Commit d1e8f4c0 by Ibrahim Awwal

Properly puluralize comments tooltip and change "unread" to "new".

parent 2ccff103
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
<a href="${'<%- id %>'}" data-id="${'<%- id %>'}">
<span class="title">${"<%- title %>"}</span>
${"<% if (unread_comments_count > 0) { %>"}
<span class="comments-count unread" data-tooltip="${"<%- unread_comments_count %>"} unread comments">${"<%- comments_count %>"}</span>
<span class="comments-count unread" data-tooltip="${"<%- unread_comments_count %>"} new comment${"<%- unread_comments_count > 1 ? 's' : '' %>"}">${"<%- comments_count %>"}</span>
${"<% } else { %>"}
<span class="comments-count">${"<%- comments_count %>"}</span>
${"<% } %>"}
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