Learners enter the response in
plain text, and the system then converts the text to a symbolic expression
that learners can see below the response field.</p>
<p>The system can handle several types of characters, including basic
operators, fractions, exponents, and common constants such as i. You can
refer learners to
<a href="" target="_blank">Entering Mathematical and Scientific Expressions</a> in the <i>EdX Learner's Guide</i> for information about how to enter text into the field.</p>
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problems as models.</p>
<p>How many miles away from Earth is the sun? Use scientific notation to answer.</p>
<numericalresponse answer="9.3*10^7">
<formulaequationinput label="How many million miles are between Earth and the sun? Use scientific notation to answer." />
<p>The square of what number is -100?</p>
<numericalresponse answer="10*i">
<formulaequationinput label="The square of what number is -100?" />
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>The sun is 93,000,000, or 9.3*10^7, miles away from Earth.</p>
<p>-100 is the square of 10 times the imaginary number, i.</p>
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for numerical input problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
= 100 +-5
data: |
<numericalresponse answer="100">
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for numerical input problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="5"/>
......@@ -2,53 +2,28 @@
display_name: Numerical Input with Hints and Feedback
markdown: |
You can provide feedback for correct answers in numerical input problems. You cannot provide feedback for incorrect answers.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for numerical input with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
Use feedback for the correct answer to reinforce the process for arriving at the numerical value.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
You can also add hints for learners.
= 100 +-5 {{You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.}}
Be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
Use the following example problem as a model.
>>What is the arithmetic mean for the following set of numbers? (1, 5, 6, 3, 5)<<
= 4 {{The mean for this set of numbers is 20 / 5, which equals 4.}}
||The mean is calculated by summing the set of numbers and dividing by n.||
||n is the count of items in the set.||
The mean is calculated by summing the set of numbers and dividing by n. In this case: (1 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 5) / 5 = 20 / 5 = 4.
||You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.||
||If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.||
hinted: true
data: |
<p>You can provide feedback for correct answers in numerical input problems. You cannot provide feedback for incorrect answers.</p>
<p>Use feedback for the correct answer to reinforce the process for arriving at the numerical value.</p>
<p>Use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>What is the arithmetic mean for the following set of numbers? (1, 5, 6, 3, 5)</p>
<numericalresponse answer="4">
<formulaequationinput label="What is the arithmetic mean for the following set of numbers? (1, 5, 6, 3, 5)" />
<correcthint>The mean for this set of numbers is 20 / 5, which equals 4.</correcthint>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>The mean is calculated by summing the set of numbers and dividing by n. In this case: (1 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 5) / 5 = 20 / 5 = 4.</p>
<hint>The mean is calculated by summing the set of numbers and dividing by n.</hint>
<hint>n is the count of items in the set.</hint>
\ No newline at end of file
data: |
<numericalresponse answer="100">
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for numerical input with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="5"/>
<correcthint>You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.</correcthint>
<hint>You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.</hint>
<hint>If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.</hint>
......@@ -2,35 +2,23 @@
display_name: Dropdown
markdown: |
Dropdown problems allow learners to select only one option from a list of options.
When you add the problem, be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
You can use the following example problem as a model.
>>Which of the following countries celebrates its independence on August 15?<<
[[(India), Spain, China, Bermuda]]
India became an independent nation on August 15, 1947.
data: |
<p>Dropdown problems allow learners to select only one option from a list of options.</p>
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p>You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>Which of the following countries celebrates its independence on August 15?</p>
<optioninput options="('India','Spain','China','Bermuda')" correct="India"></optioninput>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>India became an independent nation on August 15, 1947.</p>
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for dropdown problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
an incorrect answer
(the correct answer)
an incorrect answer
data: |
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for dropdown problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. </description>
<option correct="False">an incorrect answer</option>
<option correct="True">the correct answer</option>
<option correct="False">an incorrect answer</option>
......@@ -2,50 +2,32 @@
display_name: Dropdown with Hints and Feedback
markdown: |
You can provide feedback for each available option in a dropdown problem.
You can also add hints for learners.
Be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
Use the following example problem as a model.
