Commit ce53392a by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #12335 from edx/christina/tnl-4193

HTML-encode string values in keyword substitution.
parents b5ab6450 76545ef4
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ file and check it in at the same time as your model changes. To do that,
import logging
import markupsafe
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
......@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ class CourseEmailTemplate(models.Model):
which is rendered using format() with the provided `context` dict.
Any keywords encoded in the form %%KEYWORD%% found in the message
body are subtituted with user data before the body is inserted into
body are substituted with user data before the body is inserted into
the template.
Output is returned as a unicode string. It is not encoded as utf-8.
......@@ -215,6 +216,10 @@ class CourseEmailTemplate(models.Model):
Convert HTML text body (`htmltext`) into HTML email message using the
stored HTML template and the provided `context` dict.
# HTML-escape string values in the context (used for keyword substitution).
for key, value in context.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, basestring):
context[key] = markupsafe.escape(value)
return CourseEmailTemplate._render(self.html_template, htmltext, context)
......@@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ class CourseEmailTemplateTest(TestCase):
context['course_image_url'] = "/location/of/course/image/url"
return context
def _add_xss_fields(self, context):
""" Add fields to the context for XSS testing. """
context['course_title'] = "<script>alert('Course Title!');</alert>"
context['name'] = "<script>alert('Profile Name!');</alert>"
# Must have user_id and course_id present in order to do keyword substitution
context['user_id'] = 12345
context['course_id'] = "course-v1:edx+100+1"
return context
def test_get_template(self):
# Get the default template, which has name=None
template = CourseEmailTemplate.get_template()
......@@ -134,11 +143,31 @@ class CourseEmailTemplateTest(TestCase):
context = self._get_sample_html_context()
template.render_htmltext("My new html text.", context)
def test_render_html_xss(self):
template = CourseEmailTemplate.get_template()
context = self._add_xss_fields(self._get_sample_html_context())
message = template.render_htmltext(
"Dear %%USER_FULLNAME%%, thanks for enrolling in %%COURSE_DISPLAY_NAME%%.", context
self.assertNotIn("<script>", message)
self.assertIn("&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;Course Title!&#39;);&lt;/alert&gt;", message)
self.assertIn("&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;Profile Name!&#39;);&lt;/alert&gt;", message)
def test_render_plain(self):
template = CourseEmailTemplate.get_template()
context = self._get_sample_plain_context()
template.render_plaintext("My new plain text.", context)
def test_render_plain_no_escaping(self):
template = CourseEmailTemplate.get_template()
context = self._add_xss_fields(self._get_sample_plain_context())
message = template.render_plaintext(
"Dear %%USER_FULLNAME%%, thanks for enrolling in %%COURSE_DISPLAY_NAME%%.", context
self.assertNotIn("&lt;script&gt;", message)
self.assertIn(context['course_title'], message)
self.assertIn(context['name'], message)
class CourseAuthorizationTest(TestCase):
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