Commit d71aa877 by Julia Hansbrough

Revert refund instruction message

parent a904fa09
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
cert_name_long = course.cert_name_long
if cert_name_long == "":
cert_name_long = settings.CERT_NAME_LONG
billing_email = settings.PAYMENT_SUPPORT_EMAIL
<%namespace name='static' file='../static_content.html'/>
......@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@
% elif show_refund_option:
## Translators: The course's name will be added to the end of this sentence.
<a href="#unenroll-modal" class="unenroll" rel="leanModal" data-course-id="${}" data-course-number="${course.number}" onclick="document.getElementById('track-info').innerHTML='${_("Are you sure you want to unregister from the verified {cert_name_long} track of").format(cert_name_long=cert_name_long)}';
document.getElementById('refund-info').innerHTML=gettext('You will be refunded the amount you paid.')">
document.getElementById('refund-info').innerHTML='${_("In order to request a refund for the amount you paid, you will need to send an email to {billing_email}. Be sure to include your email and the course name.").format(billing_email=billing_email)}'">
% else:
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