>> A/an ________ is a vegetable.<<
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for dropdown with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
apple {{An apple is the fertilized ovary that comes from an apple tree and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.}}
pumpkin {{A pumpkin is the fertilized ovary of a squash plant and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.}}
(potato) {{A potato is an edible part of a plant in tuber form and is a vegetable.}}
tomato {{Many people mistakenly think a tomato is a vegetable. However, because a tomato is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds, it is a fruit.}}
an incorrect answer {{You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.}}
(the correct answer)
an incorrect answer {{You can specify optional feedback for none, a subset, or all of the answers.}}
||A fruit is the fertilized ovary from a flower.||
||A fruit contains seeds of the plant.||
||You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.||
||If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.||
hinted: true
data: |
<p>You can provide feedback for each available option in a dropdown problem.</p>
<p>You can also add hints for learners.</p>
<p>Use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p> A/an ________ is a vegetable.</p>
<option correct="False">apple <optionhint>An apple is the fertilized ovary that comes from an apple tree and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.</optionhint></option>
<option correct="False">pumpkin <optionhint>A pumpkin is the fertilized ovary of a squash plant and contains seeds, meaning it is a fruit.</optionhint></option>
<option correct="True">potato <optionhint>A potato is an edible part of a plant in tuber form and is a vegetable.</optionhint></option>
<option correct="False">tomato <optionhint>Many people mistakenly think a tomato is a vegetable. However, because a tomato is the fertilized ovary of a tomato plant and contains seeds, it is a fruit.</optionhint></option>
<hint>A fruit is the fertilized ovary from a flower.</hint>
<hint>A fruit contains seeds of the plant.</hint>
data: |
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for dropdown with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. </description>
<option correct="False">an incorrect answer <optionhint>You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.</optionhint></option>
<option correct="True">the correct answer</option>
<option correct="False">an incorrect answer <optionhint>You can specify optional feedback for none, a subset, or all of the answers.</optionhint></option>
<hint>You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.</hint>
<hint>If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.</hint>
......@@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ metadata:
markdown: !!null
data: |
<h4>Problem With Adaptive Hint</h4>
This problem demonstrates a question with hints, based on using the <tt class="tt">hintfn</tt> method. </p>
<script type="text/python" system_path="python_lib">
<p><h4>Problem With Adaptive Hint</h4></p>
<p>This problem demonstrates a question with hints, based on using the <tt class="tt">hintfn</tt> method. </p>
<customresponse cfn="test_str" expect="python">
<script type="text/python" system_path="python_lib">
def test_str(expect, ans):
print expect, ans
ans = ans.strip("'")
......@@ -36,12 +35,9 @@ data: |
hint = "&lt;font color='blue'&gt;Hint: {0}&lt;/font&gt;".format(hint)
What is the best programming language that exists today? You may enter your answer in upper or lower case, with or without quotes.
<customresponse cfn="test_str" expect="python">
<textline correct_answer="python"/>
<hintgroup hintfn="hint_fn"/>
<label>What is the best programming language that exists today? You may enter your answer in upper or lower case, with or without quotes.</label>
<textline correct_answer="python"/>
<hintgroup hintfn="hint_fn"/>
......@@ -49,12 +49,11 @@ metadata:
markdown: !!null
data: |
<h4>Problem With Adaptive Hint</h4>
This problem demonstrates a question with hints, based on using the <tt class="tt">hintfn</tt> method. </p>
<p><h4>Problem With Adaptive Hint</h4></p>
<p>This problem demonstrates a question with hints, based on using the <tt class="tt">hintfn</tt> method.</p>
<customresponse cfn="test_str" expect="python">
<script type="text/python" system_path="python_lib">
def test_str(expect, ans):
print expect, ans
......@@ -81,12 +80,9 @@ data: |
hint = "&lt;font color='blue'&gt;Hint: {0}&lt;/font&gt;".format(hint)
What is the best programming language that exists today? You may enter your answer in upper or lower case, with or without quotes.
<customresponse cfn="test_str" expect="python">
<p>What is the best programming language that exists today? You may enter your answer in upper or lower case, with or without quotes.</p>
<textline correct_answer="python"/>
<hintgroup hintfn="hint_fn"/>
......@@ -2,42 +2,20 @@
display_name: Text Input
markdown: |
In text input problems, also known as "fill-in-the-blank" problems, learners enter text into a response field. The text can include letters and characters such as punctuation marks. The text that the learner enters must match your specified answer text exactly. You can specify more than one correct answer. Learners must enter a response that matches one of the correct answers exactly.
