Commit d3a467d3 by Adam Palay Committed by Qubad786

Only add event listener if it hasn't been added yet

parent 7eb079df
......@@ -115,6 +115,27 @@ describe("Formula Equation Preview", function () {
it('does not request again if the initial request has already been made', function () {
// jshint undef:false
// Reset the spy in order to check calls again.
// Enabling the formulaEquationPreview again to see if this will
// reinitialize input request once again.
// This part may be asynchronous, so wait.
waitsFor(function () {
return !Problem.inputAjax.wasCalled;
}, "times out in case of AJAX call", 1000);
// Expect Problem.inputAjax was not called as input request was
// initialized before.
it('makes a request on user input', function () {
......@@ -58,9 +58,17 @@ formulaEquationPreview.enable = function () {
throttledRequest(inputData, this.value);
$this.on("input", initializeRequest);
// Ask for initial preview.;
if (!$"inputInitialized")) {
// Hack alert: since this javascript file is loaded every time a
// problem with mathjax preview is loaded, we wrap this step in this
// condition to make sure we don't attach multiple event listeners
// per math input if multiple such problems are loaded on a page.
$this.on("input", initializeRequest);
// Ask for initial preview.;
// indicates that the initial preview is done for current $this!
$"inputInitialized", true);
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