Commit d3ddb2ae by Ned Batchelder Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14857 from edx/nedbat/update-translations

Update translations (autogenerated message)
parents 51133c5a babf349f
......@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@
"Body": "Corps",
"Bold": "Gras",
"Bold (Ctrl+B)": "Gras (Ctrl+B)",
"Bookmark this page": "Ajouter cette page aux favoris",
"Bookmarked": "Ajout\u00e9 aux favoris",
"Bookmarked on": "Signet ajout\u00e9",
"Border": "Bordure",
......@@ -361,7 +360,6 @@
"Could not submit photos": "Envoi de photos impossible",
"Country": "Pays",
"Country or Region": "Pays ou r\u00e9gion",
"Course": "Cours",
"Course Credit Requirements": "Crit\u00e8res d'obtention de cr\u00e9dit du cours",
"Course End": "Fin du Cours",
"Course Handouts": "Documents de cours",
......@@ -766,7 +764,6 @@
"More": "Plus",
"Mute": "Couper le son",
"Muted": "Son coup\u00e9",
"My Bookmarks": "Mes favoris",
"My Notes": "Mes Notes",
"My Orders": "Mes Commandes",
"My Team": "Mon \u00e9quipe",
......@@ -1054,7 +1051,6 @@
"Signatory field(s) has invalid data.": "Donn\u00e9es non valide pour les champ(s) de signataire.",
"Signature Image": "Image de la signature",
"Skip": "Passer",
"Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups": "Certains des contenus de cette unit\u00e9 ne sont visibles que par des groupes de contenus particuliers",
"Some images in this post have been omitted": "Quelques images dans ce message ont \u00e9t\u00e9 omises",
"Something went wrong changing this enrollment. Please try again.": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du changement de cette inscription. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.",
"Sorry, no results were found.": "D\u00e9sol\u00e9, aucun r\u00e9sultat trouv\u00e9.",
......@@ -1180,7 +1176,6 @@
"The topic \"{topic}\" could not be found.": "Sujet \"{topic}\" non trouv\u00e9.",
"The {cohortGroupName} cohort has been created. You can manually add students to this cohort below.": "La cohorte {cohortGroupName} a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9e. Vous pouvez y ajouter manuellement des \u00e9tudiants ci-dessous.",
"There are invalid keywords in your email. Check the following keywords and try again.": "Votre email contient des mots-clefs invalides. V\u00e9rifiez les mots-clefs suivants et recommencez.",
"There has been a failure to export to XML at least one component. It is recommended that you go to the edit page and repair the error before attempting another export. Please check that all components on the page are valid and do not display any error messages.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'export en XML pour au moins un composant. Il est recommand\u00e9 de corriger l'erreur avant de relancer une nouvel export. V\u00e9rifier que tous les composants de la page sont valides et qu'ils n'affichent pas de messages d'erreur.",
"There has been an error processing your survey.": "Il y a eu une erreur lors du traitement de votre enqu\u00eate.",
"There has been an error while exporting.": "Il y a eu une erreur lors de l'exportation.",
"There has been an error with your export.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'export.",
......@@ -1325,7 +1320,6 @@
"Use Current Transcript": "Utiliser la transcription courante",
"Use a timed exam to limit the time learners can spend on problems in this subsection. Learners must submit answers before the time expires. You can allow additional time for individual learners through the Instructor Dashboard.": "Utiliser un examen minut\u00e9 pour limiter le temps allou\u00e9 aux participants pour r\u00e9pondre aux exercices de cette sous-section. Les participants doivent soumettre leurs r\u00e9ponses avant la fin du temps allou\u00e9. Vous pouvez allouer du temps suppl\u00e9mentaire \u00e0 des participant depuis l'onglet Enseignant.",
"Use as a Prerequisite": "Utilis\u00e9 comme Pr\u00e9-requis",
"Use bookmarks to help you easily return to courseware pages. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark in the upper right corner of that page. To see a list of all your bookmarks, select Bookmarks in the upper left corner of any courseware page.": "Utilisez les signets afin de vous aider \u00e0 retourner facilement aux pages de cours. Pour ajouter un signet, s\u00e9lectionnez Signets dans le coin sup\u00e9rieur droit de cette page. Afin de voir une liste de tous vos signets, s\u00e9lectionnez Signets dans le coin sup\u00e9rieur gauche de toute page de cours.",
"Use my institution/campus credentials": "Utiliser mes informations institution/campus",
"Use the All Topics menu to find specific topics.": "Utilisez le menu 'Tous les sujets' pour trouver un sujet sp\u00e9cific",
"Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo": "Utilisez le bouton reprendre photo si vous n'\u00eates pas satisfait de votre photo",
......@@ -1435,7 +1429,6 @@
"You have already reported this annotation.": "Vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 signal\u00e9 cette annotation.",
"You have already verified your ID!": "Vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 votre ID!",
"You have no handouts defined": "Vous n'avez d\u00e9fini aucun documents",
"You have not bookmarked any courseware pages yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore ajout\u00e9 de signet dans les pages de cours",
"You have not created any certificates yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore cr\u00e9e de certificat.",
"You have not created any content groups yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore cr\u00e9\u00e9 de groupes de contenu.",
"You have not created any group configurations yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore cr\u00e9\u00e9 de configuration des groupes.",
......@@ -1466,7 +1459,6 @@
"Your changes have been saved.": "Vos modifications ont \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9es.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress.": "Vos modifications ne prendront pas effet tant que vous n'aurez pas enregistr\u00e9.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress. Take care with key and value formatting, as validation is not implemented.": "Vos modifications ne prendront pas effet tant que vous n'aurez pas enregistr\u00e9. La validation n'ayant pas \u00e9t\u00e9 impl\u00e9ment\u00e9e, faites attention au formatage des cl\u00e9s et des valeurs.",
"Your course could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your course to identify any problematic components and try again.": "L'export XML de votre biblioth\u00e8que a \u00e9chou\u00e9 sans qu'il soit possible de d\u00e9terminer pr\u00e9cieusement le probl\u00e8me, veuillez examiner cette biblioth\u00e8que et corriger le composant fautif puis r\u00e9essayer.",
"Your donation could not be submitted.": "Votre don n'a pas pu \u00eatre soumis",
"Your email message was successfully queued for sending. In courses with a large number of learners, email messages to learners might take up to an hour to be sent.": "Votre email a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis sur liste d'attente avec succ\u00e8s pour l'envoi. Pour les cours avec un grand nombre d'apprenants, l'envoi des emails peut prendre jusqu'\u00e0 une heure. ",
"Your entire face fits inside the frame.": " Votre visage est enti\u00e8rement dans le cadre.",
......@@ -1476,7 +1468,6 @@
"Your file has been deleted.": "Votre fichier a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9.",
"Your import has failed.": "Votre importation a \u00e9chou\u00e9.",
"Your import is in progress; navigating away will abort it.": "Votre import est en cours ; il sera interrompu si vous changez de page.",
"Your library could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your library to identify any problematic components and try again.": "L'export XML de la biblioth\u00e8que a \u00e9chou\u00e9 sans qu'il soit possible de d\u00e9terminer pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment le probl\u00e8me. Examiner cette biblioth\u00e8que et corriger le composant en erreur puis r\u00e9essayer.",
"Your message cannot be blank.": "Votre message ne peut pas \u00eatre vide.",
"Your message must have a subject.": "Votre message doit contenir un sujet.",
"Your message must have at least one target.": "Votre message doit avoir au moins un destinataire.",
......@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
"Could not submit photos": "\uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc81c\ucd9c \ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.",
"Country": "\uad6d\uac00",
"Country or Region": "\uad6d\uac00",
"Course": "\uac15\uc88c",
"Create a new account": "\uac00\uc785\ud558\uae30",
"Create an account": "\uac00\uc785\ud558\uae30",
"Create an account using": "\uacc4\uc815 \uc5f0\ub3d9\ud558\uae30",
......@@ -345,7 +345,6 @@
"Country": "Pa\u00eds",