When you add the problem, be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for text input problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
You can use the following example problem as a model.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
>>What was the first post-secondary school in China to allow both male and female students?<<
= the correct answer
or= optional acceptable variant of the correct answer
= Nanjing Higher Normal Institute
or= National Central University
or= Nanjing University
Nanjing Higher Normal Institute first admitted female students in 1920.
data: |
<p>In text input problems, also known as "fill-in-the-blank" problems,
learners enter text into a response field. The text that the learner enters
must match your specified answer text exactly. You can specify more than
one correct answer. Learners must enter a response that matches one of the
correct answers exactly.</p>
<p>When you add the problem, be sure to select <strong>Settings</strong>
to specify a <strong>Display Name</strong> and other values that apply.</p>
<p> You can use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>What was the first post-secondary school in China to allow both male and female students?</p>
<stringresponse answer="Nanjing Higher Normal Institute" type="ci" >
<additional_answer>National Central University</additional_answer>
<additional_answer>Nanjing University</additional_answer>
<textline label="What was the first post-secondary school in China to allow both male and female students?" size="40"/>
<div class="detailed-solution">
<p>Nanjing Higher Normal Institute first admitted female students in 1920.</p>
data: |
<stringresponse answer="the correct answer" type="ci">
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for text input problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<additional_answer answer="optional acceptable variant of the correct answer"/>
<textline size="20"/>
display_name: Text Input with Hints and Feedback
markdown: |
markdown: |
You can provide feedback for the correct answer in text input problems, as well as for specific incorrect answers.
You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for text input with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.
Use feedback on expected incorrect answers to address common misconceptions and to provide guidance on how to arrive at the correct answer.
>>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.||You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. <<
Be sure to select Settings to specify a Display Name and other values that apply.
= the correct answer {{You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.}}
or= optional acceptable variant of the correct answer
not= optional incorrect answer such as a frequent misconception {{You can specify optional feedback for none, a subset, or all of the answers.}}
Use the following example problem as a model.
>>Which U.S. state has the largest land area?<<
=Alaska {{Alaska is 576,400 square miles, more than double the land area
of the second largest state, Texas.}}
not=Texas {{While many people think Texas is the largest state, it is actually the second largest, with 261,797 square miles.}}
not=California {{California is the third largest state, with 155,959 square miles.}}
||Consider the square miles, not population.||
||Consider all 50 states, not just the continental United States.||
||You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.||
||If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.||
hinted: true
data: |
<p>You can provide feedback for the correct answer in text input problems, as well as for specific incorrect answers.</p>
<p>Use feedback on expected incorrect answers to address common misconceptions and to provide guidance on how to arrive at the correct answer.</p>
<p>Use the following example problem as a model.</p>
<p>Which U.S. state has the largest land area?</p>
<stringresponse answer="Alaska" type="ci" >
<correcthint>Alaska is 576,400 square miles, more than double the land area of the second largest state, Texas.</correcthint>
<stringequalhint answer="Texas">While many people think Texas is the largest state, it is actually the second largest, with 261,797 square miles.</stringequalhint>
<stringequalhint answer="California">California is the third largest state, with 155,959 square miles.</stringequalhint>
<textline label="Which U.S. state has the largest land area?" size="20"/>
<hint>Consider the square miles, not population.</hint>
<hint>Consider all 50 states, not just the continental United States.</hint>
data: |
<stringresponse answer="the correct answer" type="ci">
<p>You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for text input with hints and feedback problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment.</p>
<label>Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required.</label>
<description>You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this.</description>
<correcthint>You can specify optional feedback like this, which appears after this answer is submitted.</correcthint>
<additional_answer answer="optional acceptable variant of the correct answer"/>
<stringequalhint answer="optional incorrect answer such as a frequent misconception">You can specify optional feedback for none, a subset, or all of the answers.</stringequalhint>
<textline size="20"/>
<hint>You can add an optional hint like this. Problems that have a hint include a hint button, and this text appears the first time learners select the button.</hint>
<hint>If you add more than one hint, a different hint appears each time learners select the hint button.</hint>
......@@ -86,6 +86,15 @@
toXMLEqual: function() {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
return {
pass: actual.replace(/\s+/g, '') === expected.replace(/\s+/g, '')
* pretty-data - nodejs plugin to pretty-print or minify data in XML, JSON and CSS formats.
