Commit cf9db7ee by Muhammad Ammar Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13402 from edx/ammar/update-label-extract-logic

update question tag extraction logic
parents c5de73a7 d85cdcac
......@@ -942,11 +942,21 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
# store <label> tag containing question text to delete
# it later otherwise question will be rendered twice
element_to_be_deleted = responsetype_label_tag
elif 'label' not in inputfields[0].attrib:
elif 'label' in inputfields[0].attrib:
# in this case we have old problems with label attribute and p tag having question in it
# we will pick the first sibling of responsetype if its a p tag and match the text with
# the label attribute text. if they are equal then we will use this text as question.
# Get first <p> tag before responsetype, this <p> may contains the question text.
p_tag = response.xpath('preceding-sibling::*[1][self::p]')
if p_tag and p_tag[0].text == inputfields[0].attrib['label']:
label = p_tag[0].text
element_to_be_deleted = p_tag[0]
# In this case the problems don't have tag or label attribute inside the responsetype
# so we will get the first preceding label tag w.r.t to this responsetype.
# This will take care of those multi-question problems that are not using --- in their markdown.
label_tag = response.xpath('preceding-sibling::label[1]')
label_tag = response.xpath('preceding-sibling::*[1][self::label]')
if label_tag:
label = label_tag[0].text
element_to_be_deleted = label_tag[0]
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import unittest
from . import new_loncapa_problem
class CAPAProblemTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" CAPA problem related tests"""
......@@ -66,14 +67,14 @@ class CAPAProblemTest(unittest.TestCase):
'label': '',
'label': question,
'descriptions': {}
def test_neither_label_tag_nor_attribute(self):
......@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ class CAPAProblemTest(unittest.TestCase):
'label': '',
'label': question,
'descriptions': {}
......@@ -361,6 +362,68 @@ class CAPAProblemTest(unittest.TestCase):
question = problem_html.xpath("//*[normalize-space(text())='{}']".format(question))
self.assertEqual(len(question), 1)
def assert_question_tag(self, question1, question2, tag, label_attr=False):
Verify question tag correctness.
question1_tag = '<{tag}>{}</{tag}>'.format(question1, tag=tag) if question1 else ''
question2_tag = '<{tag}>{}</{tag}>'.format(question2, tag=tag) if question2 else ''
question1_label_attr = 'label="{}"'.format(question1) if label_attr else ''
question2_label_attr = 'label="{}"'.format(question2) if label_attr else ''
xml = """
<checkboxgroup {question1_label_attr}>
<choice correct="true">choice1</choice>
<choice correct="false">choice2</choice>
<choicegroup type="MultipleChoice" {question2_label_attr}>
<choice correct="false">choice1</choice>
<choice correct="true">choice2</choice>
problem = new_loncapa_problem(xml)
'label': question1,
'descriptions': {}
'label': question2,
'descriptions': {}
self.assertEqual(len(problem.tree.xpath('//{}'.format(tag))), 0)
{'question1': 'question 1 label', 'question2': 'question 2 label'},
{'question1': '', 'question2': 'question 2 label'},
{'question1': 'question 1 label', 'question2': ''}
def test_correct_question_tag_is_picked(self, question1, question2):
For a problem with multiple questions verify that correct question tag is picked.
self.assert_question_tag(question1, question2, tag='label', label_attr=False)
self.assert_question_tag(question1, question2, tag='p', label_attr=True)
class CAPAMultiInputProblemTest(unittest.TestCase):
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