Commit d0449cdf by Sarina Canelake

get_courses_for_wiki return course_keys across all modulestores [LMS-2914]

parent 6074e0b1
......@@ -262,11 +262,23 @@ class CourseTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
except AssertionError:
# old mongo calls things draft if draft exists even if it's != published; so, do more work
# TODO LMS-11017 "Studio auto-publish course-wide features and settings"
# Temporary hack until autopublish implemented - right now, because we call
# update_item within create_course to set the wiki & other course-wide settings,
# the publish version does not necessarily equal the draft version in split.
# So if either item is in Split, just continue on
if not isinstance(course1_item.runtime.modulestore, SplitMongoModuleStore) and \
not isinstance(course2_item.runtime.modulestore, SplitMongoModuleStore):
# old mongo calls things draft if draft exists even if it's != published; so, do more work
c1_state = self.compute_real_state(course1_item)
c2_state = self.compute_real_state(course2_item)
"Course item {} in state {} != course item {} in state {}".format(
course1_item, c1_state, course2_item, c2_state
# compare data
self.assertEqual(hasattr(course1_item, 'data'), hasattr(course2_item, 'data'))
......@@ -329,11 +341,15 @@ class CourseTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# see if the draft differs from the published
published =, revision=ModuleStoreEnum.RevisionOption.published_only)
if item.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope() != published.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope():
# checking content: if published differs from item, return draft
return supposed_state
if item.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope(Scope.settings) != published.get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope(Scope.settings):
# checking settings: if published differs from item, return draft
return supposed_state
if item.has_children and item.children != published.children:
# checking children: if published differs from item, return draft
return supposed_state
# published == item in all respects, so return public
return PublishState.public
elif supposed_state == PublishState.public and item.location.category in mongo.base.DIRECT_ONLY_CATEGORIES:
if not all([
......@@ -287,6 +287,15 @@ class ModuleStoreRead(object):
def get_courses_for_wiki(self, wiki_slug):
Return the list of courses which use this wiki_slug
:param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
:return: list of course keys
def compute_publish_state(self, xblock):
Returns whether this xblock is draft, public, or private.
......@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Return the list of courses which use this wiki_slug
:param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
:return: list of course locations
:return: list of course keys
courses = []
for modulestore in self.modulestores:
......@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ BLOCK_TYPES_WITH_CHILDREN = list(set(
name for name, class_ in XBlock.load_classes() if getattr(class_, 'has_children', False)
# Allow us to call _from_deprecated_(son|string) throughout the file
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class MongoRevisionKey(object):
Key Revision constants to use for Location and Usage Keys in the Mongo modulestore
......@@ -1252,14 +1256,17 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Return the list of courses which use this wiki_slug
:param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
:return: list of course locations
:return: list of course keys
courses = self.collection.find(
{'_id.category': 'course', '': wiki_slug},
{'_id': True}
# the course's run == its name. It's the only xblock for which that's necessarily true.
return [Location._from_deprecated_son(course['_id'], course['_id']['name']) for course in courses]
return [
Location._from_deprecated_son(course['_id'], course['_id']['name']).course_key
for course in courses
def _create_new_field_data(self, _category, _location, definition_data, metadata):
......@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
reference_type = Locator
# a list of field name to store in course index search_targets. Note, this will
# only record one value per key. If the draft and published disagree, the last one set wins.
# a list of field names to store in course index search_targets. Note, this will
# only record one value per key. If branches disagree, the last one set wins.
# It won't recompute the value on operations such as update_course_index (e.g., to revert to a prev
# version) but those functions will have an optional arg for setting these.
SEARCH_TARGET_DICT = ['wiki_slug']
......@@ -997,6 +997,9 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
master_branch: the tag (key) for the version name in the dict which is the DRAFT version. Not the actual
version guid, but what to call it.
search_targets: a dict of search key and value. For example, wiki_slug. Add any fields whose edits
should change the search targets to SplitMongoModuleStore.SEARCH_TARGET dict
versions_dict: the starting version ids where the keys are the tags such as DRAFT and PUBLISHED
and the values are structure guids. If provided, the new course will reuse this version (unless you also
provide any fields overrides, see above). if not provided, will create a mostly empty course
......@@ -1887,13 +1890,13 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Find all the courses which cached that they have the given field with the given value.
