Commit d1d3e6b1 by David Baumgold

Merge pull request #3460 from edx/release

Merging release back to master
parents 6686eb54 29d32d35
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ Blades: Set initial video quality to large instead of default to avoid automatic
Blades: Add an upload button for authors to provide students with an option to
download a handout associated with a video (of arbitrary file format). BLD-1000.
Studio: Add "raw HTML" editor so that authors can write HTML that will not be
changed in any way. STUD-1562
Blades: Show the HD button only if there is an HD version available. BLD-937.
Studio: Add edit button to leaf xblocks on the container page. STUD-1306.
......@@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ Feature: CMS.Component Adding
| Text |
| Announcement |
| Zooming Image |
| Raw HTML |
Then I see HTML components in this order:
| Component |
| Text |
| Announcement |
| Zooming Image |
| Raw HTML |
Scenario: I can add Latex HTML components
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
......@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ def see_a_multi_step_component(step, category):
'E-text Written in LaTeX':
'<h2>Example: E-text page</h2>',
'Raw HTML':
'<p>This template is similar to the Text template. The only difference is',
actual_html = world.css_html(selector, index=idx)
assert_in(html_matcher[step_hash['Component']], actual_html)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
Scenario: User can view metadata
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
And I edit and select Settings
Then I see only the HTML display name setting
Then I see the HTML component settings
# Safari doesn't save the name properly
......@@ -47,6 +47,26 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
Scenario: TinyMCE and CodeMirror preserve span tags
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
When I edit the page
And type "<span>Test</span>" in the code editor and press OK
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
Scenario: TinyMCE and CodeMirror preserve math tags
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
When I edit the page
And type "<math><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup></math>" in the code editor and press OK
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
Scenario: TinyMCE toolbar buttons are as expected
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
When I edit the page
......@@ -57,7 +77,7 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
When I edit the page
And type "<img src="/static/image.jpg">" in the code editor and press OK
Then the src link is rewritten to "c4x/MITx/999/asset/image.jpg"
And the code editor displays "<p><img src="/static/image.jpg" alt="" /></p>"
And the code editor displays "<p><img src="/static/image.jpg" /></p>"
Scenario: Code format toolbar button wraps text with code tags
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
......@@ -69,3 +89,42 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
<p><code>display as code</code></p>
Scenario: Raw HTML component does not change text
Given I have created a raw HTML component
When I edit the page
And type "<li>zzzz<ol>" into the Raw Editor
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
And I edit the page
Then the Raw Editor contains exactly:
Scenario: Can switch from Visual Editor to Raw
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
When I edit the component and select the Raw Editor
And I save the page
When I edit the page
And type "fancy html" into the Raw Editor
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
fancy html
Scenario: Can switch from Raw Editor to Visual
Given I have created a raw HTML component
And I edit the component and select the Visual Editor
And I save the page
When I edit the page
And type "less fancy html" in the code editor and press OK
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
less fancy html
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# pylint: disable=C0111
from lettuce import world, step
from import assert_in, assert_equal # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from import assert_in, assert_false, assert_true, assert_equal # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from common import type_in_codemirror, get_codemirror_value
CODEMIRROR_SELECTOR_PREFIX = "$('iframe').contents().find"
......@@ -18,9 +18,24 @@ def i_created_blank_html_page(step):
@step('I see only the HTML display name setting$')
@step('I have created a raw HTML component')
def i_created_raw_html(step):
component_type='Raw HTML'
@step('I see the HTML component settings$')
def i_see_only_the_html_display_name(step):
world.verify_all_setting_entries([['Display Name', "Text", False]])
['Display Name', "Text", False],
['Editor', "Visual", False]
@step('I have created an E-text Written in LaTeX$')
......@@ -81,6 +96,10 @@ def check_link_in_link_plugin(step, path):
@step('type "(.*)" in the code editor and press OK$')
def type_in_codemirror_plugin(step, text):
# Verify that raw code editor is not visible.
assert_true(world.css_has_class('.CodeMirror', 'is-inactive'))
# Verify that TinyMCE editor is present
lambda: type_in_codemirror(0, text, CODEMIRROR_SELECTOR_PREFIX)
......@@ -131,6 +150,11 @@ def check_page_text(step):
assert_in(step.multiline, world.css_find('.xmodule_HtmlModule').html)
@step('the Raw Editor contains exactly:')
def check_raw_editor_text(step):
assert_equal(step.multiline, get_codemirror_value(0))
@step('the src link is rewritten to "(.*)"$')
def image_static_link_is_rewritten(step, path):
# Find the TinyMCE iframe within the main window
......@@ -199,3 +223,18 @@ def set_text_and_select(step, text):
def select_code_button(step):