* Version - 0.40.0
* Copyright (c) 2012 Vadim Kiryukhin
* vkiryukhin @
* Code extracted for xml formatting only
/* eslint-disable */
(function (root, factory){
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], function (){
return (root.PrettyPrint = factory());
} else {
// Browser globals
root.PrettyPrint = factory();
}(this, function () {
function PrettyPrint(){
var maxdeep = 100, // nesting level
ix = 0;
this.shift = ['\n']; // array of shifts
this.step = ' '; // 2 spaces
// initialize array with shifts //
for (ix = 0; ix < maxdeep; ix++) {
this.shift.push(this.shift[ix] + this.step);
PrettyPrint.prototype.xml = function (text) {
var ar = text.replace(/>\s{0,}</g, "><")
.replace(/</g, "~::~<")
.replace(/xmlns\:/g, "~::~xmlns:")
.replace(/xmlns\=/g, "~::~xmlns=")
len = ar.length,
inComment = false,
deep = 0,
str = '',
ix = 0;
for (ix = 0; ix < len; ix++) {
// start comment or <![CDATA[...]]> or <!DOCTYPE //
if (ar[ix].search(/<!/) > -1) {
str += this.shift[deep] + ar[ix];
inComment = true;
// end comment or <![CDATA[...]]> //
if (ar[ix].search(/-->/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/\]>/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/!DOCTYPE/) > -1) {
inComment = false;
} else
// end comment or <![CDATA[...]]> //
if (ar[ix].search(/-->/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/\]>/) > -1) {
str += ar[ix];
inComment = false;
} else
// <elm></elm> //
if (/^<\w/.exec(ar[ix - 1]) && /^<\/\w/.exec(ar[ix]) &&
/^<[\w:\-\.\,]+/.exec(ar[ix - 1]) == /^<\/[\w:\-\.\,]+/.exec(ar[ix])[0].replace('/', '')) {
str += ar[ix];
if (!inComment) deep--;
} else
// <elm> //
if (ar[ix].search(/<\w/) > -1 && ar[ix].search(/<\//) == -1 && ar[ix].search(/\/>/) == -1) {
str = !inComment ? str += this.shift[deep++] + ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
} else
// <elm>...</elm> //
if (ar[ix].search(/<\w/) > -1 && ar[ix].search(/<\//) > -1) {
str = !inComment ? str += this.shift[deep] + ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
} else
// </elm> //
if (ar[ix].search(/<\//) > -1) {
str = !inComment ? str += this.shift[--deep] + ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
} else
// <elm/> //
if (ar[ix].search(/\/>/) > -1) {
str = !inComment ? str += this.shift[deep] + ar[ix] : str += ar[ix];
} else
// <? xml ... ?> //
if (ar[ix].search(/<\?/) > -1) {
str += this.shift[deep] + ar[ix];
} else
// xmlns //
if (ar[ix].search(/xmlns\:/) > -1 || ar[ix].search(/xmlns\=/) > -1) {
str += this.shift[deep] + ar[ix];
else {
str += ar[ix];
return (str[0] == '\n') ? str.slice(1) : str;
return new PrettyPrint();
describe('XML Formatting Lib', function() {
'use strict';
it('correctly format the xml', function() {
var rawXml = '<breakfast><food><name>Belgian Waffles</name><price>$5.95</price></food></breakfast>',
expectedXml = '<breakfast>\n <food>\n <name>Belgian Waffles</name>' +
'\n <price>$5.95</price>\n </food>\n</breakfast>';
it('correctly handles the whitespaces and newlines', function() {
var rawXml = '<breakfast> <food> <name>Belgian Waffles</name>' +
'\n\n\n<price>$5.95</price></food> </breakfast>',
expectedXml = '<breakfast>\n <food>\n <name>Belgian Waffles</name>' +
'\n <price>$5.95</price>\n </food>\n</breakfast>';
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ var options = {
{pattern: 'js/vendor/URI.min.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'js/test/add_ajax_prefix.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'js/test/i18n.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'js/lib/pretty-print.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common/js/vendor/underscore.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'common/js/vendor/underscore.string.js', included: true},
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class ProblemPage(PageObject):
Fill in the answer to a numerical problem.
