Commit cdd54fc1 by Jim Abramson

Merge pull request #2264 from edx/jsa/fix-forums-links-rc

fix 2 links that were broken during i18n changes.
parents d35a56bc e033df9c
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<h1>${'<%- title %>'}</h1>
<p class="posted-details">
${"<% if (obj.username) { %>"}
<a href="${'<%- user_url %>' | u}" class="username">${'<%- username %>'}</a>
<a href="${'<%- user_url %>'}" class="username">${'<%- username %>'}</a>
${"<% } else { %>"}
${_('anonymous') | h}
${"<% } %>"}
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<% js_block = u"""
var courseware_link = interpolate('<a href="%s">%s</a>', [courseware_url, _.escape(courseware_title)]);
print(interpolate('{}', {{'courseware_title_linked': courseware_link}}));
print(interpolate('{}', {{'courseware_title_linked': courseware_link}}, true));
## Translators: 'courseware_title_linked' is a placeholder for the title of the courseware unit referenced by this discussion thread.
escapejs(_("(this post is about %(courseware_title_linked)s)"))
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