"Country of residence": "Pa\u00eds de resid\u00eancia",
"Country or Region": "Pa\u00eds ou regi\u00e3o",
"Course": "Curso",
"Course Credit Requirements": "Exig\u00eancias de cr\u00e9ditos do curso.",
"Course End": "T\u00e9rmino do curso",
"Course Handouts": "Apostilas do Curso",
......@@ -758,7 +757,6 @@
"Must complete verification checkpoint": "Necess\u00e1rio completar o ponto de verifica\u00e7\u00e3o. ",
"Mute": "Silenciar",
"Muted": "Mudo",
"My Bookmarks": "Meus favoritos",
"My Notes": "Minhas anota\u00e7\u00f5es",
"My Team": "Minha equipe",
"N/A": "N/A",
......@@ -1036,7 +1034,6 @@
"Signature Image": "Imagem da Assinatura",
"Skip": "Pular",
"Some Rights Reserved": "Alguns direitos reservados",
"Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups": "Alguns conte\u00fados nesta unidade s\u00e3o vis\u00edveis apenas para grupos de conte\u00fado particular",
"Something went wrong changing this enrollment. Please try again.": "Algo deu errado ao mudar esta matr\u00edcula. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"Sorry, no results were found.": "Desculpe, n\u00e3o foram encontrados resultados.",
"Sorry, there was an error parsing the subtitles that you uploaded. Please check the format and try again.": "Desculpe, houve um erro ao processar as legendas que voc\u00ea enviou. Por favor, cheque o formato e tente novamente.",
......@@ -1160,7 +1157,6 @@
"The timed transcript for the first video file does not appear to be the same as the timed transcript for the second video file.": "A transcri\u00e7\u00e3o sincronizada do primeiro arquivo de v\u00eddeo n\u00e3o parece ser a mesma transcri\u00e7\u00e3o do segundo arquivo de v\u00eddeo",
"The timed transcript for this video on edX is out of date, but YouTube has a current timed transcript for this video.": "A transcri\u00e7\u00e3o sincronizada do edX para este v\u00eddeo est\u00e1 desatualizada, mas o YouTube tem uma transcri\u00e7\u00e3o sincronizada atual para este v\u00eddeo.",
"The {cohortGroupName} cohort has been created. You can manually add students to this cohort below.": "O grupo {cohortGroupName} foi criado.Voc\u00ea pode adicionar manualmente os estudantes para o curso abaixo.",
"There has been a failure to export to XML at least one component. It is recommended that you go to the edit page and repair the error before attempting another export. Please check that all components on the page are valid and do not display any error messages.": "Houve uma falha de exporta\u00e7\u00e3o para XML em pelo menos um componente. Recomenda-se que voc\u00ea v\u00e1 para a p\u00e1gina de edi\u00e7\u00e3o e repare o erro antes de tentar outra exporta\u00e7\u00e3o. Por favor, verifique que todos os componentes da p\u00e1gina s\u00e3o v\u00e1lidos e n\u00e3o exibem qualquer mensagens de erro.",
"There has been an error processing your survey.": "Ocorreu um erro ao processar a sua enquete.",
"There has been an error while exporting.": "Ocorreu um erro na exporta\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"There has been an error with your export.": "Ocorreu um erro com sua exporta\u00e7\u00e3o.",
......@@ -1304,7 +1300,6 @@
"Use Current Transcript": "Usar a Transcri\u00e7\u00e3o Atual",
"Use a practice proctored exam to introduce learners to the proctoring tools and processes. Results of a practice exam do not affect a learner's grade.": "Usar uma prova supervisionada pr\u00e1tica para apresentar aos alunos as ferramentas e processos de supervis\u00e3o. Os resultados de prova pr\u00e1tica n\u00e3o afetam a nota dos alunos",
"Use a timed exam to limit the time learners can spend on problems in this subsection. Learners must submit answers before the time expires. You can allow additional time for individual learners through the Instructor Dashboard.": "Use uma prova cronometrada para limitar o tempo que os alunos podem gastar nos problemas nesta subse\u00e7\u00e3o. Os alunos devem enviar as respostas antes que o tempo acabe. Voc\u00ea pode permitir um tempo adicional para alunos individuais atrav\u00e9s do Painel do Instrutor.",
"Use bookmarks to help you easily return to courseware pages. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark in the upper right corner of that page. To see a list of all your bookmarks, select Bookmarks in the upper left corner of any courseware page.": "Use os favoritos para ajud\u00e1-lo a facilmente retornar para as p\u00e1ginas do material did\u00e1tico. Para adicionar uma p\u00e1gina aos favoritos selecione Favoritos no lado superior direito de tal p\u00e1gina. Para ver a lista de todos os teus favoritos, selecione Favoritos no canto superior de qualquer p\u00e1gina do material did\u00e1tico.",
"Use my institution/campus credentials": "Entrar com credenciais de Institui\u00e7\u00e3o/Campus",
"Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo": "Se a sua foto n\u00e3o lhe agradou utilize o bot\u00e3o de tirar a foto novamente.",
"Use your webcam to take a photo of your ID. We will match this photo with the photo of your face and the name on your account.": "Use a webcam para tirar uma foto do seu documento. N\u00f3s vamos conferir esta foto com a foto do seu rosto e o nome na sua conta.",
......@@ -1395,7 +1390,6 @@
"You have already reported this annotation.": "Voc\u00ea j\u00e1 denunciou essa anota\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"You have already verified your ID!": "Voc\u00ea j\u00e1 verificou a sua identifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"You have no handouts defined": "Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o tem apostilas definidas",
"You have not bookmarked any courseware pages yet.": "Voc\u00ea ainda n\u00e3o adicionou aos favoritos nenhuma p\u00e1gina do material did\u00e1tico",
"You have not created any certificates yet.": "Voc\u00ea ainda n\u00e3o criou um certificado.",
"You have not created any content groups yet.": "Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o criou nenhum grupo de conte\u00fado ainda.",
"You have not created any group configurations yet.": "Voc\u00ea ainda n\u00e3o criou uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de grupo.",
......@@ -1428,7 +1422,6 @@
"Your changes have been saved.": "Suas altera\u00e7\u00f5es foram salvas.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress.": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o ter\u00e3o efeito at\u00e9 que voc\u00ea salve o seu progresso.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress. Take care with key and value formatting, as validation is not implemented.": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o ter\u00e3o efeito at\u00e9 que voc\u00ea salve seu progresso. Verifique a formata\u00e7\u00e3o da chave e valor, enquanto a valida\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o for implementada.",
"Your course could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your course to identify any problematic components and try again.": "Seu curso n\u00e3o pode ser exportado em XML. N\u00e3o h\u00e1 informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes para identificar qual \u00e9 o componente com erro. Verifique seus cursos para identificar qualquer componente problem\u00e1tico e tente novamente.",
"Your donation could not be submitted.": "Sua doa\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o p\u00f4de ser enviada.",
"Your entire face fits inside the frame.": "Seu rosto inteiro cabe dentro do quadro.",
"Your face is well-lit.": "Seu rosto est\u00e1 bem iluminado.",
......@@ -1437,7 +1430,6 @@
"Your file has been deleted.": "O seu arquivo foi apagado.",
"Your import has failed.": "A importa\u00e7\u00e3o falhou.",
"Your import is in progress; navigating away will abort it.": "A sua importa\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e1 em progresso; navegar para outro local ir\u00e1 abort\u00e1-la.",
"Your library could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your library to identify any problematic components and try again.": "Sua biblioteca n\u00e3o pode ser exportada em XML. N\u00e3o h\u00e1 informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes para identificar qual \u00e9 o componente com erro. Verifique sua biblioteca para identificar qualquer componente problem\u00e1tico e tente novamente.",
"Your message cannot be blank.": "A sua mensagem n\u00e3o pode ficar em branco.",
"Your message must have a subject.": "A sua mensagem deve ter um t\u00edtulo.",
"Your policy changes have been saved.": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es na pol\u00edtica foram salvas.",
......@@ -301,7 +301,6 @@
"Country": "\u56fd\u5bb6\uff0f\u5730\u533a",
"Country of residence": "\u5c45\u4f4f\u56fd\u5bb6",
"Country or Region": "\u56fd\u5bb6\u6216\u5730\u533a",
"Course": "\u8bfe\u7a0b",
"Course End": "\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7ed3\u675f",
"Course ID": "\u8bfe\u7a0bID",
