Commit d4343309 by Valera Rozuvan

Fixing tests.

Turned off jQuery animations. Went through all of the XModule tests and
checked that all spying on window.setTimeout() function is done properly.
parent dabef856
......@@ -48,17 +48,32 @@ describe 'CombinedOpenEnded', ->
expect(@combined.task_count).toEqual 2
expect(@combined.task_number).toEqual 1
it 'subelements are made collapsible', ->
it 'subelements are made collapsible', ->
describe 'poll', ->
# We will store default window.setTimeout() function here.
oldSetTimeout = null
beforeEach =>
# setup the spies
@combined = new CombinedOpenEnded @element
spyOn(@combined, 'reload').andCallFake -> return 0
# Store original window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this, then
# all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
# function might (and probably will) fail.
oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout
# Redefine window.setTimeout() function as a spy.
window.setTimeout = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake (callback, timeout) -> return 5
afterEach =>
# Reset the default window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this,
# then all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
# function might (and probably will) fail.
window.setTimeout = oldSetTimeout
it 'polls at the correct intervals', =>
fakeResponseContinue = state: 'not done'
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback(fakeResponseContinue)
......@@ -67,19 +82,34 @@ describe 'CombinedOpenEnded', ->
it 'polling stops properly', =>
fakeResponseDone = state: "done"
fakeResponseDone = state: "done"
spyOn($, 'postWithPrefix').andCallFake (url, callback) -> callback(fakeResponseDone)
describe 'rebind', ->
# We will store default window.setTimeout() function here.
oldSetTimeout = null
beforeEach ->
@combined = new CombinedOpenEnded @element
spyOn(@combined, 'queueing').andCallFake -> return 0
spyOn(@combined, 'skip_post_assessment').andCallFake -> return 0
# Store original window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this, then
# all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
# function might (and probably will) fail.
oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout
# Redefine window.setTimeout() function as a spy.
window.setTimeout = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake (callback, timeout) -> return 5
afterEach =>
# Reset the default window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this,
# then all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
# function might (and probably will) fail.
window.setTimeout = oldSetTimeout
it 'when our child is in an assessing state', ->
@combined.child_state = 'assessing'
......@@ -87,19 +117,19 @@ describe 'CombinedOpenEnded', ->
expect(@combined.submit_button.val()).toBe("Submit assessment")
it 'when our child state is initial', ->
it 'when our child state is initial', ->
@combined.child_state = 'initial'
it 'when our child state is post_assessment', ->
it 'when our child state is post_assessment', ->
@combined.child_state = 'post_assessment'
expect(@combined.submit_button.val()).toBe("Submit post-assessment")
it 'when our child state is done', ->
it 'when our child state is done', ->
spyOn(@combined, 'next_problem').andCallFake ->
@combined.child_state = 'done'
......@@ -112,7 +142,7 @@ describe 'CombinedOpenEnded', ->
@combined.child_state = 'done'
it 'handling a successful call', ->
fakeResponse =
fakeResponse =
success: true
html: "dummy html"
allow_reset: false
......@@ -146,12 +146,27 @@
describe('mouse movement', function() {
// We will store default window.setTimeout() function here.
var oldSetTimeout = null;
beforeEach(function() {
// Store original window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this, then
// all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
// function might (and probably will) fail.
oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
// Redefine window.setTimeout() function as a spy.
window.setTimeout = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(callback, timeout) { return 5; })
spyOn(window, 'clearTimeout');
afterEach(function () {
// Reset the default window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this,
// then all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
// function might (and probably will) fail.
window.setTimeout = oldSetTimeout;
describe('when cursor is outside of the caption box', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
var state;
beforeEach(function () {
// This is a known issue. jQuery animations depend on setTimeout
// and the jasmine mock clock stubs that function. You need to turn
// off jQuery animations ($ in a global beforeEach.
// I think this is a good pattern - you don't want animations
// messing with your tests. If you need to test with animations on
// I suggest you add incremental browser-based testing to your
// stack. = true;
state = new Video('#example');
......@@ -11,6 +23,11 @@
spyOn(state.focusGrabber, 'enableFocusGrabber').andCallThrough();
afterEach(function () {
// Turn jQuery animations back on. = true;
it('check existence of focus grabber elements and their position', function () {
var firstFGEl = state.el.find('.focus_grabber.first'),
lastFGEl = state.el.find('.focus_grabber.last'),
......@@ -31,28 +48,27 @@
it('when first focus grabber is focused "mousemove" event is triggered, grabbers are disabled', function () {
it('when last focus grabber is focused "mousemove" event is triggered, grabbers are disabled', function () {
it('after controls autohide focus grabbers are enabled', function () {
it('after controls hide focus grabbers are enabled', function () {
runs(function () {
console.log('focus 1: a');
console.log('focus 1: b');
waits(2 * (state.videoControl.fadeOutTimeout + 100));
waits(state.videoControl.fadeOutTimeout + 100);
runs(function () {
......@@ -145,7 +145,18 @@
describe('onStop', function() {
// We will store default window.setTimeout() function here.
var oldSetTimeout = null;
beforeEach(function() {
// Store original window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this, then
// all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
// function might (and probably will) fail.
oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
// Redefine window.setTimeout() function as a spy.
window.setTimeout = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(callback, timeout) { return 5; })
spyOn(videoPlayer, 'onSlideSeek').andCallThrough();
videoProgressSlider.onStop({}, {
......@@ -153,6 +164,13 @@
afterEach(function () {
// Reset the default window.setTimeout() function. If we do not do this,
// then all other tests that rely on code which uses window.setTimeout()
// function might (and probably will) fail.
window.setTimeout = oldSetTimeout;
it('freeze the slider', function() {
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