self.q(css='div.problem section.inputtype input').fill(text)
self.q(css='div.problem div.inputtype input').fill(text)
self.wait_for_element_invisibility('.loading', 'wait for loading icon to disappear')
......@@ -129,11 +129,16 @@ class ProblemPage(PageObject):
self.q(css='div.problem button.reset').click()
def click_show_hide_button(self):
""" Click the Show/Hide button. """
self.q(css='div.problem div.action .show').click()
def wait_for_status_icon(self):
wait for status icon
self.wait_for_element_visibility('div.problem section.inputtype div .status', 'wait for status icon')
self.wait_for_element_visibility('div.problem div.inputtype div .status', 'wait for status icon')
def wait_for_expected_status(self, status_selector, message):
......@@ -170,19 +175,19 @@ class ProblemPage(PageObject):
Is there a "correct" status showing? Works with simple problem types.
return self.q(css="div.problem section.inputtype div.correct span.status").is_present()
return self.q(css="div.problem div.inputtype div.correct span.status").is_present()
def simpleprob_is_partially_correct(self):
Is there a "partially correct" status showing? Works with simple problem types.
return self.q(css="div.problem section.inputtype div.partially-correct span.status").is_present()
return self.q(css="div.problem div.inputtype div.partially-correct span.status").is_present()
def simpleprob_is_incorrect(self):
Is there an "incorrect" status showing? Works with simple problem types.
return self.q(css="div.problem section.inputtype div.incorrect span.status").is_present()
return self.q(css="div.problem div.inputtype div.incorrect span.status").is_present()
def click_clarification(self, index=0):
......@@ -199,3 +204,34 @@ class ProblemPage(PageObject):
self.wait_for_element_visibility('body > .tooltip', 'A tooltip is visible.')
return self.q(css='body > .tooltip').text[0]
def is_solution_tag_present(self):
Check if solution/explanation is shown.
solution_selector = '.solution-span div.detailed-solution'
return self.q(css=solution_selector).is_present()
def is_correct_choice_highlighted(self, correct_choices):
Check if correct answer/choice highlighted for choice group.
xpath = '//fieldset/div[contains(@class, "field")][{0}]/label[contains(@class, "choicegroup_correct")]'
for choice in correct_choices:
if not self.q(xpath=xpath.format(choice)).is_present():
return False
return True
def problem_question(self):
Return the question text of the problem.
return self.q(css="div.problem .wrapper-problem-response legend").text[0]
def problem_question_descriptions(self):
Return a list of question descriptions of the problem.
return self.q(css="div.problem .wrapper-problem-response .question-description").text
......@@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ class CertificateProgressPageTest(UniqueCourseTest):
self.course_nav.q(css='select option[value="{}"]'.format('blue'))
# Select correct radio button for the answer
self.course_nav.q(css='fieldset label:nth-child(3) input').nth(0).click()
self.course_nav.q(css='fieldset div.field:nth-child(3) input').nth(0).click()
# Select correct radio buttons for the answer
self.course_nav.q(css='fieldset label:nth-child(1) input').nth(1).click()
self.course_nav.q(css='fieldset label:nth-child(3) input').nth(1).click()
self.course_nav.q(css='fieldset div.field:nth-child(1) input').nth(1).click()
self.course_nav.q(css='fieldset div.field:nth-child(3) input').nth(1).click()
# Submit the answer
......@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ class EntranceExamPassTest(EntranceExamTest):
xml = dedent("""
<p>What is height of eiffel tower without the antenna?.</p>
<choicegroup label="What is height of eiffel tower without the antenna?" type="MultipleChoice">
<label>What is height of eiffel tower without the antenna?.</label>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice">
<choice correct="false">324 meters<choicehint>Antenna is 24 meters high</choicehint></choice>
<choice correct="true">300 meters</choice>
<choice correct="false">224 meters</choice>
......@@ -324,7 +324,8 @@ class CheckboxProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
'question_text': 'The correct answer is Choice 0 and Choice 2',
'choice_type': 'checkbox',
'choices': [True, False, True, False],
'choice_names': ['Choice 0', 'Choice 1', 'Choice 2', 'Choice 3']
'choice_names': ['Choice 0', 'Choice 1', 'Choice 2', 'Choice 3'],
'explanation_text': 'This is explanation text'
def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -332,15 +333,6 @@ class CheckboxProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for CheckboxProblemTypeTest
super(CheckboxProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'aria-allowed-attr', # TODO: AC-251
'aria-valid-attr', # TODO: AC-251
'aria-roles', # TODO: AC-251
'checkboxgroup', # TODO: AC-251
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -352,6 +344,30 @@ class CheckboxProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
def test_can_show_hide_answer(self):
Scenario: Verifies that show/hide answer button is working as expected.