"Course Index": "\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7d22\u5f15",
......@@ -666,7 +665,6 @@
"More": "\u66f4\u591a",
"Mute": "\u9759\u97f3",
"Muted": "\u9759\u97f3",
"My Bookmarks": "\u6211\u7684\u4e66\u7b7e",
"My Notes": "\u6211\u7684\u7b14\u8bb0",
"My Team": "\u6211\u7684\u56e2\u961f",
"N/A": "\u4e0d\u9002\u7528",
......@@ -1026,7 +1024,6 @@
"The raw error message is:": "\u539f\u59cb\u7684\u9519\u8bef\u4fe1\u606f\u662f\uff1a",
"The selected content group does not exist": "\u9009\u53d6\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\u7ec4\u4e0d\u5b58\u5728\u3002",
"The {cohortGroupName} cohort has been created. You can manually add students to this cohort below.": "{cohortGroupName}\u7fa4\u7ec4\u5df2\u7ecf\u521b\u5efa\uff0c\u60a8\u53ef\u4ee5\u624b\u52a8\u6dfb\u52a0\u5b66\u751f\u5230\u8fd9\u4e2a\u7fa4\u7ec4\u3002",
"There has been a failure to export to XML at least one component. It is recommended that you go to the edit page and repair the error before attempting another export. Please check that all components on the page are valid and do not display any error messages.": "\u81f3\u5c11\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u7ec4\u4ef6\u5728\u5bfc\u51fa\u5230XML\u65f6\u5931\u8d25\u4e86\u3002\u5728\u5c1d\u8bd5\u91cd\u65b0\u5bfc\u51fa\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u60a8\u5148\u53bb\u7f16\u8f91\u9875\u9762\u5e76\u4fee\u590d\u9519\u8bef\u3002\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u5e76\u786e\u8ba4\u8fd9\u4e2a\u9875\u9762\u4e0a\u7684\u6240\u6709\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\u90fd\u6709\u6548\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u6ca1\u6709\u663e\u793a\u4efb\u4f55\u9519\u8bef\u4fe1\u606f\u3002",
"There has been an error processing your survey.": "\u5728\u5904\u7406\u60a8\u7684\u8c03\u67e5\u65f6\u51fa\u73b0\u4e86\u4e00\u4e2a\u9519\u8bef\u3002",
"There has been an error while exporting.": "\u5bfc\u51fa\u65f6\u51fa\u9519\u4e86\u3002",
"There has been an error with your export.": "\u5bfc\u51fa\u65f6\u53d1\u751f\u4e86\u9519\u8bef\u3002",
......@@ -1149,7 +1146,6 @@
"Upper Roman": "\u5927\u5199\u7f57\u9a6c\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Upset Learner": "\u611f\u5230\u4e0d\u6ee1\u610f\u7684\u5b66\u751f",
"Url": "URL",
"Use bookmarks to help you easily return to courseware pages. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark in the upper right corner of that page. To see a list of all your bookmarks, select Bookmarks in the upper left corner of any courseware page.": "\u4f7f\u7528\u4e66\u7b7e\u53ef\u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\u8f7b\u677e\u8fd4\u56de\u81f3\u8bfe\u4ef6\u9875\u9762\u3002\u8981\u7ed9\u67d0\u4e2a\u9875\u9762\u6807\u8bb0\u4e66\u7b7e\uff0c\u8bf7\u9009\u62e9\u8be5\u9875\u9762\u53f3\u4e0a\u89d2\u7684\u201c\u4e66\u7b7e\u201d\u3002\u8981\u67e5\u770b\u4f60\u7684\u6240\u6709\u4e66\u7b7e\u7684\u5217\u8868\uff0c\u8bf7\u9009\u62e9\u4efb\u4f55\u8bfe\u4ef6\u9875\u9762\u5de6\u4e0a\u89d2\u7684\u201c\u4e66\u7b7e\u201d\u3002",
"Use my institution/campus credentials": "\u4f7f\u7528\u6211\u7684\u673a\u6784/\u6821\u56ed\u5e10\u53f7",
"Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo": "\u5982\u679c\u60a8\u5bf9\u7167\u7247\u4e0d\u6ee1\u610f\uff0c\u8bf7\u4f7f\u7528\u91cd\u62cd\u6309\u94ae\u91cd\u65b0\u62cd\u4e00\u5f20\u7167\u7247",
"Use your webcam to take a photo of your ID. We will match this photo with the photo of your face and the name on your account.": "\u8bf7\u7528\u6444\u50cf\u5934\u62cd\u6444\u4e00\u5f20\u60a8\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6\u7684\u7167\u7247\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5c06\u67e5\u770b\u8be5\u7167\u7247\u662f\u5426\u4e0e\u60a8\u7684\u9762\u90e8\u7167\u7247\u53ca\u60a8\u5728\u8d26\u6237\u4e2d\u586b\u5199\u7684\u59d3\u540d\u5339\u914d\u3002",
......@@ -1240,8 +1236,6 @@
"You don't seem to have a webcam connected.": "\u60a8\u4f3c\u4e4e\u6ca1\u6709\u8fde\u63a5\u4e00\u4e2a\u6444\u50cf\u5934\u3002",
"You have already reported this annotation.": "\u60a8\u5df2\u7ecf\u62a5\u544a\u8fc7\u4e86\u6b64\u6279\u6ce8\u3002",
"You have already verified your ID!": "\u60a8\u5df2\u7ecf\u6210\u529f\u9a8c\u8bc1\u4e86\u60a8\u7684\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6\uff01",
"You have earned certificates in %(completed_courses)s of the %(total_courses)s courses so far.": "\u5728 %(total_courses)s \u4e2a\u8bfe\u7a0b\u4e2d\uff0c\u60a8\u5230\u76ee\u524d\u4e3a\u6b62\u5df2\u83b7\u5f97 %(completed_courses)s \u4e2a\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7684\u8bc1\u4e66\u3002",
"You have not bookmarked any courseware pages yet.": "\u4f60\u5c1a\u672a\u5728\u4efb\u4f55\u8bfe\u4ef6\u9875\u9762\u4e0a\u6807\u8bb0\u4e66\u7b7e\u3002",
"You have not created any content groups yet.": "\u60a8\u8fd8\u6ca1\u6709\u521b\u5efa\u4efb\u4f55\u5185\u5bb9\u7ec4\u3002",
"You have not created any group configurations yet.": "\u60a8\u8fd8\u6ca1\u6709\u521b\u5efa\u4efb\u4f55\u7ec4\u914d\u7f6e\u3002",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "\u6709\u672a\u4fdd\u5b58\u7684\u66f4\u6539\uff0c\u786e\u5b9a\u8981\u79bb\u5f00\u5417\uff1f",
......@@ -1267,7 +1261,6 @@
"Your changes have been saved.": "\u60a8\u6240\u4f5c\u7684\u53d8\u66f4\u5df2\u4fdd\u5b58\u3002",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress.": "\u60a8\u6240\u4f5c\u53d8\u66f4\u5728\u4fdd\u5b58\u540e\u624d\u80fd\u751f\u6548\u3002",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress. Take care with key and value formatting, as validation is not implemented.": "\u53d8\u66f4\u5728\u4fdd\u5b58\u4e4b\u540e\u751f\u6548\u3002\u7531\u4e8e\u7cfb\u7edf\u6682\u65f6\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u6821\u9a8c\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u8bf7\u4ed4\u7ec6\u68c0\u67e5\u7b56\u7565\u952e\u503c\u5bf9\u8bbe\u7f6e\u3002",
"Your course could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your course to identify any problematic components and try again.": "\u60a8\u7684\u8bfe\u7a0b\u65e0\u6cd5\u5bfc\u51fa\u81f3XML\u3002\u6682\u65f6\u6ca1\u6709\u8db3\u591f\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\u6765\u5b9a\u4f4d\u5931\u8d25\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u60a8\u7684\u8bfe\u7a0b\u4ee5\u5b9a\u4f4d\u4efb\u4f55\u53ef\u80fd\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u91cd\u8bd5\u3002",
"Your donation could not be submitted.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6350\u6b3e\u65e0\u6cd5\u63d0\u4ea4\u3002",
"Your entire face fits inside the frame.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6574\u5f20\u8138\u90fd\u5728\u6846\u5185\u3002",
"Your face is well-lit.": "\u60a8\u7684\u9762\u90e8\u5149\u7167\u5f88\u597d\u3002",
......@@ -1275,7 +1268,6 @@
"Your file could not be uploaded": "\u60a8\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u65e0\u6cd5\u4e0a\u4f20\u3002",
"Your file has been deleted.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u5df2\u7ecf\u88ab\u5220\u9664",
"Your import has failed.": "\u5bfc\u5165\u5931\u8d25\u3002",
"Your library could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your library to identify any problematic components and try again.": "\u60a8\u7684\u77e5\u8bc6\u5e93\u65e0\u6cd5\u5bfc\u51fa\u81f3XML\u3002\u6682\u65f6\u6ca1\u6709\u8db3\u591f\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\u6765\u5b9a\u4f4d\u5931\u8d25\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u60a8\u7684\u77e5\u8bc6\u5e93\u4ee5\u5b9a\u4f4d\u4efb\u4f55\u53ef\u80fd\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u91cd\u8bd5\u3002",
"Your message cannot be blank.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6d88\u606f\u4e0d\u80fd\u4e3a\u7a7a\u3002",
"Your message must have a subject.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6d88\u606f\u5fc5\u987b\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u6807\u9898\u3002",
"Your policy changes have been saved.": "\u60a8\u7684\u7b56\u7565\u53d8\u66f4\u5df2\u4fdd\u5b58\u3002",
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1a\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-30 10:52+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 10:54:40.500506\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-11 15:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-11 15:06:29.691078\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: openedx-translation <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video position"
msgid "Video position. Press space to toggle playback"
msgstr ""
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
......@@ -1761,6 +1761,10 @@ msgid "Video ended"
msgstr ""
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video position"
msgstr ""
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "%(value)s hour"
msgid_plural "%(value)s hours"
msgstr[0] ""
......@@ -3889,6 +3893,11 @@ msgid ""
"sensitive nature of student information."
