<p>${_('Have <strong>general questions about {platform_name}</strong>? You can find lots of helpful information in the {platform_name} {link_start}FAQ{link_end}.').format(link_start='<ahref="/help"target="_blank">', link_end='</a>').format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</p>
<p>${_('Have <strong>general questions about {platform_name}</strong>? You can find lots of helpful information in the {platform_name} {link_start}FAQ{link_end}.').format(link_start='<ahref="/help"target="_blank">', link_end='</a>', platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</p>
<p>${_('Have a <strong>question about something specific</strong>? You can contact the {platform_name} general support team directly:').format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</p>
<p>${_("{EdX} certificates are delivered online through edx.org. So be sure to check your email in the weeks following the final grading - you will be able to download and print your certificate.").format(edX="edX")}</p>
<p>${_("{EdX} certificates are delivered online through edx.org. So be sure to check your email in the weeks following the final grading - you will be able to download and print your certificate.").format(EdX="EdX")}</p>