# This is our custom "code style" button. It uses an image instead of a class.
@step('type "(.*)" into the Raw Editor$')
def type_in_raw_editor(step, text):
# Verify that CodeMirror editor is not hidden
assert_false(world.css_has_class('.CodeMirror', 'is-inactive'))
# Verify that TinyMCE Editor is not present
type_in_codemirror(0, text)
@step('I edit the component and select the (Raw|Visual) Editor$')
def select_editor(step, editor):
world.edit_component_and_select_settings()'Editor', editor)
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<div class="wrapper-comp-editor" id="editor-tab" data-base-asset-url="${base_asset_url}">
<div class="wrapper-comp-editor" id="editor-tab" data-base-asset-url="${base_asset_url}" data-editor="${editor}">
<section class="html-editor editor">
<div class="row">
<textarea class="tiny-mce">${data | h}</textarea>
% if editor == 'visual':
<textarea class="tiny-mce">${data | h}</textarea>
% endif
<textarea name="" class="edit-box">${data | h}</textarea>
// HTML component editor:
// HTML component editor:
.html-editor {
@include clearfix();
.CodeMirror {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
position: absolute;
top: 46px;
width: 100%;
height: 379px;
border: 1px solid #3c3c3c;
border-top: 1px solid #8891a1;
background: #fff;
color: #3c3c3c;
.CodeMirror-scroll {
height: 100%;
.editor-tabs {
top: 0 !important;
right: 10px;
z-index: 99;
height: 435px;
.is-inactive {
display: none;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ class HtmlFields(object):
editor = String(
help="Select Visual to enter content and have the editor automatically create the HTML. Select Raw to edit HTML directly. If you change this setting, you must save the component and then re-open it for editing.",
{"display_name": "Visual", "value": "visual"},
{"display_name": "Raw", "value": "raw"}
class HtmlModule(HtmlFields, XModule):
......@@ -113,6 +123,7 @@ class HtmlDescriptor(HtmlFields, XmlDescriptor, EditingDescriptor):
'base_asset_url': StaticContent.get_base_url_path_for_course_assets(self.location) + '/',
'enable_latex_compiler': self.use_latex_compiler,
'editor': self.editor
return _context
<div class="test-component">
<div class="wrapper-comp-editor" id="editor-tab" data-base-asset-url="/c4x/foo/bar/asset/" data-editor="visual">
<section class="html-editor editor">
<div class="row">
<textarea class="tiny-mce"><p>original visual text</p></textarea>
<textarea name="" class="edit-box">raw text</textarea>
<section class="html-edit">
<textarea class="tiny-mce">dummy text</textarea>
<div class="test-component">
<div class="wrapper-comp-editor" id="editor-tab" data-editor="raw">
<section class="html-editor editor">
<div class="row">
<textarea name="" class="edit-box">raw text</textarea>
......@@ -3,39 +3,32 @@ describe 'HTMLEditingDescriptor', ->
window.baseUrl = "/static/deadbeef"
afterEach ->
delete window.baseUrl
describe 'HTML Editor', ->
describe 'Visual HTML Editor', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'html-edit.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.html-edit'))
it 'Returns data from Visual Editor if Visual Editor is dirty', ->
loadFixtures 'html-edit-visual.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.test-component'))
it 'Returns data from Visual Editor if text has changed', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> true
getContent: () -> 'from visual editor'
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
data =
expect(data).toEqual('from visual editor')
it 'Returns data from Visual Editor even if Visual Editor is not dirty', ->
it 'Returns data from Raw Editor if text has not changed', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> false
getContent: () -> 'from visual editor'
getContent: () -> '<p>original visual text</p>'
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
data =
expect(data).toEqual('from visual editor')
expect(data).toEqual('raw text')
it 'Performs link rewriting for static assets when saving', ->
