Commit d6947f1d by Vik Paruchuri

Proper image submission, error handling

parent bae898ed
......@@ -183,16 +183,16 @@ class @CombinedOpenEnded
files = ""
if @can_upload_files == true
files = $('.file-upload-box')[0].files[0]
if files.size > max_filesize
@can_upload_files = false
files = ""
if files != undefined
if files.size > max_filesize
@can_upload_files = false
files = ""
fd = new FormData()
fd.append('student_answer', @answer_area.val())
fd.append('student_file', files)
fd.append('can_upload_files', files)
fd.append('can_upload_files', @can_upload_files)
#data = {'student_answer' : @answer_area.val(), 'file_value' : file_value, 'file_id' : file_id}
settings =
type: "POST"
data: fd
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ log=logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import json
import logging
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import rewrite_links
from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner
from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner, autolink_html
from path import path
import os
import sys
......@@ -139,8 +139,9 @@ class OpenEndedChild(object):
def sanitize_html(answer):
cleaner = Cleaner(style=True, links=True, add_nofollow=False, page_structure=True, safe_attrs_only=False, allow_tags = ["img", "a"])
cleaner = Cleaner(style=True, links=True, add_nofollow=False, page_structure=True, safe_attrs_only=False, allow_tags = ["img", "a"], host_whitelist = open_ended_image_submission.TRUSTED_IMAGE_DOMAINS)
clean_html = cleaner.clean_html(answer)
autolink_html = autolink_html(clean_html)
clean_html = re.sub(r'</p>$', '', re.sub(r'^<p>', '', clean_html))
clean_html = answer
......@@ -311,12 +312,13 @@ class OpenEndedChild(object):
if 'can_upload_files' in get_data:
file = get_data['student_file'][0]
success, s3_public_url = self.upload_image_to_s3(file)
if success:
image_tag = self.generate_image_tag_from_url(s3_public_url,
error = not success
return success, error, image_tag
if get_data['can_upload_files'] =='true':
file = get_data['student_file'][0]
success, s3_public_url = self.upload_image_to_s3(file)
if success:
image_tag = self.generate_image_tag_from_url(s3_public_url,
error = not success
return success, error, image_tag
def generate_image_tag_from_url(self, s3_public_url, image_name):
image_template = """
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