Commit d7c87221 by stv

Remove Stanford branding from external_auth view

We're already running a version of this, with the default Stanford
address removed, so the community shouldn't be running it either.
parent a147857a
......@@ -172,10 +172,13 @@ def _external_login_or_signup(request,
# otherwise, there must have been an error, b/c we've already linked a user with these external
# creds
failure_msg = _(dedent("""
You have already created an account using an external login like WebAuth or Shibboleth.
Please contact %s for support """
% getattr(settings, 'TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL', '')))
failure_msg = _(
"You have already created an account using "
"an external login like WebAuth or Shibboleth. "
"Please contact {tech_support_email} for support."
return default_render_failure(request, failure_msg)
except User.DoesNotExist:'SHIB: No user for %s yet, doing signup', eamap.external_email)
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