visualEditorStub =
isDirty: () -> true
getContent: () -> 'from visual editor with /c4x/foo/bar/asset/image.jpg'
spyOn(@descriptor, 'getVisualEditor').andCallFake () ->
@descriptor.base_asset_url = '/c4x/foo/bar/asset/'
data =
expect(data).toEqual('from visual editor with /static/image.jpg')
it 'When showing visual editor links are rewritten to c4x format', ->
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.html-edit'))
@descriptor.base_asset_url = '/c4x/foo/bar/asset/'
visualEditorStub =
content: 'text /static/image.jpg'
startContent: 'text /static/image.jpg'
......@@ -45,3 +38,10 @@ describe 'HTMLEditingDescriptor', ->
expect(visualEditorStub.getContent()).toEqual('text /c4x/foo/bar/asset/image.jpg')
describe 'Raw HTML Editor', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'html-editor-raw.html'
@descriptor = new HTMLEditingDescriptor($('.test-component'))
it 'Returns data from raw editor', ->
data =
expect(data).toEqual('raw text')
class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
constructor: (element) ->
@element = element;
@element = element
@base_asset_url = @element.find("#editor-tab").data('base-asset-url')
@editor_choice = @element.find("#editor-tab").data('editor')
if @base_asset_url == undefined
@base_asset_url = null
# Create an array of all content CSS links to use in and pass to Tiny MCE.
# We create this dynamically in order to support hashed files from our Django pipeline.
# CSS files that are to be used by Tiny MCE should contain the string "tinymce" so
# they can be found by the search below.
# We filter for only those files that are "content" files (as opposed to "skin" files).
tiny_mce_css_links = []
$("link[rel=stylesheet][href*='tinymce']").filter("[href*='content']").each ->
tiny_mce_css_links.push $(this).attr("href")
# This is a workaround for the fact that tinyMCE's baseURL property is not getting correctly set on AWS
# instances (like sandbox). It is not necessary to explicitly set baseURL when running locally.
tinyMCE.baseURL = "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce"
# This is necessary for the LMS bulk e-mail acceptance test. In that particular scenario,
# tinyMCE incorrectly decides that the suffix should be "", which means it fails to load files.
tinyMCE.suffix = ".min"
@tiny_mce_textarea = $(".tiny-mce", @element).tinymce({
script_url : "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js",
theme : "modern",
skin: 'studio-tmce4',
schema: "html5",
# Necessary to preserve relative URLs to our images.
convert_urls : false,
content_css : tiny_mce_css_links.join(", "),
formats : {
# tinyMCE does block level for code by default
code: {inline: 'code'}
# Disable visual aid on borderless table.
visual: false,
plugins: "textcolor, link, image, codemirror",
codemirror: {
path: "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor"
image_advtab: true,
# We may want to add "styleselect" when we collect all styles used throughout the LMS
toolbar: "formatselect | fontselect | bold italic underline forecolor wrapAsCode | bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote | link unlink image | code",
block_formats: "Paragraph=p;Preformatted=pre;Heading 1=h1;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h3",
width: '100%',
height: '400px',
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
# Necessary to avoid stripping of style tags.
valid_children : "+body[style]",
setup: @setupTinyMCE,
# Cannot get access to tinyMCE Editor instance (for focusing) until after it is rendered.
# The tinyMCE callback passes in the editor as a parameter.
init_instance_callback: @initInstanceCallback
# We always create the "raw editor" so we can get the text out of it if necessary on save.
@advanced_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($(".edit-box", @element)[0], {
mode: "text/html"
lineNumbers: true
lineWrapping: true
if @editor_choice == 'visual'
@$advancedEditorWrapper = $(@advanced_editor.getWrapperElement())