Given that I am on courseware page
And I can see a CAPA problem with show answer button
When I click "Show Answer" button
Then I should see "Hide Answer" text on button
And I should see question's solution
And I should see correct choices highlighted
When I click "Hide Answer" button
Then I should see "Show Answer" text on button
And I should not see question's solution
And I should not see correct choices highlighted
self.assertTrue(self.problem_page.is_correct_choice_highlighted(correct_choices=[1, 3]))
self.assertFalse(self.problem_page.is_correct_choice_highlighted(correct_choices=[1, 3]))
class MultipleChoiceProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
......@@ -378,13 +394,6 @@ class MultipleChoiceProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for MultipleChoiceProblemTypeTest
super(MultipleChoiceProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'aria-valid-attr', # TODO: AC-251
'radiogroup', # TODO: AC-251
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -422,13 +431,6 @@ class RadioProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for RadioProblemTypeTest
super(RadioProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'aria-valid-attr', # TODO: AC-292
'radiogroup', # TODO: AC-292
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -460,12 +462,6 @@ class DropDownProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for DropDownProblemTypeTest
super(DropDownProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-291
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -503,12 +499,6 @@ class StringProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for StringProblemTypeTest
super(StringProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-290
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -545,12 +535,6 @@ class NumericalProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for NumericalProblemTypeTest
super(NumericalProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-289
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -589,12 +573,6 @@ class FormulaProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for FormulaProblemTypeTest
super(FormulaProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-288
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -614,10 +592,10 @@ class ScriptProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
factory = CustomResponseXMLFactory()
factory_kwargs = {
'question_text': 'Enter two integers that sum to 10.',
'cfn': 'test_add_to_ten',
'expect': '10',
'num_inputs': 2,
'group_label': 'Enter two integers that sum to 10.',
'script': textwrap.dedent("""
def test_add_to_ten(expect,ans):
......@@ -640,12 +618,6 @@ class ScriptProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
Additional setup for ScriptProblemTypeTest
super(ScriptProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-287
def answer_problem(self, correct):
......@@ -798,13 +770,6 @@ class RadioTextProblemTypeTest(ChoiceTextProbelmTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMix
Additional setup for RadioTextProblemTypeTest
super(RadioTextProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-285
'radiogroup', # TODO: AC-285
class CheckboxTextProblemTypeTest(ChoiceTextProbelmTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
......@@ -831,13 +796,6 @@ class CheckboxTextProblemTypeTest(ChoiceTextProbelmTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTest
Additional setup for CheckboxTextProblemTypeTest
super(CheckboxTextProblemTypeTest, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
'ignore': [
'section', # TODO: AC-491
'label', # TODO: AC-284
'checkboxgroup', # TODO: AC-284
class ImageProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
......@@ -885,9 +843,9 @@ class SymbolicProblemTypeTest(ProblemTypeTestBase, ProblemTypeTestMixin):
status_indicators = {
'correct': ['span div.correct'],
'incorrect': ['span div.incorrect'],
'unanswered': ['span div.unanswered'],
'correct': ['div.capa_inputtype div.correct'],
'incorrect': ['div.capa_inputtype div.incorrect'],
'unanswered': ['div.capa_inputtype div.unanswered'],
def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var options = {
{pattern: 'common/js/xblock/*.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/src/logger.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/test/i18n.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/codemirror-compressed.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/jquery.cookie.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/js/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'xmodule_js/common_static/coffee/src/jquery.immediateDescendents.js', included: true},
......@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML
<div class="problem-progress"></div>
<div class="problem">
<div aria-live="polite">
${ HTML(problem['html']) }
${ HTML(problem['html']) }
<div class="action">
<input type="hidden" name="problem_id" value="${ problem['name'] }" />
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