Returns: list of course_keys
Returns: list of branch-agnostic course_keys
entries = self.db_connection.find_matching_course_indexes(
{'search_targets.{}'.format(field_name): field_value}
return [
CourseLocator(entry['org'], entry['course'], entry['run']) # which branch? TODO
CourseLocator(entry['org'], entry['course'], entry['run']) # Branch agnostic
for entry in entries
......@@ -1901,7 +1904,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Return the list of courses which use this wiki_slug
:param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
:return: list of course locations
:return: list of course keys
return self.find_courses_by_search_target('wiki_slug', wiki_slug)
......@@ -648,18 +648,21 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
# Test XML wikis
course_locations ='toy')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 1)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.XML_COURSEID1], course_locations)
wiki_courses ='toy')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 1)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.XML_COURSEID1].course_key, wiki_courses)
course_locations ='simple')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 1)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.XML_COURSEID2], course_locations)
wiki_courses ='simple')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 1)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.XML_COURSEID2].course_key, wiki_courses)
# Test Mongo wiki
course_locations ='999')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 1)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID], course_locations)
wiki_courses ='999')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 1)
self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID].course_key.replace(branch=None), # Branch agnostic
self.assertEqual(len('edX.simple.2012_Fall')), 0)
self.assertEqual(len('no_such_wiki')), 0)
......@@ -744,7 +747,6 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(, PublishState.draft)'draft', 'split')
def test_get_courses_for_wiki_shared(self, default_ms):
......@@ -753,8 +755,11 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
# verify initial state - initially, we should have a wiki for the Mongo course
course_locations ='999')
self.assertEqual([self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID]], course_locations)
wiki_courses ='999')
self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID].course_key.replace(branch=None), # Branch agnostic
# set Mongo course to share the wiki with simple course
mongo_course =[self.MONGO_COURSEID].course_key)
......@@ -762,23 +767,40 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):, self.user_id)
# now mongo_course should not be retrievable with old wiki_slug
course_locations ='999')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 0)
wiki_courses ='999')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 0)
# but there should be two courses with wiki_slug 'simple'
course_locations ='simple')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 2)
for cid in [self.MONGO_COURSEID, self.XML_COURSEID2]:
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[cid], course_locations)
wiki_courses ='simple')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 2)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.XML_COURSEID2].course_key, wiki_courses)
# configure mongo course to use unique wiki_slug.
mongo_course =[self.MONGO_COURSEID].course_key)
mongo_course.wiki_slug = 'MITx.999.2013_Spring', self.user_id)
# it should be retrievable with its new wiki_slug
course_locations ='MITx.999.2013_Spring')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 1)
self.assertIn(self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID], course_locations)
wiki_courses ='MITx.999.2013_Spring')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 1)
# and NOT retriveable with its old wiki_slug
wiki_courses ='simple')
self.assertEqual(len(wiki_courses), 1)
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ class TestMongoModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
for course_number in
course_locations = self.draft_store.get_courses_for_wiki(course_number)
assert_equals(len(course_locations), 1)
assert_equals(Location('edX', course_number, '2012_Fall', 'course', '2012_Fall'), course_locations[0])
assert_equals(SlashSeparatedCourseKey('edX', course_number, '2012_Fall'), course_locations[0])
course_locations = self.draft_store.get_courses_for_wiki('no_such_wiki')
assert_equals(len(course_locations), 0)
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ class TestMongoModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
course_locations = self.draft_store.get_courses_for_wiki('simple')
assert_equals(len(course_locations), 2)
for course_number in ['toy', 'simple']:
assert_in(Location('edX', course_number, '2012_Fall', 'course', '2012_Fall'), course_locations)
assert_in(SlashSeparatedCourseKey('edX', course_number, '2012_Fall'), course_locations)
