Commit d846462c by Anton Stupak

Migrate acceptance tests: old Video -> new Video.

parent b33b5c7b
......@@ -210,27 +210,6 @@ def set_date_and_time(date_css, desired_date, time_css, desired_time):
@step('I have created a Video component$')
def i_created_a_video_component(step):
step, '.large-video-icon',
@step('I have created a Video Alpha component$')
def i_created_video_alpha(step):
step.given('I have enabled the videoalpha advanced module')
step.given('I have added a new subsection')
step.given('I expand the first section')
world.click_component_from_menu('videoalpha', None, '.xmodule_VideoAlphaModule')
@step('I have enabled the (.*) advanced module$')
def i_enabled_the_advanced_module(step, module):
step.given('I have opened a new course section in Studio')
......@@ -248,16 +227,6 @@ def open_new_unit(step):
@step('when I view the (video.*) it (.*) show the captions')
def shows_captions(_step, video_type, show_captions):
# Prevent cookies from overriding course settings
if show_captions == 'does not':
assert world.css_has_class('.%s' % video_type, 'closed')
assert world.is_css_not_present('.%s.closed' % video_type)
@step('the save button is disabled$')
def save_button_disabled(step):
button_css = '.action-save'
Feature: Video Component Editor
As a course author, I want to be able to create video components.
Scenario: User can view metadata
Scenario: User can view Video metadata
Given I have created a Video component
And I edit and select Settings
Then I see the correct settings and default values
And I edit the component
Then I see the correct video settings and default values
Scenario: User can modify display name
Scenario: User can modify Video display name
Given I have created a Video component
And I edit and select Settings
And I edit the component
Then I can modify the display name
And my display name change is persisted on save
And my video display name change is persisted on save
Scenario: Captions are hidden when "show captions" is false
Given I have created a Video component
......@@ -2,18 +2,7 @@
# pylint: disable=C0111
from lettuce import world, step
@step('I see the correct settings and default values$')
def i_see_the_correct_settings_and_values(step):
world.verify_all_setting_entries([['Default Speed', 'OEoXaMPEzfM', False],
['Display Name', 'Video', False],
['Download Track', '', False],
['Download Video', '', False],
['Show Captions', 'True', False],
['Speed: .75x', '', False],
['Speed: 1.25x', '', False],
['Speed: 1.5x', '', False]])
from terrain.steps import reload_the_page
@step('I have set "show captions" to (.*)')
......@@ -24,9 +13,19 @@ def set_show_captions(step, setting):
@step('I see the correct videoalpha settings and default values$')
def correct_videoalpha_settings(_step):
world.verify_all_setting_entries([['Display Name', 'Video Alpha', False],
@step('when I view the (video.*) it (.*) show the captions')
def shows_captions(_step, video_type, show_captions):
# Prevent cookies from overriding course settings
if show_captions == 'does not':
assert world.css_has_class('.%s' % video_type, 'closed')
assert world.is_css_not_present('.%s.closed' % video_type)
@step('I see the correct video settings and default values$')
def correct_video_settings(_step):
world.verify_all_setting_entries([['Display Name', 'Video', False],
['Download Track', '', False],
['Download Video', '', False],
['End Time', '0', False],
......@@ -38,3 +37,12 @@ def correct_videoalpha_settings(_step):
['Youtube ID for .75x speed', '', False],
['Youtube ID for 1.25x speed', '', False],
['Youtube ID for 1.5x speed', '', False]])
@step('my video display name change is persisted on save')
def video_name_persisted(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry('Display Name'), 'Display Name', '3.4', True)
Feature: Video Component
As a course author, I want to be able to view my created videos in Studio.
