Commit d655e6b6 by Matt Drayer

mattdrayer/WL-493: Enable bulk purchase via Otto for unauthenticated users

parent 372c8f1d
......@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ class CourseModeViewTest(UrlResetMixin, ModuleStoreTestCase):
url = reverse('course_modes_choose', args=[unicode(])
response = self.client.get(url)
# Check whether we were correctly redirected
start_flow_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', args=[unicode(])
purchase_workflow = "?purchase_workflow=single"
start_flow_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', args=[unicode(]) + purchase_workflow
self.assertRedirects(response, start_flow_url)
def test_no_id_redirect_otto(self):
......@@ -194,7 +195,8 @@ class CourseModeViewTest(UrlResetMixin, ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Since the only available track is professional ed, expect that
# we're redirected immediately to the start of the payment flow.
start_flow_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', args=[unicode(])
purchase_workflow = "?purchase_workflow=single"
start_flow_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', args=[unicode(]) + purchase_workflow
self.assertRedirects(response, start_flow_url)
# Now enroll in the course
......@@ -88,12 +88,15 @@ class ChooseModeView(View):
# If there are both modes, default to non-id-professional.
has_enrolled_professional = (CourseMode.is_professional_slug(enrollment_mode) and is_active)
if CourseMode.has_professional_mode(modes) and not has_enrolled_professional:
redirect_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course_key)})
purchase_workflow = request.GET.get("purchase_workflow", "single")
verify_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course_key)})
redirect_url = "{url}?purchase_workflow={workflow}".format(url=verify_url, workflow=purchase_workflow)
if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(request.user):
professional_mode = modes.get(CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE) or modes.get(CourseMode.PROFESSIONAL)
if professional_mode.sku:
if purchase_workflow == "single" and professional_mode.sku:
redirect_url = ecommerce_service.checkout_page_url(professional_mode.sku)
if purchase_workflow == "bulk" and professional_mode.bulk_sku:
redirect_url = ecommerce_service.checkout_page_url(professional_mode.bulk_sku)
return redirect(redirect_url)
# If there isn't a verified mode available, then there's nothing
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ def auth_pipeline_urls(auth_entry, redirect_url=None):
# Query string parameters that can be passed to the "finish_auth" view to manage
# things like auto-enrollment.
POST_AUTH_PARAMS = ('course_id', 'enrollment_action', 'course_mode', 'email_opt_in')
POST_AUTH_PARAMS = ('course_id', 'enrollment_action', 'course_mode', 'email_opt_in', 'purchase_workflow')
def get_next_url_for_login_page(request):
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class TestProfEdVerification(ModuleStoreTestCase):
purchase_workflow = "?purchase_workflow=single"
self.urls = {
'course_modes_choose': reverse(
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class TestProfEdVerification(ModuleStoreTestCase):
'verify_student_start_flow': reverse(
) + purchase_workflow,
def test_start_flow(self):
......@@ -334,6 +334,10 @@ class PayAndVerifyView(View):
# Redirect the user to a more appropriate page if the
# messaging won't make sense based on the user's
# enrollment / payment / verification status.
sku_to_use = relevant_course_mode.sku
purchase_workflow = request.GET.get('purchase_workflow', 'single')
if purchase_workflow == 'bulk' and relevant_course_mode.bulk_sku:
sku_to_use = relevant_course_mode.bulk_sku
redirect_response = self._redirect_if_necessary(
......@@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ class PayAndVerifyView(View):
if redirect_response is not None:
return redirect_response
......@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
enrollmentAction: $.url( '?enrollment_action' ),
courseId: $.url( '?course_id' ),
courseMode: $.url( '?course_mode' ),
emailOptIn: $.url( '?email_opt_in' )
emailOptIn: $.url( '?email_opt_in' ),
purchaseWorkflow: $.url( '?purchase_workflow' )
for (var key in queryParams) {
if (queryParams[key]) {
......@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
this.courseMode = queryParams.courseMode;
this.emailOptIn = queryParams.emailOptIn;
this.nextUrl = this.urls.defaultNextUrl;
this.purchaseWorkflow = queryParams.purchaseWorkflow;
if ( {
// Ensure that the next URL is internal for security reasons
if ( ! window.isExternal( ) ) {
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