msgstr ""
#: lms/static/js/learner_dashboard/views/program_details_view_2017.js
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
msgid "Enrolled"
msgstr ""
#: lms/static/js/search/base/views/search_results_view.js
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s result"
......@@ -6506,11 +6515,13 @@ msgid "LEARN MORE"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card.underscore
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card_2017.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "Starts: %(start_date)s"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card.underscore
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card_2017.underscore
msgid "Starts"
msgstr ""
......@@ -6919,6 +6930,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "View Certificate"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/certificate_status_2017.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Certificate Status:"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/certificate_status_2017.underscore
msgid "Certificate Purchased"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_card.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "%(courseName)s Home Page."
......@@ -6959,21 +6979,29 @@ msgid "Starts %(start)s"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Enroll Now"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Coming Soon"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Enrollment Opens on"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Not Currently Available"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Choose a course run:"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/empty_programs_list.underscore
msgid "You are not enrolled in any programs yet."
msgstr ""
......@@ -7004,15 +7032,47 @@ msgid "Completed"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
msgid "Enrolled"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "%(programName)s Home Page."
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "Your Program Journey"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid ""
"To complete the program, you must earn a verified certificate for each "
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "As you complete courses, you will see them listed here."
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid ""
"Complete courses on your schedule to ensure you stand out in your field!"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_header_view.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_header_view_2017.underscore
msgid "{organization}\\'s logo"
msgstr ""
......@@ -7038,6 +7098,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Upgrade Now"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Needs verified certificate "
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Buy Certificate"
msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/search/course_search_results.underscore
#: lms/templates/search/dashboard_search_results.underscore
#, python-format
......@@ -8686,7 +8754,8 @@ msgid "Staff and Learners"
msgstr ""
#: cms/templates/js/publish-xblock.underscore
msgid "Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups"
msgid ""
"Some content in this unit is visible only to specific groups of learners."
msgstr ""
#: cms/templates/js/publish-xblock.underscore
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1a\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-30 10:52+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 10:54:40.500506\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-11 15:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-11 15:06:29.691078\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: openedx-translation <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -1824,14 +1824,20 @@ msgid "on"
msgstr "ön Ⱡ'σя#"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video position"
msgstr "Vïdéö pösïtïön Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
msgid "Video position. Press space to toggle playback"
msgstr ""
"Vïdéö pösïtïön. Préss späçé tö tögglé pläýßäçk Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
"¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video ended"
msgstr "Vïdéö éndéd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video position"
msgstr "Vïdéö pösïtïön Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "%(value)s hour"
msgid_plural "%(value)s hours"
msgstr[0] "%(value)s höür Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
......@@ -4535,6 +4541,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Lïnks äré générätéd ön démänd änd éxpïré wïthïn 5 mïnütés düé tö thé "
"sénsïtïvé nätüré öf stüdént ïnförmätïön. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: lms/static/js/learner_dashboard/views/program_details_view_2017.js
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
msgid "Enrolled"
msgstr "Énrölléd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
#: lms/static/js/search/base/views/search_results_view.js
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s result"
......@@ -7661,11 +7672,13 @@ msgid "LEARN MORE"
msgstr "LÉÀRN MÖRÉ Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσ#"
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card.underscore
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card_2017.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "Starts: %(start_date)s"
msgstr "Stärts: %(start_date)s Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card.underscore
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card_2017.underscore
msgid "Starts"
msgstr "Stärts Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυ#"
......@@ -8142,6 +8155,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "View Certificate"
msgstr "Vïéw Çértïfïçäté Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αм#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/certificate_status_2017.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Certificate Status:"
msgstr "Çértïfïçäté Stätüs: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт,#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/certificate_status_2017.underscore
msgid "Certificate Purchased"
msgstr "Çértïfïçäté Pürçhäséd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_card.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "%(courseName)s Home Page."
......@@ -8182,21 +8204,29 @@ msgid "Starts %(start)s"
msgstr "Stärts %(start)s Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσ#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Enroll Now"
msgstr "Énröll Nöw Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσ#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Coming Soon"
msgstr "Çömïng Söön Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Enrollment Opens on"
msgstr "Énröllmént Öpéns ön Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт,#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Not Currently Available"
msgstr "Nöt Çürréntlý Àväïläßlé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σ#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Choose a course run:"
msgstr "Çhöösé ä çöürsé rün: Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/empty_programs_list.underscore
msgid "You are not enrolled in any programs yet."
msgstr ""
......@@ -8231,15 +8261,53 @@ msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Çömplétéd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σł#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
msgid "Enrolled"
msgstr "Énrölléd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "%(programName)s Home Page."
msgstr "%(programName)s Hömé Pägé. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Çöngrätülätïöns! Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αм#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "Your Program Journey"
msgstr "Ýöür Prögräm Jöürnéý Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid ""
"To complete the program, you must earn a verified certificate for each "
msgstr ""
"Tö çömplété thé prögräm, ýöü müst éärn ä vérïfïéd çértïfïçäté för éäçh "
"çöürsé. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєт#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr "ÇÖÛRSÉS ÌN PRÖGRÉSS Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт,#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr "RÉMÀÌNÌNG ÇÖÛRSÉS Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмє#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr "ÇÖMPLÉTÉD ÇÖÛRSÉS Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмє#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "As you complete courses, you will see them listed here."
msgstr ""
"Às ýöü çömplété çöürsés, ýöü wïll séé thém lïstéd héré. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя "
"ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid ""
"Complete courses on your schedule to ensure you stand out in your field!"
msgstr ""
"Çömplété çöürsés ön ýöür sçhédülé tö énsüré ýöü ständ öüt ïn ýöür fïéld! "
"Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_header_view.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_header_view_2017.underscore
msgid "{organization}\\'s logo"
msgstr "{organization}\\'s lögö Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
......@@ -8267,6 +8335,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Upgrade Now"
msgstr "Ûpgrädé Nöw Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя #"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Needs verified certificate "
msgstr "Nééds vérïfïéd çértïfïçäté Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє#"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Buy Certificate"
msgstr "Büý Çértïfïçäté Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт α#"
#: lms/templates/search/course_search_results.underscore
#: lms/templates/search/dashboard_search_results.underscore
#, python-format
......@@ -10272,10 +10348,11 @@ msgid "Staff and Learners"
msgstr "Stäff änd Léärnérs Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт#"
#: cms/templates/js/publish-xblock.underscore
msgid "Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups"
msgid ""
"Some content in this unit is visible only to specific groups of learners."