# Video Alpha Features will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window
Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in Studio
Given I have created a Video component
Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled
......@@ -23,32 +24,6 @@ Feature: Video Component
And I have toggled captions
Then when I view the video it does show the captions
# Video Alpha Features will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window
Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in Studio for Video Alpha
Given I have created a Video Alpha component
Then when I view the videoalpha it does not have autoplay enabled
Scenario: User can view Video Alpha metadata
Given I have created a Video Alpha component
And I edit the component
Then I see the correct videoalpha settings and default values
Scenario: User can modify Video Alpha display name
Given I have created a Video Alpha component
And I edit the component
Then I can modify the display name
And my videoalpha display name change is persisted on save
Scenario: Video Alpha captions are hidden when "show captions" is false
Given I have created a Video Alpha component
And I have set "show captions" to False
Then when I view the videoalpha it does not show the captions
Scenario: Video Alpha captions are shown when "show captions" is true
Given I have created a Video Alpha component
And I have set "show captions" to True
Then when I view the videoalpha it does show the captions
Scenario: Video data is shown correctly
Given I have created a video with only XML data
Then the correct Youtube video is shown
......@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@ from contentstore.utils import get_modulestore
############### ACTIONS ####################
@step('I have created a Video component$')
def i_created_a_video_component(step):
step, '.large-video-icon',
@step('when I view the (.*) it does not have autoplay enabled')
def does_not_autoplay(_step, video_type):
assert world.css_find('.%s' % video_type)[0]['data-autoplay'] == 'False'
......@@ -22,6 +32,11 @@ def video_takes_a_single_click(_step):
@step('I edit the component')
def i_edit_the_component(_step):
@step('I have (hidden|toggled) captions')
def hide_or_show_captions(step, shown):
button_css = 'a.hide-subtitles'
......@@ -38,18 +53,6 @@ def hide_or_show_captions(step, shown):
@step('I edit the component')
def i_edit_the_component(_step):
@step('my videoalpha display name change is persisted on save')
def videoalpha_name_persisted(step):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry('Display Name'), 'Display Name', '3.4', True)
@step('I have created a video with only XML data')
def xml_only_video(step):
......@@ -84,4 +87,5 @@ def xml_only_video(step):
@step('The correct Youtube video is shown')
def the_youtube_video_is_shown(_step):
ele = world.css_find('.video').first
assert ele['data-youtube-id-1-0'] == world.scenario_dict['YOUTUBE_ID']
assert ele['data-streams'].split(':')[1] == world.scenario_dict['YOUTUBE_ID']
......@@ -4,7 +4,3 @@ Feature: Video component
Scenario: Autoplay is enabled in LMS for a Video component
Given the course has a Video component
Then when I view the video it has autoplay enabled
Scenario: Autoplay is enabled in the LMS for a VideoAlpha component
Given the course has a VideoAlpha component
Then when I view the videoalpha it has autoplay enabled
......@@ -7,14 +7,9 @@ from common import i_am_registered_for_the_course, section_location
############### ACTIONS ####################
@step('when I view the video it has autoplay enabled')
def does_autoplay_video(_step):
assert(world.css_find('.video')[0]['data-autoplay'] == 'True')
@step('when I view the videoalpha it has autoplay enabled')
def does_autoplay_videoalpha(_step):
assert(world.css_find('.videoalpha')[0]['data-autoplay'] == 'True')
@step('when I view the (.*) it has autoplay enabled')
def does_autoplay_video(_step, video_type):
assert(world.css_find('.%s' % video_type)[0]['data-autoplay'] == 'True')
@step('the course has a Video component')
......@@ -32,29 +27,9 @@ def view_video(_step):
@step('the course has a VideoAlpha component')
def view_videoalpha(step):
coursenum = 'test_course'
i_am_registered_for_the_course(step, coursenum)
# Make sure we have a videoalpha
chapter_name = world.scenario_dict['SECTION'].display_name.replace(" ", "_")
section_name = chapter_name
url = django_url('/courses/%s/%s/%s/courseware/%s/%s' %
(world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].org, world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].number, world.scenario_dict['COURSE'].display_name.replace(' ', '_'),
chapter_name, section_name,))
def add_video_to_course(course):
def add_videoalpha_to_course(course):
category = 'videoalpha'
display_name='Video Alpha')
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