Commit d275dd4a by Hasnain Committed by Douglas Hall

Added bok choy test for proctoring instructor dashboard

parent 79dd5975
......@@ -767,6 +767,53 @@ class SpecialExamsPageAllowanceSection(PageObject):
return self.q(css="a#add-allowance").present
def is_allowance_record_visible(self):
Returns True if the Add Allowance button is present.
return self.q(css="table.allowance-table tr.allowance-items").present
def is_add_allowance_popup_visible(self):
Returns True if the Add Allowance popup and it's all assets are present.
return self.q(css="div.modal div.modal-header").present and self._are_all_assets_present()
def _are_all_assets_present(self):
Returns True if all the assets present in add allowance popup/form
return (
self.q(css="select#proctored_exam").present and
self.q(css="label#exam_type_label").present and
self.q(css="input#allowance_value").present and
self.q(css="input#user_info").present and
) and (
# This will be present if exam is proctored
self.q(css="select#allowance_type").present or
# This will be present if exam is timed
def click_add_allowance_button(self):
Click the add allowance button
self.wait_for_element_presence("div.modal div.modal-header", "Popup should be visible")
def submit_allowance_form(self, allowed_minutes, username):
Fill and submit the allowance
self.wait_for_element_absence("div.modal div.modal-header", "Popup should be hidden")
class SpecialExamsPageAttemptsSection(PageObject):
......@@ -271,6 +271,18 @@ class ProctoredExamsTest(BaseInstructorDashboardTest):
# Then I can add Allowance to that exam for a student
# When I click the Add Allowance button
# Then popup should be visible
# When I fill and submit the allowance form
allowance_section.submit_allowance_form('10', self.USERNAME)
# Then, the added record should be visible
def test_can_reset_attempts(self):
Make sure that Exam attempts are visible and can be reset.
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