Commit cc40a3c0 by cjt

updated schematic tool files

parent 73622538
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
this.devices = []; // list of devices
this.device_map = new Array(); // map name -> device
this.voltage_sources = []; // list of voltage sources
this.finalized = false;
this.diddc = false;
......@@ -104,10 +105,14 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var type = component[0];
// ignore wires, ground connections, scope probes and view info
if (type == 'view' || type == 'w' || type == 'g' || type == 's' || type == 'L') continue;
if (type == 'view' || type == 'w' || type == 'g' || type == 's' || type == 'L') {
var properties = component[2];
var name = properties['name'];
if (name==undefined || name=='')
name = '_' + properties['_json_'].toString();
// convert node names to circuit indicies
var connections = component[3];
......@@ -134,11 +139,9 @@ cktsim = (function() {
else if (type == 'o') // op amp
else if (type == 'n') // n fet
else if (type == 'p') // p fet
......@@ -214,10 +217,16 @@ cktsim = (function() {
this.diddc = true;
// create solution dictionary
var result = new Array();
// capture node voltages
for (var name in this.node_map) {
var index = this.node_map[name];
result[name] = (index == -1) ? 0 : this.solution[index];
// capture branch currents from voltage sources
for (var i = this.voltage_sources.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var v = this.voltage_sources[i];
result['I('')'] = this.solution[v.branch];
return result;
......@@ -457,6 +466,12 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var index = this.node_map[name];
result[name] = (index == -1) ? 0 : response[index];
// capture branch currents from voltage sources
for (var i = this.voltage_sources.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var v = this.voltage_sources[i];
result['I('')'] = response[v.branch];
result['time'] = response[this.N];
return result;
......@@ -537,6 +552,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
Circuit.prototype.add_device = function(d,name) {
// Add device to list of devices and to device map
this.devices.push(d); = name;
if (name) {
if (this.device_map[name] === undefined)
this.device_map[name] = d;
......@@ -599,6 +615,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
Circuit.prototype.v = function(n1,n2,v,name) {
var branch = this.node(undefined,T_CURRENT);
var d = new VSource(n1,n2,branch,v);
return this.add_device(d, name);
......@@ -1029,9 +1046,11 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// argument is a string describing the source's value (see comments for details)
// source types: dc,step,square,triangle,sin,pulse,pwl,pwlr
// source types: dc,step,square,triangle,sin,pulse,pwl,pwl_repeating
// returns an object with the following attributes:
// fun -- name of source function
// args -- list of argument values
// value(t) -- compute source value at time t
// inflection_point(t) -- compute time after t when a time point is needed
// dc -- value at time 0
......@@ -1071,32 +1090,35 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// post-processing for constant sources
// dc(v)
if ( == 'dc') {
var value = src.args[0];
if (value === undefined) value = 0;
src.value = function(t) { return value; } // closure
var v = arg_value(src.args,0,0);
src.args = [v];
src.value = function(t) { return v; } // closure
// post-processing for step sources
// step(v_init,v_plateau,t_delay,t_rise,t_fall)
// step(v_init,v_plateau,t_delay,t_rise)
else if ( == 'step') {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var td = Math.max(0,arg_value(src.args,2,0)); // time step starts
var tr = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,3,1e-9)); // default rise time: 1ns
src.args = [v1,v2,td,tr]; // remember any defaulted values
// post-processing for square wave
// square(v_init,v_plateau,t_period)
// square(v_init,v_plateau,freq)
else if ( == 'square') {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1s
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1Hz
src.args = [v1,v2,freq]; // remember any defaulted values
var per = freq == 0 ? Infinity : 1/freq;
var t_change = 0.01 * per; // rise and fall time
var t_pw = 0.49 * per; // half the cycle minus rise and fall time
// post-processing for triangle
......@@ -1105,6 +1127,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1s
src.args = [v1,v2,freq]; // remember any defaulted values
var per = freq == 0 ? Infinity : 1/freq;
......@@ -1112,8 +1135,8 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// post-processing for pwl and pwlr sources
// pwl[r](t1,v1,t2,v2,...)
else if ( == 'pwl' || == 'pwlr') {
pwl_source(src,src.args, == 'pwlr');
else if ( == 'pwl' || == 'pwl_repeating') {
pwl_source(src,src.args, == 'pwl_repeating');
// post-processing for pulsed sources
......@@ -1122,18 +1145,18 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var v1 = arg_value(src.args,0,0); // default init value: 0V
var v2 = arg_value(src.args,1,1); // default plateau value: 1V
var td = Math.max(0,arg_value(src.args,2,0)); // time pulse starts
var tr = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,3,1e-9)); // default rise time: 1ns
var tf = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,4,1e-9)); // default rise time: 1ns
var pw = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,5,1e9)); // default pulse width: "infinite"
var per = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,6,1e9)); // default period: "infinite"
src.args = [v1,v2,td,tr,tf,pw,per];
var t1 = td; // time when v1 -> v2 transition starts
var t2 = t1 + tr; // time when v1 -> v2 transition ends
var t3 = t2 + pw; // time when v2 -> v1 transition starts
var t4 = t3 + tf; // time when v2 -> v1 transition ends
pwl_source(src,[t1,v1, t2,v2, t3,v2, t4,v1, per,v1],true);
// post-processing for sinusoidal sources
......@@ -1144,16 +1167,14 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var freq = Math.abs(arg_value(src.args,2,1)); // default frequency: 1Hz
var td = Math.max(0,arg_value(src.args,3,0)); // default time delay: 0sec
var phase = arg_value(src.args,4,0); // default phase offset: 0 degrees
src.args = [voffset,va,freq,td,phase];
phase /= 360.0;
// return value of source at time t
src.value = function(t) { // closure
if (t < td) return voffset + va*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*phase);
else {
var val = voffset + va*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*(freq*(t - td) + phase));
return val;
else return voffset + va*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*(freq*(t - td) + phase));
// return time of next inflection point after time t
......@@ -1163,9 +1184,6 @@ cktsim = (function() {
// to do:
// post-processing for piece-wise linear sources
// object has all the necessary info to compute the source value and inflection points
src.dc = src.value(0); // DC value is value at time 0
return src;
......@@ -1531,6 +1549,7 @@ cktsim = (function() {
var module = {
'Circuit': Circuit,
'parse_number': parse_number,
'parse_source': parse_source,
return module;
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