msgstr ""
"Sömé çöntént ïn thïs ünït ïs vïsïßlé önlý tö pärtïçülär çöntént gröüps "
"Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя #"
"Sömé çöntént ïn thïs ünït ïs vïsïßlé önlý tö spéçïfïç gröüps öf léärnérs. "
"Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя#"
#: cms/templates/js/publish-xblock.underscore
#: cms/templates/js/staff-lock-editor.underscore
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1a\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-30 10:52+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 10:54:40.500506\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-11 15:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-11 15:06:29.691078\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: openedx-translation <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -1783,14 +1783,18 @@ msgid "on"
msgstr "خر"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video position"
msgstr "دهيثخ حخسهفهخر"
msgid "Video position. Press space to toggle playback"
msgstr "دهيثخ حخسهفهخر. حقثسس سحشذث فخ فخللمث حمشغزشذن"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video ended"
msgstr "دهيثخ ثريثي"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "Video position"
msgstr "دهيثخ حخسهفهخر"
#: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/video/06_video_progress_slider.js
msgid "%(value)s hour"
msgid_plural "%(value)s hours"
msgstr[0] "%(value)s اخعق"
......@@ -4082,6 +4086,11 @@ msgstr ""
"مهرنس شقث لثرثقشفثي خر يثوشري شري ثطحهقث صهفاهر 5 وهرعفثس يعث فخ فاث "
"سثرسهفهدث رشفعقث خب سفعيثرف هربخقوشفهخر."
#: lms/static/js/learner_dashboard/views/program_details_view_2017.js
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
msgid "Enrolled"
msgstr "ثرقخممثي"
#: lms/static/js/search/base/views/search_results_view.js
#, javascript-format
msgid "%s result"
......@@ -6868,11 +6877,13 @@ msgid "LEARN MORE"
msgstr "مثشقر وخقث"
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card.underscore
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card_2017.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "Starts: %(start_date)s"
msgstr "سفشقفس: %(start_date)s"
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card.underscore
#: lms/templates/discovery/course_card_2017.underscore
msgid "Starts"
msgstr "سفشقفس"
......@@ -7311,6 +7322,15 @@ msgstr "ذخرلقشفعمشفهخرس! غخع اشدث ثشقرثي ش ذثقف
msgid "View Certificate"
msgstr "دهثص ذثقفهبهذشفث"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/certificate_status_2017.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Certificate Status:"
msgstr "ذثقفهبهذشفث سفشفعس:"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/certificate_status_2017.underscore
msgid "Certificate Purchased"
msgstr "ذثقفهبهذشفث حعقذاشسثي"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_card.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "%(courseName)s Home Page."
......@@ -7351,21 +7371,29 @@ msgid "Starts %(start)s"
msgstr "سفشقفس %(start)s"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Enroll Now"
msgstr "ثرقخمم رخص"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Coming Soon"
msgstr "ذخوهرل سخخر"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Enrollment Opens on"
msgstr "ثرقخمموثرف خحثرس خر"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Not Currently Available"
msgstr "رخف ذعققثرفمغ شدشهمشزمث"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/course_enroll_2017.underscore
msgid "Choose a course run:"
msgstr "ذاخخسث ش ذخعقسث قعر:"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/empty_programs_list.underscore
msgid "You are not enrolled in any programs yet."
msgstr "غخع شقث رخف ثرقخممثي هر شرغ حقخلقشوس غثف."
......@@ -7398,15 +7426,50 @@ msgid "Completed"
msgstr "ذخوحمثفثي"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
msgid "Enrolled"
msgstr "ثرقخممثي"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_card.underscore
#, python-format
msgid "%(programName)s Home Page."
msgstr "%(programName)s اخوث حشلث."
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "ذخرلقشفعمشفهخرس!"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "Your Program Journey"
msgstr "غخعق حقخلقشو تخعقرثغ"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid ""
"To complete the program, you must earn a verified certificate for each "
msgstr ""
"فخ ذخوحمثفث فاث حقخلقشو, غخع وعسف ثشقر ش دثقهبهثي ذثقفهبهذشفث بخق ثشذا "
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr "ذخعقسثس هر حقخلقثسس"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr "قثوشهرهرل ذخعقسثس"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgstr "ذخوحمثفثي ذخعقسثس"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid "As you complete courses, you will see them listed here."
msgstr "شس غخع ذخوحمثفث ذخعقسثس, غخع صهمم سثث فاثو مهسفثي اثقث."
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_details_view_2017.underscore
msgid ""
"Complete courses on your schedule to ensure you stand out in your field!"
msgstr ""
"ذخوحمثفث ذخعقسثس خر غخعق سذاثيعمث فخ ثرسعقث غخع سفشري خعف هر غخعق بهثمي!"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_header_view.underscore
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/program_header_view_2017.underscore
msgid "{organization}\\'s logo"
msgstr "{organization}\\'س مخلخ"
......@@ -7434,6 +7497,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Upgrade Now"
msgstr "عحلقشيث رخص"
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Needs verified certificate "
msgstr "رثثيس دثقهبهثي ذثقفهبهذشفث "
#: lms/templates/learner_dashboard/upgrade_message_2017.underscore
msgid "Buy Certificate"
msgstr "زعغ ذثقفهبهذشفث"
#: lms/templates/search/course_search_results.underscore
#: lms/templates/search/dashboard_search_results.underscore
#, python-format
......@@ -9206,9 +9277,10 @@ msgid "Staff and Learners"
msgstr "سفشبب شري مثشقرثقس"
#: cms/templates/js/publish-xblock.underscore
msgid "Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups"
msgid ""
"Some content in this unit is visible only to specific groups of learners."
msgstr ""
"سخوث ذخرفثرف هر فاهس عرهف هس دهسهزمث خرمغ فخ حشقفهذعمشق ذخرفثرف لقخعحس"
"سخوث ذخرفثرف هر فاهس عرهف هس دهسهزمث خرمغ فخ سحثذهبهذ لقخعحس خب مثشقرثقس."