# Create an array of all content CSS links to use in and pass to Tiny MCE.
# We create this dynamically in order to support hashed files from our Django pipeline.
# CSS files that are to be used by Tiny MCE should contain the string "tinymce" so
# they can be found by the search below.
# We filter for only those files that are "content" files (as opposed to "skin" files).
tiny_mce_css_links = []
$("link[rel=stylesheet][href*='tinymce']").filter("[href*='content']").each ->
tiny_mce_css_links.push $(this).attr("href")
# This is a workaround for the fact that tinyMCE's baseURL property is not getting correctly set on AWS
# instances (like sandbox). It is not necessary to explicitly set baseURL when running locally.
tinyMCE.baseURL = "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce"
# This is necessary for the LMS bulk e-mail acceptance test. In that particular scenario,
# tinyMCE incorrectly decides that the suffix should be "", which means it fails to load files.
tinyMCE.suffix = ".min"
@tiny_mce_textarea = $(".tiny-mce", @element).tinymce({
script_url : "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.full.min.js",
theme : "modern",
skin: 'studio-tmce4',
schema: "html5",
# Necessary to preserve relative URLs to our images.
convert_urls : false,
content_css : tiny_mce_css_links.join(", "),
formats : {
# tinyMCE does block level for code by default
code: {inline: 'code'}
# Disable visual aid on borderless table.
visual: false,
plugins: "textcolor, link, image, codemirror",
codemirror: {
path: "#{baseUrl}/js/vendor"
image_advtab: true,
# We may want to add "styleselect" when we collect all styles used throughout the LMS
toolbar: "formatselect | fontselect | bold italic underline forecolor wrapAsCode | bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote | link unlink image | code",
block_formats: "Paragraph=p;Preformatted=pre;Heading 1=h1;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h3",
width: '100%',
height: '400px',
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
# Necessary to avoid stripping of style tags.
valid_children : "+body[style]",
# Allow any elements to be used, e.g. link, script, math
valid_elements: "*[*]",
extended_valid_elements: "*[*]",
invalid_elements: "",
setup: @setupTinyMCE,
# Cannot get access to tinyMCE Editor instance (for focusing) until after it is rendered.
# The tinyMCE callback passes in the editor as a parameter.
init_instance_callback: @initInstanceCallback
setupTinyMCE: (ed) =>
ed.addButton('wrapAsCode', {
title : 'Code block',
......@@ -109,6 +127,9 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
initInstanceCallback: (visualEditor) =>
visualEditor.setContent(rewriteStaticLinks(visualEditor.getContent({no_events: 1}), '/static/', @base_asset_url))
# Unfortunately, just setting visualEditor.isNortDirty = true is not enough to convince TinyMCE we
# haven't dirtied the Editor. Store the raw content so we can compare it later.
@starting_content = visualEditor.getContent({format:"raw", no_events: 1})
getVisualEditor: () ->
......@@ -120,6 +141,14 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
return @visualEditor
save: ->
visualEditor = @getVisualEditor()
text = rewriteStaticLinks(visualEditor.getContent({no_events: 1}), @base_asset_url, '/static/')
text = undefined
if @editor_choice == 'visual'
visualEditor = @getVisualEditor()
raw_content = visualEditor.getContent({format:"raw", no_events: 1})
if @starting_content != raw_content
text = rewriteStaticLinks(visualEditor.getContent({no_events: 1}), @base_asset_url, '/static/')
if text == undefined
text = @advanced_editor.getValue()
data: text
display_name: Raw HTML
editor: raw
data: |
<p>This template is similar to the Text template. The only difference is
that this template opens in the Raw HTML editor rather than in the Visual
<p>The Raw HTML editor saves your HTML exactly as you enter it.
You can switch to the Visual editor by clicking the Settings tab and
changing the Editor setting to Visual. Note, however, that some of your
HTML may be modified when you save the component if you switch to the
Visual editor.</p>
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<section class="outside-app">
${_(u"There has been a 500 error on the {platform_name} servers").format(
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<section class="html-editor editor">
<div class="row">
<textarea class="tiny-mce">${data | h}</textarea>
<div class="wrapper-comp-editor" id="editor-tab" data-editor="${editor}">
<section class="html-editor editor">
<div class="row">
% if editor == 'visual':
<textarea class="tiny-mce">${data | h}</textarea>
% endif
<textarea name="" class="edit-box">${data | h}</textarea>
\ No newline at end of file
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