# configure simple course to use unique wiki_slug.
simple_course = self.draft_store.get_course(SlashSeparatedCourseKey('edX', 'simple', '2012_Fall'))
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ class TestMongoModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
# it should be retrievable with its new wiki_slug
course_locations = self.draft_store.get_courses_for_wiki('edX.simple.2012_Fall')
assert_equals(len(course_locations), 1)
assert_in(Location('edX', 'simple', '2012_Fall', 'course', '2012_Fall'), course_locations)
assert_in(SlashSeparatedCourseKey('edX', 'simple', '2012_Fall'), course_locations)
@Plugin.register_temp_plugin(ReferenceTestXBlock, 'ref_test')
def test_reference_converters(self):
......@@ -1395,10 +1395,12 @@ class TestCourseCreation(SplitModuleTest):
self.assertEqual(index_info['edited_by'], 'create_user')
# check structure info
structure_info = modulestore().get_course_history_info(new_locator)
# TODO uncomment these lines once bulk updater implemented; right now, these will not
# pass because create_course calls update_item resulting in two versions. Bulk updater will fix this.
# TODO LMS-11098 "Implement bulk_write in Split"
# Right now, these assertions will not pass because create_course calls update_item,
# resulting in two versions. Bulk updater will fix this.
# self.assertEqual(structure_info['original_version'], index_info['versions'][BRANCH_NAME_DRAFT])
# self.assertIsNone(structure_info['previous_version'])
self.assertEqual(structure_info['edited_by'], 'create_user')
# check the returned course object
self.assertIsInstance(new_course, CourseDescriptor)
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class TestXMLModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
for course in store.get_courses():
course_locations = store.get_courses_for_wiki(course.wiki_slug)
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 1)
self.assertIn(course.location, course_locations)
self.assertIn(course.location.course_key, course_locations)
course_locations = store.get_courses_for_wiki('no_such_wiki')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 0)
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class TestXMLModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
course_locations = store.get_courses_for_wiki('simple')
self.assertEqual(len(course_locations), 2)
for course_number in ['toy', 'simple']:
self.assertIn(Location('edX', course_number, '2012_Fall', 'course', '2012_Fall'), course_locations)
self.assertIn(SlashSeparatedCourseKey('edX', course_number, '2012_Fall'), course_locations)
def test_has_course(self):
......@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreReadBase):
:return: list of course locations
courses = self.get_courses()
return [course.location for course in courses if (course.wiki_slug == wiki_slug)]
return [course.location.course_key for course in courses if (course.wiki_slug == wiki_slug)]
def heartbeat(self):
......@@ -27,20 +27,25 @@ def user_is_article_course_staff(user, article):
if wiki_slug is None:
return False
modstore = modulestore.django.modulestore()
return _has_wiki_staff_access(user, wiki_slug, modstore)
def _has_wiki_staff_access(user, wiki_slug, modstore):
"""Returns whether the user has staff access to the wiki represented by wiki_slug"""
course_keys = modstore.get_courses_for_wiki(wiki_slug)
# The wiki expects article slugs to contain at least one non-digit so if
# the course number is just a number the course wiki root slug is set to
# be '<course_number>_'. This means slug '202_' can belong to either
# course numbered '202_' or '202' and so we need to consider both.
if wiki_slug.endswith('_') and slug_is_numerical(wiki_slug[:-1]):
courses = modulestore.django.modulestore().get_courses_for_wiki(wiki_slug)
if any(courseware.access.has_access(user, 'staff', course, course.course_key) for course in courses):
return True
if (wiki_slug.endswith('_') and slug_is_numerical(wiki_slug[:-1])):
courses = modulestore.django.modulestore().get_courses_for_wiki(wiki_slug[:-1])
if any(courseware.access.has_access(user, 'staff', course, course.course_key) for course in courses):
for course_key in course_keys:
course = modstore.get_course(course_key)
if courseware.access.has_access(user, 'staff', course, course_key):
return True
return False
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