Commit d6dab577 by Waheed Ahmed

Merge pull request #9202 from edx/waheed/plat776-fix-course-id-regex

Fixed course_id pattern regex.
parents 1ba82819 5e2c2b1e
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
import ddt
from unittest import TestCase
from track import contexts
class TestContexts(TestCase):
COURSE_ID = 'test/course_name/course_run'
SPLIT_COURSE_ID = 'course-v1:test+course_name+course_run'
ORG_ID = 'test'
def test_course_id_from_url(self):
(COURSE_ID, ''),
(COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(COURSE_ID, '?format=json'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '?format=json')
def test_course_id_from_url(self, course_id, postfix):
url = '{}{}'.format(course_id, postfix)
self.assert_parses_course_id_from_url(url, course_id)
def assert_parses_course_id_from_url(self, format_string):
def assert_parses_course_id_from_url(self, format_string, course_id):
'course_id': self.COURSE_ID,
'course_id': course_id,
'org_id': self.ORG_ID
......@@ -34,11 +47,22 @@ class TestContexts(TestCase):
def test_malformed_course_id(self):
self.assert_empty_context_for_url('')'', '/', '/?', '?format=json')
def test_malformed_course_id(self, postfix):
def test_course_id_later_in_url(self):
(COURSE_ID, ''),
(COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(COURSE_ID, '?format=json'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '/more/stuff'),
(SPLIT_COURSE_ID, '?format=json')
def test_course_id_later_in_url(self, course_id, postfix):
url = '{}{}'.format(course_id, postfix)
self.assert_parses_course_id_from_url(url, course_id)
def test_no_url(self):
......@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ LMS_MIGRATION_ALLOWED_IPS = []
# Note: these intentionally greedily grab all chars up to the next slash including any pluses
# DHM: I really wanted to ensure the separators were the same (+ or /) but all patts I tried had
# too many inadvertent side effects :-(
COURSE_KEY_PATTERN = r'(?P<course_key_string>[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/]+)'
COURSE_KEY_PATTERN = r'(?P<course_key_string>[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/?]+)'
COURSE_ID_PATTERN = COURSE_KEY_PATTERN.replace('course_key_string', 'course_id')
COURSE_KEY_REGEX = COURSE_KEY_PATTERN.replace('P<course_key_string>', ':')
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