#: cms/templates/js/publish-xblock.underscore
#: cms/templates/js/staff-lock-editor.underscore
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@
"Body": "Corps",
"Bold": "Gras",
"Bold (Ctrl+B)": "Gras (Ctrl+B)",
"Bookmark this page": "Ajouter cette page aux favoris",
"Bookmarked": "Ajout\u00e9 aux favoris",
"Bookmarked on": "Signet ajout\u00e9",
"Border": "Bordure",
......@@ -361,7 +360,6 @@
"Could not submit photos": "Envoi de photos impossible",
"Country": "Pays",
"Country or Region": "Pays ou r\u00e9gion",
"Course": "Cours",
"Course Credit Requirements": "Crit\u00e8res d'obtention de cr\u00e9dit du cours",
"Course End": "Fin du Cours",
"Course Handouts": "Documents de cours",
......@@ -766,7 +764,6 @@
"More": "Plus",
"Mute": "Couper le son",
"Muted": "Son coup\u00e9",
"My Bookmarks": "Mes favoris",
"My Notes": "Mes Notes",
"My Orders": "Mes Commandes",
"My Team": "Mon \u00e9quipe",
......@@ -1054,7 +1051,6 @@
"Signatory field(s) has invalid data.": "Donn\u00e9es non valide pour les champ(s) de signataire.",
"Signature Image": "Image de la signature",
"Skip": "Passer",
"Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups": "Certains des contenus de cette unit\u00e9 ne sont visibles que par des groupes de contenus particuliers",
"Some images in this post have been omitted": "Quelques images dans ce message ont \u00e9t\u00e9 omises",
"Something went wrong changing this enrollment. Please try again.": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du changement de cette inscription. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.",
"Sorry, no results were found.": "D\u00e9sol\u00e9, aucun r\u00e9sultat trouv\u00e9.",
......@@ -1180,7 +1176,6 @@
"The topic \"{topic}\" could not be found.": "Sujet \"{topic}\" non trouv\u00e9.",
"The {cohortGroupName} cohort has been created. You can manually add students to this cohort below.": "La cohorte {cohortGroupName} a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9e. Vous pouvez y ajouter manuellement des \u00e9tudiants ci-dessous.",
"There are invalid keywords in your email. Check the following keywords and try again.": "Votre email contient des mots-clefs invalides. V\u00e9rifiez les mots-clefs suivants et recommencez.",
"There has been a failure to export to XML at least one component. It is recommended that you go to the edit page and repair the error before attempting another export. Please check that all components on the page are valid and do not display any error messages.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'export en XML pour au moins un composant. Il est recommand\u00e9 de corriger l'erreur avant de relancer une nouvel export. V\u00e9rifier que tous les composants de la page sont valides et qu'ils n'affichent pas de messages d'erreur.",
"There has been an error processing your survey.": "Il y a eu une erreur lors du traitement de votre enqu\u00eate.",
"There has been an error while exporting.": "Il y a eu une erreur lors de l'exportation.",
"There has been an error with your export.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'export.",
......@@ -1325,7 +1320,6 @@
"Use Current Transcript": "Utiliser la transcription courante",
"Use a timed exam to limit the time learners can spend on problems in this subsection. Learners must submit answers before the time expires. You can allow additional time for individual learners through the Instructor Dashboard.": "Utiliser un examen minut\u00e9 pour limiter le temps allou\u00e9 aux participants pour r\u00e9pondre aux exercices de cette sous-section. Les participants doivent soumettre leurs r\u00e9ponses avant la fin du temps allou\u00e9. Vous pouvez allouer du temps suppl\u00e9mentaire \u00e0 des participant depuis l'onglet Enseignant.",
"Use as a Prerequisite": "Utilis\u00e9 comme Pr\u00e9-requis",
"Use bookmarks to help you easily return to courseware pages. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark in the upper right corner of that page. To see a list of all your bookmarks, select Bookmarks in the upper left corner of any courseware page.": "Utilisez les signets afin de vous aider \u00e0 retourner facilement aux pages de cours. Pour ajouter un signet, s\u00e9lectionnez Signets dans le coin sup\u00e9rieur droit de cette page. Afin de voir une liste de tous vos signets, s\u00e9lectionnez Signets dans le coin sup\u00e9rieur gauche de toute page de cours.",
"Use my institution/campus credentials": "Utiliser mes informations institution/campus",
"Use the All Topics menu to find specific topics.": "Utilisez le menu 'Tous les sujets' pour trouver un sujet sp\u00e9cific",
"Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo": "Utilisez le bouton reprendre photo si vous n'\u00eates pas satisfait de votre photo",
......@@ -1435,7 +1429,6 @@
"You have already reported this annotation.": "Vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 signal\u00e9 cette annotation.",
"You have already verified your ID!": "Vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 votre ID!",
"You have no handouts defined": "Vous n'avez d\u00e9fini aucun documents",
"You have not bookmarked any courseware pages yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore ajout\u00e9 de signet dans les pages de cours",
"You have not created any certificates yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore cr\u00e9e de certificat.",
"You have not created any content groups yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore cr\u00e9\u00e9 de groupes de contenu.",
"You have not created any group configurations yet.": "Vous n'avez pas encore cr\u00e9\u00e9 de configuration des groupes.",
......@@ -1466,7 +1459,6 @@
"Your changes have been saved.": "Vos modifications ont \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9es.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress.": "Vos modifications ne prendront pas effet tant que vous n'aurez pas enregistr\u00e9.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress. Take care with key and value formatting, as validation is not implemented.": "Vos modifications ne prendront pas effet tant que vous n'aurez pas enregistr\u00e9. La validation n'ayant pas \u00e9t\u00e9 impl\u00e9ment\u00e9e, faites attention au formatage des cl\u00e9s et des valeurs.",
"Your course could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your course to identify any problematic components and try again.": "L'export XML de votre biblioth\u00e8que a \u00e9chou\u00e9 sans qu'il soit possible de d\u00e9terminer pr\u00e9cieusement le probl\u00e8me, veuillez examiner cette biblioth\u00e8que et corriger le composant fautif puis r\u00e9essayer.",
"Your donation could not be submitted.": "Votre don n'a pas pu \u00eatre soumis",
"Your email message was successfully queued for sending. In courses with a large number of learners, email messages to learners might take up to an hour to be sent.": "Votre email a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis sur liste d'attente avec succ\u00e8s pour l'envoi. Pour les cours avec un grand nombre d'apprenants, l'envoi des emails peut prendre jusqu'\u00e0 une heure. ",
"Your entire face fits inside the frame.": " Votre visage est enti\u00e8rement dans le cadre.",
......@@ -1476,7 +1468,6 @@
"Your file has been deleted.": "Votre fichier a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9.",
"Your import has failed.": "Votre importation a \u00e9chou\u00e9.",
"Your import is in progress; navigating away will abort it.": "Votre import est en cours ; il sera interrompu si vous changez de page.",
"Your library could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your library to identify any problematic components and try again.": "L'export XML de la biblioth\u00e8que a \u00e9chou\u00e9 sans qu'il soit possible de d\u00e9terminer pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment le probl\u00e8me. Examiner cette biblioth\u00e8que et corriger le composant en erreur puis r\u00e9essayer.",
"Your message cannot be blank.": "Votre message ne peut pas \u00eatre vide.",
"Your message must have a subject.": "Votre message doit contenir un sujet.",
"Your message must have at least one target.": "Votre message doit avoir au moins un destinataire.",
......@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
"Could not submit photos": "\uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc81c\ucd9c \ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.",
"Country": "\uad6d\uac00",
"Country or Region": "\uad6d\uac00",
"Course": "\uac15\uc88c",
"Create a new account": "\uac00\uc785\ud558\uae30",
