Commit cd60e627 by Carol Tong Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14851 from edx/carol/FixHelpLinks

Fix Studio help links affected by guide reorg
parents d3ddb2ae 8ddb5cf8
......@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ pdf_file = edx-partner-course-staff.pdf
# below are the sub-paths to the documentation for the various pages
# NOTE: If any of these page settings change, then their corresponding test should be updated
# in edx-platform/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/help.feature
# in edx-platform/common/test/acceptance/tests/studio/
default = index.html
home = get_started.html
home = getting_started/CA_get_started_Studio.html
develop_course = developing_course/index.html
outline = developing_course/course_outline.html
unit = developing_course/course_units.html
......@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ grading = grading/index.html
team_course = set_up_course/course_staffing.html#add-course-team-members
team_library = course_components/libraries.html#give-other-users-access-to-your-library
advanced = index.html
checklist = set_up_course/creating_new_course.html#use-the-course-checklist
checklist = set_up_course/creating_new_course.html
import_library = course_components/libraries.html#import-a-library
import_course = releasing_course/export_import_course.html#import-a-course
export_library = course_components/libraries.html#export-a-library
export_course = releasing_course/export_import_course.html#export-a-course
welcome = get_started.html
login = get_started.html
register = get_started.html
welcome = getting_started/index.html
login = getting_started/index.html
register = getting_started/index.html
content_libraries = course_components/libraries.html
content_groups = course_features/cohorts/cohorted_courseware.html
group_configurations = course_features/content_experiments/content_experiments_configure.html#set-up-group-configurations-in-edx-studio
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pdf_file = open-edx-learner-guide.pdf
# below are the sub-paths to the documentation for the various pages
# NOTE: If any of these page settings change, then their corresponding test should be updated
# in edx-platform/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/help.feature
# in edx-platform/common/test/acceptance/tests/lms/
default = index.html
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