Commit ce363853 by Calen Pennington

Make inline editing save to mongo and then update the preview

parent ff002e35
......@@ -327,7 +327,10 @@ def load_preview_module(request, preview_id, descriptor, instance_state, shared_
'location': descriptor.location.url(),
'editor_content': descriptor.get_html(),
'editor_type': descriptor.js_module_name,
'editor_class': descriptor.__class__.__name__,
# TODO (cpennington): Make descriptors know if they have data that can be editng
'editable_data': descriptor.definition.get('data'),
'editable_class': 'editable' if descriptor.definition.get('data') else '',
......@@ -396,7 +399,7 @@ def save_item(request):
export_to_github(course, "CMS Edit", author_string)
descriptor = modulestore().get_item(item_location)
preview_html = get_module_previews(request, descriptor)
preview_html = get_module_previews(request, descriptor)[0]
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(preview_html))
......@@ -5,24 +5,12 @@ class CMS.Models.Module extends Backbone.Model
children: ''
metadata: {}
loadModule: (element) ->
elt = $(element).find('.xmodule_edit').first()
@module = XModule.loadModule(elt)
# find the metadata edit region which should be setup server side,
# so that we can wire up posting back those changes
@metadata_elt = $(element).find('.metadata_edit')
editUrl: ->
"/edit_item?#{$.param(id: @get('id'))}"
initialize: (attributes) ->
@module = attributes.module
delete attributes.module
save: (args...) ->
@set(data: if @module
# cdodge: package up metadata which is separated into a number of input fields
# there's probably a better way to do this, but at least this lets me continue to move onwards
if @metadata_elt
_metadata = {}
# walk through the set of elments which have the 'xmetadata_name' attribute and
# build up a object to pass back to the server on the subsequent POST
_metadata[$(el).data("metadata-name")]=el.value for el in $('[data-metadata-name]', @metadata_elt)
@set(metadata: _metadata)
class CMS.Views.ModuleEdit extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'section'
className: 'edit-pane'
'click .cancel': 'cancel'
'click .module-edit': 'editSubmodule'
'click .save-update': 'save'
tagName: 'div'
className: 'xmodule_edit'
initialize: ->
@$el.load @model.editUrl(), =>
# Load preview modules
@$children = @$el.find('#sortable')
enableDrag: =>
# Enable dragging things in the #sortable div (if there is one)
if @$children.length > 0
placeholder: "ui-state-highlight"
update: (event, ui) =>
@model.set(children: @$children.find('.module-edit').map(
(idx, el) -> $(el).data('id')
@$component_editor = @$el.find('.component-editor')
@$metadata = @$component_editor.find('.metadata_edit')
delegate: ->
id = @$'id')
events = {}
events["click .component-editor[data-id=#{ id }] .cancel-button"] = 'cancel'
events["click .component-editor[data-id=#{ id }] .save-button"] = 'save'
events["click .component-actions[data-id=#{ id }] .edit-button"] = 'edit'
metadata: ->
# cdodge: package up metadata which is separated into a number of input fields
# there's probably a better way to do this, but at least this lets me continue to move onwards
_metadata = {}
if @$metadata
# walk through the set of elments which have the 'xmetadata_name' attribute and
# build up a object to pass back to the server on the subsequent POST
_metadata[$(el).data("metadata-name")] = el.value for el in $('[data-metadata-name]', @$metadata)
save: (event) =>
event.preventDefault() =>
metadata: @metadata()
).done((preview) =>
alert("Your changes have been saved.")
previews_section = @$el.find('.previews').empty()
$.each(previews, (idx, preview) =>
preview_wrapper = $('<section/>', class: 'preview').append preview
previews_section.append preview_wrapper
new_el = $(preview)
@$el = new_el
@model.module = XModule.loadModule(@$el)
).fail( ->
alert("There was an error saving your changes. Please try again.")
cancel: (event) ->
editSubmodule: (event) ->
edit: (event) ->
previewType = $('preview-type')
moduleType = $('type')
CMS.pushView new CMS.Views.ModuleEdit
model: new CMS.Models.Module
id: $('id')
type: if moduleType == 'None' then null else moduleType
previewType: if previewType == 'None' then null else previewType
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class @Sequence
@mark_active new_position
@$('#seq_content').html @contents.eq(new_position - 1).text()
XModule.loadModules('display', @$('#seq_content'))
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "seq_content"]) # NOTE: Actually redundant. Some other MathJax call also being performed
window.update_schematics() # For embedded circuit simulator exercises in 6.002x
@XModule =
Load a single module (either an edit module or a display module)
from the supplied element, which should have a data-type attribute
specifying the class to load
loadModule: (element) ->
moduleType = $(element).data('type')
if moduleType == 'None'
Load a single module (either an edit module or a display module)
from the supplied element, which should have a data-type attribute
specifying the class to load
loadModule: (element) ->
moduleType = $(element).data('type')
if moduleType == 'None'
new window[moduleType](element)
catch error
console.error "Unable to load #{moduleType}: #{error.message}" if console
$(element).data('module', new window[moduleType](element))
$(document).trigger('XModule.loaded', [element])
catch error
console.error "Unable to load #{moduleType}: #{error.message}" if console
Load all modules on the page of the specified type.
If container is provided, only load modules inside that element
Type is one of 'display' or 'edit'
loadModules: (type, container) ->
selector = ".xmodule_#{type}"
Load all modules on the page of the specified type.
If container is provided, only load modules inside that element
Type is one of 'display' or 'edit'
loadModules: (container) ->
selector = ".xmodule_edit, .xmodule_display"
if container?
modules = $(container).find(selector)
modules = $(selector)
if container?
modules = $(container).find(selector)
modules = $(selector)
modules.each (idx, element) -> XModule.loadModule element
modules.each (idx, element) -> XModule.loadModule element
<div class="xmodule_edit xmodule_${class_} ${editable_class}" data-type="${module_name}">
<div class="xmodule_edit xmodule_${editor_class} ${editable_class}" data-type="${editor_type}" data-id="${location}">
<%include file="xmodule_display.html"/>
% if editable_data:
<div class="component-actions">
<div class="component-actions" data-id="${location}">
<a href="#" class="edit-button"><span class="edit-icon white"></span>Edit</a>
<a href="#" class="delete-button"><span class="delete-icon white"></span>Delete</a>
<div class="component-editor">
<div class="component-editor" data-id="${location}">
<a href="#" class="save-button">Save</a>
<a href="#" class="cancel-button">Cancel</a>
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class @Courseware
new Courseware
render: ->
$('.course-content .histogram').each ->
id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/histogram_/, '')
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