"Create an account": "\uac00\uc785\ud558\uae30",
"Create an account using": "\uacc4\uc815 \uc5f0\ub3d9\ud558\uae30",
......@@ -345,7 +345,6 @@
"Country": "Pa\u00eds",
"Country of residence": "Pa\u00eds de resid\u00eancia",
"Country or Region": "Pa\u00eds ou regi\u00e3o",
"Course": "Curso",
"Course Credit Requirements": "Exig\u00eancias de cr\u00e9ditos do curso.",
"Course End": "T\u00e9rmino do curso",
"Course Handouts": "Apostilas do Curso",
......@@ -758,7 +757,6 @@
"Must complete verification checkpoint": "Necess\u00e1rio completar o ponto de verifica\u00e7\u00e3o. ",
"Mute": "Silenciar",
"Muted": "Mudo",
"My Bookmarks": "Meus favoritos",
"My Notes": "Minhas anota\u00e7\u00f5es",
"My Team": "Minha equipe",
"N/A": "N/A",
......@@ -1036,7 +1034,6 @@
"Signature Image": "Imagem da Assinatura",
"Skip": "Pular",
"Some Rights Reserved": "Alguns direitos reservados",
"Some content in this unit is visible only to particular content groups": "Alguns conte\u00fados nesta unidade s\u00e3o vis\u00edveis apenas para grupos de conte\u00fado particular",
"Something went wrong changing this enrollment. Please try again.": "Algo deu errado ao mudar esta matr\u00edcula. Por favor, tente novamente.",
"Sorry, no results were found.": "Desculpe, n\u00e3o foram encontrados resultados.",
"Sorry, there was an error parsing the subtitles that you uploaded. Please check the format and try again.": "Desculpe, houve um erro ao processar as legendas que voc\u00ea enviou. Por favor, cheque o formato e tente novamente.",
......@@ -1160,7 +1157,6 @@
"The timed transcript for the first video file does not appear to be the same as the timed transcript for the second video file.": "A transcri\u00e7\u00e3o sincronizada do primeiro arquivo de v\u00eddeo n\u00e3o parece ser a mesma transcri\u00e7\u00e3o do segundo arquivo de v\u00eddeo",
"The timed transcript for this video on edX is out of date, but YouTube has a current timed transcript for this video.": "A transcri\u00e7\u00e3o sincronizada do edX para este v\u00eddeo est\u00e1 desatualizada, mas o YouTube tem uma transcri\u00e7\u00e3o sincronizada atual para este v\u00eddeo.",
"The {cohortGroupName} cohort has been created. You can manually add students to this cohort below.": "O grupo {cohortGroupName} foi criado.Voc\u00ea pode adicionar manualmente os estudantes para o curso abaixo.",
"There has been a failure to export to XML at least one component. It is recommended that you go to the edit page and repair the error before attempting another export. Please check that all components on the page are valid and do not display any error messages.": "Houve uma falha de exporta\u00e7\u00e3o para XML em pelo menos um componente. Recomenda-se que voc\u00ea v\u00e1 para a p\u00e1gina de edi\u00e7\u00e3o e repare o erro antes de tentar outra exporta\u00e7\u00e3o. Por favor, verifique que todos os componentes da p\u00e1gina s\u00e3o v\u00e1lidos e n\u00e3o exibem qualquer mensagens de erro.",
"There has been an error processing your survey.": "Ocorreu um erro ao processar a sua enquete.",
"There has been an error while exporting.": "Ocorreu um erro na exporta\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"There has been an error with your export.": "Ocorreu um erro com sua exporta\u00e7\u00e3o.",
......@@ -1304,7 +1300,6 @@
"Use Current Transcript": "Usar a Transcri\u00e7\u00e3o Atual",
"Use a practice proctored exam to introduce learners to the proctoring tools and processes. Results of a practice exam do not affect a learner's grade.": "Usar uma prova supervisionada pr\u00e1tica para apresentar aos alunos as ferramentas e processos de supervis\u00e3o. Os resultados de prova pr\u00e1tica n\u00e3o afetam a nota dos alunos",
"Use a timed exam to limit the time learners can spend on problems in this subsection. Learners must submit answers before the time expires. You can allow additional time for individual learners through the Instructor Dashboard.": "Use uma prova cronometrada para limitar o tempo que os alunos podem gastar nos problemas nesta subse\u00e7\u00e3o. Os alunos devem enviar as respostas antes que o tempo acabe. Voc\u00ea pode permitir um tempo adicional para alunos individuais atrav\u00e9s do Painel do Instrutor.",
"Use bookmarks to help you easily return to courseware pages. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark in the upper right corner of that page. To see a list of all your bookmarks, select Bookmarks in the upper left corner of any courseware page.": "Use os favoritos para ajud\u00e1-lo a facilmente retornar para as p\u00e1ginas do material did\u00e1tico. Para adicionar uma p\u00e1gina aos favoritos selecione Favoritos no lado superior direito de tal p\u00e1gina. Para ver a lista de todos os teus favoritos, selecione Favoritos no canto superior de qualquer p\u00e1gina do material did\u00e1tico.",
"Use my institution/campus credentials": "Entrar com credenciais de Institui\u00e7\u00e3o/Campus",
"Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo": "Se a sua foto n\u00e3o lhe agradou utilize o bot\u00e3o de tirar a foto novamente.",
"Use your webcam to take a photo of your ID. We will match this photo with the photo of your face and the name on your account.": "Use a webcam para tirar uma foto do seu documento. N\u00f3s vamos conferir esta foto com a foto do seu rosto e o nome na sua conta.",
......@@ -1395,7 +1390,6 @@
"You have already reported this annotation.": "Voc\u00ea j\u00e1 denunciou essa anota\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"You have already verified your ID!": "Voc\u00ea j\u00e1 verificou a sua identifica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"You have no handouts defined": "Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o tem apostilas definidas",
"You have not bookmarked any courseware pages yet.": "Voc\u00ea ainda n\u00e3o adicionou aos favoritos nenhuma p\u00e1gina do material did\u00e1tico",
"You have not created any certificates yet.": "Voc\u00ea ainda n\u00e3o criou um certificado.",
"You have not created any content groups yet.": "Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o criou nenhum grupo de conte\u00fado ainda.",
"You have not created any group configurations yet.": "Voc\u00ea ainda n\u00e3o criou uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de grupo.",
......@@ -1428,7 +1422,6 @@
"Your changes have been saved.": "Suas altera\u00e7\u00f5es foram salvas.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress.": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o ter\u00e3o efeito at\u00e9 que voc\u00ea salve o seu progresso.",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress. Take care with key and value formatting, as validation is not implemented.": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o ter\u00e3o efeito at\u00e9 que voc\u00ea salve seu progresso. Verifique a formata\u00e7\u00e3o da chave e valor, enquanto a valida\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o for implementada.",
"Your course could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your course to identify any problematic components and try again.": "Seu curso n\u00e3o pode ser exportado em XML. N\u00e3o h\u00e1 informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes para identificar qual \u00e9 o componente com erro. Verifique seus cursos para identificar qualquer componente problem\u00e1tico e tente novamente.",
"Your donation could not be submitted.": "Sua doa\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o p\u00f4de ser enviada.",
"Your entire face fits inside the frame.": "Seu rosto inteiro cabe dentro do quadro.",
"Your face is well-lit.": "Seu rosto est\u00e1 bem iluminado.",
......@@ -1437,7 +1430,6 @@
"Your file has been deleted.": "O seu arquivo foi apagado.",
"Your import has failed.": "A importa\u00e7\u00e3o falhou.",
"Your import is in progress; navigating away will abort it.": "A sua importa\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e1 em progresso; navegar para outro local ir\u00e1 abort\u00e1-la.",
"Your library could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your library to identify any problematic components and try again.": "Sua biblioteca n\u00e3o pode ser exportada em XML. N\u00e3o h\u00e1 informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes para identificar qual \u00e9 o componente com erro. Verifique sua biblioteca para identificar qualquer componente problem\u00e1tico e tente novamente.",
"Your message cannot be blank.": "A sua mensagem n\u00e3o pode ficar em branco.",
