Commit d3149f66 by Chris Terman

add initial_state attribute to jsinput tag

parent 8f4ce392
......@@ -580,6 +580,7 @@ class JSInput(InputTypeBase):
Attribute('gradefn', "gradefn"),
Attribute('get_statefn', None), # Function to call in iframe
# to get current state.
Attribute('initial_state', None), # JSON string to be used as initial state
Attribute('set_statefn', None), # Function to call iframe to
# set state
Attribute('width', "400"), # iframe width
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
% if saved_state:
% endif
% if initial_state:
% endif
% if get_statefn:
% endif
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ data: |
<jsinput gradefn="WebGLDemo.getGrade"
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ var JSInput = (function ($, undefined) {
stateSetter = sectionAttr("data-setstate"),
// Get stored state
storedState = sectionAttr("data-stored"),
// Get initial state
initialState = sectionAttr("data-initial-state"),
// Bypass single-origin policy only if this attribute is "false"
// In that case, use JSChannel to do so.
sop = sectionAttr("data-sop"),
......@@ -132,19 +134,25 @@ var JSInput = (function ($, undefined) {
// state to give it. If stateSetter is specified but calling it
// fails, wait and try again, since the iframe might still be
// loading.
if (stateSetter && storedState) {
if (stateSetter && (storedState || initialState)) {
var stateValue, jsonValue;
try {
jsonValue = JSON.parse(storedState);
} catch (err) {
jsonValue = storedState;
if (storedState) {
try {
jsonValue = JSON.parse(storedState);
} catch (err) {
jsonValue = storedState;
if (typeof(jsonValue) === "object") {
stateValue = jsonValue["state"];
} else {
stateValue = jsonValue;
if (typeof(jsonValue) === "object") {
stateValue = jsonValue["state"];
} else {
stateValue = jsonValue;
else {
// use initial_state string as the JSON string for stateValue.
stateValue = initialState;
// Try calling setstate every 200ms while it throws an exception,
......@@ -294,6 +294,9 @@ The following table describes the attributes of the ``jsinput`` element.
- The function in your JavaScript application that saves the state of the
- ``JSObject.setState``
* - initial_state
- A JSON string representing the initial state, if any, of the objects.
- '{"selectedObjects":{"cube":true,"cylinder":false}}'
* - width
- The width of the IFrame in which your JavaScript application will be
displayed, in pixels.
......@@ -309,4 +312,4 @@ The following table describes the attributes of the ``jsinput`` element.
* - sop
- The same-origin policy (SOP), meaning that all elements have the same
protocol, host, and port. To bypass the SOP, set to ``true``.
- false
\ No newline at end of file
- false
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