Commit d28c0b5f by marco

cleaned up styling, synced up partially to existing standards for forms, fonts,…

cleaned up styling, synced up partially to existing standards for forms, fonts, colors, etc; currently open select box issue on chrome
parent 38abc016
......@@ -445,20 +445,23 @@ body.course.unit {
.component-edit-menu {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
padding: 15px;
padding: 15px 0 15px 20px;
top: 0;
right: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-l2;
background-color: $lightBluishGrey2;
background-color: $blue;
color: $white;
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(182, 182, 182, 0.75) inset;
//Component Name
.component-name {
@extend .t-copy-sub1;
color: $white;
width: 50%;
@include font-size(14);
em {
font-weight: 700;
@extend .t-title-3;
color: $white;
......@@ -478,14 +481,18 @@ body.course.unit {
.active-mode {
@include white-button;
@include blue-button;
&.is-set {
background-color: $white;
cursor: default;
linear-gradient: none;
@include box-shadow(0 0 1px 1px rgba(240, 240, 240, .1) inset);
.is-set {
@include linear-gradient($blue, $blue);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px $shadow;
background-color: $blue;
cursor: default;
&:hover {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px $shadow;
background-color: $blue;
......@@ -493,16 +500,18 @@ body.course.unit {
// Editor Wrapper
.wrapper-component-editor {
// Settings Wrapper
.wrapper-component-settings ul{
overflow: auto;
max-height: 400px;
//TO-DO browser testing for scrollbar, especially styles below.
//chrome scrollbar visibility correction
&::-webkit-scrollbar {
-webkit-appearance: none;
width: 11px;
......@@ -511,57 +520,92 @@ body.course.unit {
&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 8px;
border: 2px solid $lightBluishGrey2;
border: 2px solid $gray-l2;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
.settings-row {
// general row sizing stuff
@extend .field-group; // TO-DO ???
background-color: $white;
padding: 10px 20px;
border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-l2;
opacity: .8;
&:hover {
@include transition(opacity 0.25s ease-in-out);
opacity: 1;
//Styles for component settings which are set
&.is-set {
opacity: 1;
background-color: $white;
font-weight: 200;
.setting-label {
color: $blue-l1;
.setting-input {
color: $blue-l1;
.setting-clear {
.wrapper-setting-actions {
@extend .field;
display: inline-block;
width: 360px;
top: 0;
vertical-align: top;
//Setting Label - also basic 'label'
.setting-label {
font-weight: 500;
@extend .t-copy-sub2;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
left: 0;
height: 50%;
width: 100px;
width: 120px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
//Setting Input - also basic 'field'
.setting-input {
@extend .t-copy-sub3;
@include placeholder($gray-l4);
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 6px 8px 8px;
width: 200px;
width: 180px;
height: auto;
border: 1px solid $gray-l2;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
//&:focus {
//custom styling of selectbox to look more like input boxes.
select {
border: 1px solid $gray-l4;
background: none repeat scroll #F2F2F2;
padding: 5px;
&:focus {
@include box-shadow(0 1px 1px $shadow);
@include transition(opacity 0.25s ease-in-out);
background-color: #FFFCF1;
&:active {
background-color: #FFFCF1;
//Setting Clear Button
.setting-clear {
@include font-size(11);
color: $gray;
......@@ -570,16 +614,17 @@ body.course.unit {
vertical-align: middle;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-left: 10px;
margin: 0 10px;
box-shadow: none;
text-shadow: none;
border: 1px solid $gray-l4;
&:hover {
@include box-shadow(0 1px 1px $shadow);
@include transition(opacity 0.25s ease-in-out);
background-color: $blue-s3;
border: 1px solid $blue-s3;
color: $white;
@include box-shadow(0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) inset, 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15));
&.inactive {
......@@ -587,14 +632,13 @@ body.course.unit {
//Setting Tip
.setting-help {
@include clearfix;
display: inline-block;
@include font-size(12);
display: inline-block;
font-color: $gray-l6;
padding-left: 20px;
width: 65%;
max-width: 50%;
vertical-align: top;
......@@ -632,9 +676,9 @@ body.course.unit {
// ====================
.module-actions {
@include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px $shadow);
padding: 0 0 10px 10px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 1px rgba(182, 182, 182, 0.75) inset;
background-color: $gray-l6;
background-color: $gray-l4;
.save-button {
margin: 15px 8px 0 0;
......@@ -755,9 +799,9 @@ body.course.unit {
.unit-location {
.url {
@include box-shadow(none);
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