"Your message must have a subject.": "A sua mensagem deve ter um t\u00edtulo.",
"Your policy changes have been saved.": "As altera\u00e7\u00f5es na pol\u00edtica foram salvas.",
......@@ -301,7 +301,6 @@
"Country": "\u56fd\u5bb6\uff0f\u5730\u533a",
"Country of residence": "\u5c45\u4f4f\u56fd\u5bb6",
"Country or Region": "\u56fd\u5bb6\u6216\u5730\u533a",
"Course": "\u8bfe\u7a0b",
"Course End": "\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7ed3\u675f",
"Course ID": "\u8bfe\u7a0bID",
"Course Index": "\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7d22\u5f15",
......@@ -666,7 +665,6 @@
"More": "\u66f4\u591a",
"Mute": "\u9759\u97f3",
"Muted": "\u9759\u97f3",
"My Bookmarks": "\u6211\u7684\u4e66\u7b7e",
"My Notes": "\u6211\u7684\u7b14\u8bb0",
"My Team": "\u6211\u7684\u56e2\u961f",
"N/A": "\u4e0d\u9002\u7528",
......@@ -1026,7 +1024,6 @@
"The raw error message is:": "\u539f\u59cb\u7684\u9519\u8bef\u4fe1\u606f\u662f\uff1a",
"The selected content group does not exist": "\u9009\u53d6\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\u7ec4\u4e0d\u5b58\u5728\u3002",
"The {cohortGroupName} cohort has been created. You can manually add students to this cohort below.": "{cohortGroupName}\u7fa4\u7ec4\u5df2\u7ecf\u521b\u5efa\uff0c\u60a8\u53ef\u4ee5\u624b\u52a8\u6dfb\u52a0\u5b66\u751f\u5230\u8fd9\u4e2a\u7fa4\u7ec4\u3002",
"There has been a failure to export to XML at least one component. It is recommended that you go to the edit page and repair the error before attempting another export. Please check that all components on the page are valid and do not display any error messages.": "\u81f3\u5c11\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u7ec4\u4ef6\u5728\u5bfc\u51fa\u5230XML\u65f6\u5931\u8d25\u4e86\u3002\u5728\u5c1d\u8bd5\u91cd\u65b0\u5bfc\u51fa\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u60a8\u5148\u53bb\u7f16\u8f91\u9875\u9762\u5e76\u4fee\u590d\u9519\u8bef\u3002\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u5e76\u786e\u8ba4\u8fd9\u4e2a\u9875\u9762\u4e0a\u7684\u6240\u6709\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\u90fd\u6709\u6548\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u6ca1\u6709\u663e\u793a\u4efb\u4f55\u9519\u8bef\u4fe1\u606f\u3002",
"There has been an error processing your survey.": "\u5728\u5904\u7406\u60a8\u7684\u8c03\u67e5\u65f6\u51fa\u73b0\u4e86\u4e00\u4e2a\u9519\u8bef\u3002",
"There has been an error while exporting.": "\u5bfc\u51fa\u65f6\u51fa\u9519\u4e86\u3002",
"There has been an error with your export.": "\u5bfc\u51fa\u65f6\u53d1\u751f\u4e86\u9519\u8bef\u3002",
......@@ -1149,7 +1146,6 @@
"Upper Roman": "\u5927\u5199\u7f57\u9a6c\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Upset Learner": "\u611f\u5230\u4e0d\u6ee1\u610f\u7684\u5b66\u751f",
"Url": "URL",
"Use bookmarks to help you easily return to courseware pages. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark in the upper right corner of that page. To see a list of all your bookmarks, select Bookmarks in the upper left corner of any courseware page.": "\u4f7f\u7528\u4e66\u7b7e\u53ef\u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\u8f7b\u677e\u8fd4\u56de\u81f3\u8bfe\u4ef6\u9875\u9762\u3002\u8981\u7ed9\u67d0\u4e2a\u9875\u9762\u6807\u8bb0\u4e66\u7b7e\uff0c\u8bf7\u9009\u62e9\u8be5\u9875\u9762\u53f3\u4e0a\u89d2\u7684\u201c\u4e66\u7b7e\u201d\u3002\u8981\u67e5\u770b\u4f60\u7684\u6240\u6709\u4e66\u7b7e\u7684\u5217\u8868\uff0c\u8bf7\u9009\u62e9\u4efb\u4f55\u8bfe\u4ef6\u9875\u9762\u5de6\u4e0a\u89d2\u7684\u201c\u4e66\u7b7e\u201d\u3002",
"Use my institution/campus credentials": "\u4f7f\u7528\u6211\u7684\u673a\u6784/\u6821\u56ed\u5e10\u53f7",
"Use the retake photo button if you are not pleased with your photo": "\u5982\u679c\u60a8\u5bf9\u7167\u7247\u4e0d\u6ee1\u610f\uff0c\u8bf7\u4f7f\u7528\u91cd\u62cd\u6309\u94ae\u91cd\u65b0\u62cd\u4e00\u5f20\u7167\u7247",
"Use your webcam to take a photo of your ID. We will match this photo with the photo of your face and the name on your account.": "\u8bf7\u7528\u6444\u50cf\u5934\u62cd\u6444\u4e00\u5f20\u60a8\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6\u7684\u7167\u7247\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5c06\u67e5\u770b\u8be5\u7167\u7247\u662f\u5426\u4e0e\u60a8\u7684\u9762\u90e8\u7167\u7247\u53ca\u60a8\u5728\u8d26\u6237\u4e2d\u586b\u5199\u7684\u59d3\u540d\u5339\u914d\u3002",
......@@ -1240,8 +1236,6 @@
"You don't seem to have a webcam connected.": "\u60a8\u4f3c\u4e4e\u6ca1\u6709\u8fde\u63a5\u4e00\u4e2a\u6444\u50cf\u5934\u3002",
"You have already reported this annotation.": "\u60a8\u5df2\u7ecf\u62a5\u544a\u8fc7\u4e86\u6b64\u6279\u6ce8\u3002",
"You have already verified your ID!": "\u60a8\u5df2\u7ecf\u6210\u529f\u9a8c\u8bc1\u4e86\u60a8\u7684\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6\uff01",
"You have earned certificates in %(completed_courses)s of the %(total_courses)s courses so far.": "\u5728 %(total_courses)s \u4e2a\u8bfe\u7a0b\u4e2d\uff0c\u60a8\u5230\u76ee\u524d\u4e3a\u6b62\u5df2\u83b7\u5f97 %(completed_courses)s \u4e2a\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7684\u8bc1\u4e66\u3002",
"You have not bookmarked any courseware pages yet.": "\u4f60\u5c1a\u672a\u5728\u4efb\u4f55\u8bfe\u4ef6\u9875\u9762\u4e0a\u6807\u8bb0\u4e66\u7b7e\u3002",
"You have not created any content groups yet.": "\u60a8\u8fd8\u6ca1\u6709\u521b\u5efa\u4efb\u4f55\u5185\u5bb9\u7ec4\u3002",
"You have not created any group configurations yet.": "\u60a8\u8fd8\u6ca1\u6709\u521b\u5efa\u4efb\u4f55\u7ec4\u914d\u7f6e\u3002",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "\u6709\u672a\u4fdd\u5b58\u7684\u66f4\u6539\uff0c\u786e\u5b9a\u8981\u79bb\u5f00\u5417\uff1f",
......@@ -1267,7 +1261,6 @@
"Your changes have been saved.": "\u60a8\u6240\u4f5c\u7684\u53d8\u66f4\u5df2\u4fdd\u5b58\u3002",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress.": "\u60a8\u6240\u4f5c\u53d8\u66f4\u5728\u4fdd\u5b58\u540e\u624d\u80fd\u751f\u6548\u3002",
"Your changes will not take effect until you save your progress. Take care with key and value formatting, as validation is not implemented.": "\u53d8\u66f4\u5728\u4fdd\u5b58\u4e4b\u540e\u751f\u6548\u3002\u7531\u4e8e\u7cfb\u7edf\u6682\u65f6\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u6821\u9a8c\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u8bf7\u4ed4\u7ec6\u68c0\u67e5\u7b56\u7565\u952e\u503c\u5bf9\u8bbe\u7f6e\u3002",
"Your course could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your course to identify any problematic components and try again.": "\u60a8\u7684\u8bfe\u7a0b\u65e0\u6cd5\u5bfc\u51fa\u81f3XML\u3002\u6682\u65f6\u6ca1\u6709\u8db3\u591f\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\u6765\u5b9a\u4f4d\u5931\u8d25\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u60a8\u7684\u8bfe\u7a0b\u4ee5\u5b9a\u4f4d\u4efb\u4f55\u53ef\u80fd\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u91cd\u8bd5\u3002",
"Your donation could not be submitted.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6350\u6b3e\u65e0\u6cd5\u63d0\u4ea4\u3002",
"Your entire face fits inside the frame.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6574\u5f20\u8138\u90fd\u5728\u6846\u5185\u3002",
"Your face is well-lit.": "\u60a8\u7684\u9762\u90e8\u5149\u7167\u5f88\u597d\u3002",
......@@ -1275,7 +1268,6 @@
"Your file could not be uploaded": "\u60a8\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u65e0\u6cd5\u4e0a\u4f20\u3002",
"Your file has been deleted.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u5df2\u7ecf\u88ab\u5220\u9664",
"Your import has failed.": "\u5bfc\u5165\u5931\u8d25\u3002",
"Your library could not be exported to XML. There is not enough information to identify the failed component. Inspect your library to identify any problematic components and try again.": "\u60a8\u7684\u77e5\u8bc6\u5e93\u65e0\u6cd5\u5bfc\u51fa\u81f3XML\u3002\u6682\u65f6\u6ca1\u6709\u8db3\u591f\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\u6765\u5b9a\u4f4d\u5931\u8d25\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u60a8\u7684\u77e5\u8bc6\u5e93\u4ee5\u5b9a\u4f4d\u4efb\u4f55\u53ef\u80fd\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u91cd\u8bd5\u3002",
"Your message cannot be blank.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6d88\u606f\u4e0d\u80fd\u4e3a\u7a7a\u3002",
"Your message must have a subject.": "\u60a8\u7684\u6d88\u606f\u5fc5\u987b\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u6807\u9898\u3002",
"Your policy changes have been saved.": "\u60a8\u7684\u7b56\u7565\u53d8\u66f4\u5df2\u4fdd\u5b58\u3002",
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