Commit d55736b2 by Bridger Maxwell

The video caption language menu is starting to shape up. Needs some serious CSS

parent daed2f46
......@@ -15,10 +15,25 @@ class @VideoCaption
.mousemove(@onMovement).bind('mousewheel', @onMovement)
.bind('DOMMouseScroll', @onMovement)
@$('.caption-menu').click @toggleLanguageMenu
captionURL: ->
# "/static/subs/#{@youtubeId}.srt.sjson"
languagesURL: ->
getLanguageCode: ->
if not @_languageCode?
cookied = $.cookie("video_caption_language_code")
@_languageCode = if cookied? cookied else "en"
return @_languageCode
setLanguageCode: (newCode) ->
@_languageCode = newCode
$.cookie('video_caption_language_code', "#{newCode}", expires: 3650, path: '/')
render: ->
@$('.video-wrapper').after """
......@@ -28,12 +43,39 @@ class @VideoCaption
<a href="#" class="hide-subtitles" title="Turn off captions">Captions</a>
@$('.subtitles').css maxHeight: @$('.video-wrapper').height() - 5
fetchCaption: ->
@$('.subtitles').before """
<a href="#" class="caption-menu">English</a>
@language_menu = $("""
<div class="language-menu">
<ol class="language-list"></ol>
<div class="caption-links">
<a href="#">Caption This Video</a>
fetchLanguages: ->
dataType: 'jsonp'
url: @languagesURL()
video_url: ''
success: (languages) =>
# We put the available languages into
@languages = languages
fetchCaptions: ->
dataType: 'jsonp'
url: @captionURL()
video_url: ''
language: @getLanguageCode()
success: (captions) =>
# We take the captions that are each in a dictionary with a key,
# and create two arrays. One with all the start times, and one with
......@@ -66,6 +108,45 @@ class @VideoCaption
@rendered = true
renderLanguagesMenu: ->
list = $("<ol>")
$.each @languages, (index, language) =>
# Would string concatenation be faster here?
element = $('<li>')
'data-language-code' : language.code
list.append element
language_list = $(".language-list", @language_menu)
language_list.html( list.html() )
$('.language-list li[data-language-code]', @language_menu).click @selectLanguage
toggleLanguageMenu: (event) =>
pos = @$('.caption-menu').offset()
height = @$('.caption-menu').outerHeight()
position: "absolute"
top: ( + height) + "px"
left: pos.left + "px"
selectLanguage: (event) =>
language_code = $(event.currentTarget).data('language-code')
search: (time) ->
min = 0
max = @start.length - 1
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