@include box-shadow(none);
......@@ -771,6 +815,7 @@ body.course.unit {
@include tree-view;
.section-item {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
font-size: 11px;
......@@ -778,7 +823,6 @@ body.course.unit {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
@include box-sizing(border-box);
ol {
......@@ -17,49 +17,57 @@
</div> <!-- Editor Header -->
<div class="component-edit-modes">
<div class="module-editor editor-wrapper" id="editor-tab">
<!--${editor} -->
<div class="module-editor wrapper-component-editor" id="editor-tab">
<!-- no longer are settings imported from metadata-edit.hmtl, ideally? -->
</div> <!-- Editor Wrapper-->
<ul class="settings-wrapper" id="settings-tab">
<!--% for type in sorted(something.keys()):-->
<!--is-set class applied when user sets value-->
<li class="settings-row is-set">
<label class="setting-label" for="setting-id-1">Setting 1</label>
<input class="setting-input" type="text" id="setting-id-1"/>
<!--button clickable if is-set -->
<button class="setting-clear" type="button" name="setting-clear" value="Clear" data-tooltip="Clear">
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block undo">&#x21A9;</i>
<span class="setting-help">helpstring</span>
<!--% showing second example mostly to see is-set style difference -->
<li class="settings-row">
<label class="setting-label" for="setting-id-2">Setting 2</label>
<input class="setting-input" type="text" id="setting-id-2"/>
<button class="setting-clear inactive" type="button" name="setting-clear" value="Clear" data-tooltip="Clear">
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block undo">&#x21A9;</i>
<div class="setting-help">This is a more reasonable helpstring sentence that would alos wrap around. A second sentence in some cases may be necessary.</div>
<!--% showing dropdown example -->
<li class="settings-row">
<label class="setting-label" for="setting-id-3">Setting Display </label>
<select class="setting-input" id="setting-id-3" name="type">
<!--% for all in available options -->
<option value="displayName1" selected>Closed</option>
<!--in case value already defaulted -->
<option value="displayName2">NotClosed</option>
<option value="displayName3">Open</option>
<option value="displayName4">Available</option>
<button class="setting-clear inactive" type="button" name="setting-clear" value="Clear" data-tooltip="Clear">
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block undo">&#x21A9;</i>
<span class="setting-help">helpstring</span>
</ul> <!-- Settings Wrapper-->
<div class="wrapper-component-settings" id="settings-tab">
<ul class="list-input settings-list">
<!--% for type in sorted(something.keys()):-->
<!--is-set class applied when user sets value-->
<li class="settings-row is-set">
<div class="wrapper-setting-actions">
<label class="setting-label" for="setting-id-1">Display Name</label>
<input class="setting-input" type="text" id="setting-id-1" value="Name of Component"/>
<!--button clickable if is-set -->
<button class="setting-clear" type="button" name="setting-clear" value="Clear" data-tooltip="Clear">
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block undo">&#x21A9;</i>
<span class="setting-help">helpstring</span>
<!--% showing second example mostly to see is-set style difference -->
<li class="settings-row">
<div class="wrapper-setting-actions">
<label class="setting-label" for="setting-id-2">Setting 2</label>
<input class="setting-input" type="text" id="setting-id-2"/>
<button class="setting-clear inactive" type="button" name="setting-clear" value="Clear" data-tooltip="Clear">
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block undo">&#x21A9;</i>
<span class="setting-help">This is a longer sentence, repeated multiple times here just to test out the functionaltiy.</span>
<!--% showing dropdown example -->
<li class="settings-row">
<div class="wrapper-setting-actions">
<label class="setting-label" for="setting-displayName">Display Name</label>
<select class="setting-input" id="setting-displayName" name="type">
<!--% for all in available options -->
<option value="displayName-closed" selected>Closed</option>
<!--in case value already defaulted -->
<option value="displayName-notclosed">NotClosed</option>
<option value="displayName-open">Open</option>
<option value="displayName-available">Available</option>
<button class="setting-clear inactive" type="button" name="setting-clear" value="Clear" data-tooltip="Clear">
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block undo">&#x21A9;</i>
<span class="setting-help">helpstring</span>
</div> <!-- Settings Wrapper-->
<div class="row module-actions">
<a href="#" class="save-button">Save</a>
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